The issue is and has been that we are not in a position to be bad enough to draft an impact QB. The last time that we were, we won superbowls. We never had our blow it up and start over moment, because JJ the businessman has established that being relevant is more important than winning the SB. To be relevant we can never blow it up.. we have to add pieces here and there each year with no direction of who is our identity from year to year.
We can't win the SB until we change the QB, we can change the QB until we blow it up. We can't blow it up, until we're ok to be bad for a few years.
Once the Lions... yes, the Detroit Lions who were ran into the ground by the Fords for the better part of 30 years got it right. There really is no more excuses anymore. People are asking to change the GM.. when we really need to see this team bottom out and start over just one time to setup the next 15 years.