Arlen Specter - You da man. (Cheatriots)

theebs;1935898 said:
spygate again?

If you think the pats need to cheat to win, watch more football. There is nobody else like them.

Let it go already.

And if specter wants to make himself useful, go take care of gamblers and steroid abusers and doctors who are giving them to athletes.

Sypgate is the last thing a specter should be worried about.

FWIW-Elizabeth Dole is a Panthers fan, Bob Casey is a Steelers fan, Chuck Schumer is a Jets fan, John Warner is a Skins fan, and George Bush is a Cowboys fan...but en yet, none of these people are making a big fuss over Spygame.

Pt being that Spector is a DIE-HARD EAGLES fan, your pretty much typical whiney, crybaby, and mean-spirited football fan. It's no surprise he's pulling this stunt.
tyke1doe;1936804 said:
Wow. Simply. Wow.

What ESPN or Vegas does with injury reports is their business.
That has nothing to do with the NFL being in cohoots with gambling.

You can't be this dense.

It is MANDATORY for NFL teams to release injury reports, Nancy.

And where did I say the NFL was in cahoots with gambling? I said you're freakin' NAIVE if you believe they don't ENCOURAGE it. It doesn't mean they're in "Cahoots" with it.

And I return you your own "Wow. Simply. Wow" cuz I can't believe a person can be so freakin' ignorant to think the NFL doesn't "Encourage" gambling.

Here's another...

Wow. Simply. WOW.
Boysboy;1936810 said:
FWIW-Elizabeth Dole is a Panthers fan, Bob Casey is a Steelers fan, Chuck Schumer is a Jets fan, John Warner is a Skins fan, and George Bush is a Cowboys fan...but en yet, none of these people are making a big fuss over Spygame.

Pt being that Spector is a DIE-HARD EAGLES fan, your pretty much typical whiney, crybaby, and mean-spirited football fan. It's no surprise he's pulling this stunt.

I don't give a crap what team he roots for. It's about time SOMEONE said something about it.

Just cuz the eagles lost to them is no reason NOT so support Spector. The NFL gave the pats a slap on the wrist then destroyed the evidence. The media complied and pretty much forgot about the whole thing. Not only that, but they did the opposite and pretty much PRAISED them every chance they got.

As a fan of the GAME, I want to know if the integrity of the game was violated.

And it doesn't even have to do with gambling (I don't gamble). I pay a lot of money every year for my Sunday Ticket. If the integrity of the game has been violated and the Pats cheated their way to 3 superbowl wins, I'd want my money back. I know I won't get it, but I guarantee you I'll cancel my sunday ticket.

Not supporting Spector in this matter just cuz he's an eagles fan is just as dumb as an eagles fan not supporting a senator doing the same thing if that senator were a cowboys fan.
First, it's amazing that a thread this laced with politics is still getting this kind of activity without being moved.

Second, it's strange at the very least that Goodell was so quick to get rid of "evidence" that he didn't have confidence his own league security could keep secure.

What else is going on that the fans aren't supposed to know about?

It smells worse than 3-week-old tuna.

That is all. :rolleyes:
Rack;1936827 said:
I don't give a crap what team he roots for. It's about time SOMEONE said something about it.

What I cannot understand, Rack, and I've thought about it since all this Spygate came out, is just how did the Pats become so damn good almost overnight after Belicheik(sp..Mumbles) became their coach? :confused:

I have not seen or ever heard of a loser club becoming so dominant so fast. Something had to be going on and I don't subscribe to theebs thinking that Mumbles is the best coach the NFL has ever seen.

Something fishy was going on with the Pats, and whether it's the Govs concern or not, someone has to look into this stuff.

If you have nothing to hide...why destroy any evidence to the contrary?


And tyke1doe is a typical newspaper man...he writes things that he really has not actually thought about...just for the shock value!
Rack;1936819 said:
You can't be this dense.

It is MANDATORY for NFL teams to release injury reports, Nancy.

And where did I say the NFL was in cahoots with gambling? I said you're freakin' NAIVE if you believe they don't ENCOURAGE it. It doesn't mean they're in "Cahoots" with it.

And I return you your own "Wow. Simply. Wow" cuz I can't believe a person can be so freakin' ignorant to think the NFL doesn't "Encourage" gambling.

Here's another...

Wow. Simply. WOW.

But, Donna, could it be possible that the injury report serves a greater purpose than providing gamblers with insight on who's playing?

Could it not be an effort by the NFL to be transparent with the issues of injuries, to possibly be forthcoming with information that doesn't interfere with the integrity of the game?

Secondly, Donna, if I take your argument at face value, then merely offering a starting lineup is aiding and abetting gambling because fans know who is scheduled to play and who is not.

Shirley, Donna, you have more information and a stronger link than just offering the injury report as an example of the NFL encouraging betting? ;)
tyke1doe;1936882 said:
But, Donna, could it be possible that the injury report serves a greater purpose than providing gamblers with insight on who's playing?

Could it not be an effort by the NFL to be transparent with the issues of injuries, to possibly be forthcoming with information that doesn't interfere with the integrity of the game?

Secondly, Donna, if I take your argument at face value, then merely offering a starting lineup is aiding and abetting gambling because fans know who is scheduled to play and who is not.

Shirley, Donna, you have more information and a stronger link than just offering the injury report as an example of the NFL encouraging betting? ;)
all sports encourage betting. think about it
Rampage;1936891 said:
all sports encourage betting. think about it

But that's sports as an activity not sports as an entity that encourages gambling.

Big difference.

The NFL can't help if people gamble on games. But the NFL can separate itself as much as possible from gambling by discouraging it in its ranks, especially when it creates a perception that it calls into question the integrity of the game.

Or if I can use a personal example: I used to fight in karate tournament because I love the sport. That creates an opportunity for someone to bet on my match, whether I'll win or lose.

Should I not participate in sports because people bet? No.

I can't be held responsible if someone bets on my match. If they do, it's because they enjoy betting on sports, the activity, not because I as a person or the karate sensis (the sports entitites, in this case) encouraged betting.
tyke1doe;1936899 said:
But that's sports as an activity not sports as an entity that encourages gambling.

Big difference.

The NFL can't help if people gamble on games. But the NFL can separate itself as much as possible from gambling by discouraging it in its ranks, especially when it creates a perception that it calls into question the integrity of the game.

Or if I can use a personal example: I used to fight in karate tournament because I love the sport. That creates an opportunity for someone to bet on my match, whether I'll win or lose.

Should I not participate in sports because people bet? No.

I can't be held responsible if someone bets on my match. If they do, it's because they enjoy betting on sports, the activity, not because I as a person or the karate sensis (the sports entitites, in this case) encouraged betting.

How many time are you going to keep editing your post? :confused:

Is it because you are swimming? What rampage said is true...and the NFL may not come out publicly and say they promote gambling...they do.

5Stars;1936908 said:
How many time are you going to keep editing your post? :confused:

I edit my post in case I've made a spelling error or if I want to add an additional comment and not start another post.

Is it because you are swimming? What rampage said is true...and the NFL may not come out publicly and say they promote gambling...they do.



By offering an injury report? :confused:

If there are legitimate reasons why the NFL lists an injury report, you can't say with any certainty that the NFL encourages betting, especially not enough for it to be considered truth.

I can only go by what the NFL says and its policies. And gambling is frowned upon in all sports, particularly when there's a link between gambling and the sport itself.
tyke1doe;1936921 said:
I edit my post in case I've made a spelling error or if I want to add an additional comment and not start another post.


By offering an injury report? :confused:

If there are legitimate reasons why the NFL lists an injury report, you can't say with any certainty that the NFL encourages betting, especially not enough for it to be considered truth.

I can only go by what the NFL says and its policies. And gambling is frowned upon in all sports, particularly when there's a link between gambling and the sport itself.

True, but that pertains to the participants of the sport. Why give an injury list then? For the fun of it? To let the other team know how do beat you?


(hold on, I might have something else to add in a minute)...:eek:
5Stars;1936928 said:
True, but that pertains to the participants of the sport. Why give an injury list then? For the fun of it? To let the other team know how do beat you?


(hold on, I might have something else to add in a minute)...:eek:

Because of transparency and because you want to fully disclose the nature of player's injuries.

It can be as simple as that.

And please do add something else. It might help your argument. :D ;)
tyke1doe;1936932 said:
Because of transparency and because you want to fully disclose the nature of player's injuries.

It can be as simple as that.

And please do add something else. It might help your argument. :D ;)

Same old song I see.... "add something else it might help your arguement":rolleyes:

You are less and less credible with every post.
Just because you disagree with someones argument doesnt make yours right.... no matter how much you spin it.
tyke1doe;1936932 said:
Because of transparency and because you want to fully disclose the nature of player's injuries.

It can be as simple as that.

And please do add something else. It might help your argument. :D ;)

Oh, that's smart!

Hey, anyone want to come over to my house and fight me and my three brothers? You must know, first, that two of my brothers don't have arms or legs...

How much you wanna bet me and my brothers win?

arlen specter.. what a jerk. magic bullet my *** arlen.
tyke1doe;1936882 said:
But, Donna, could it be possible that the injury report serves a greater purpose than providing gamblers with insight on who's playing?

Could it not be an effort by the NFL to be transparent with the issues of injuries, to possibly be forthcoming with information that doesn't interfere with the integrity of the game?

Is this really your explanation? After screaming for the better part of two weeks that the league's destruction of these tapes is irrelevant??

Yes, they've been so transparent and forthcoming with information :rolleyes:
let's give it up for the Justice League

Justice Man (superpunk), Righteous Boy (theogt), and Lawyer Might (peplaw06)
YoMick;1936950 said:
Same old song I see.... "add something else it might help your arguement":rolleyes:

So? What does that have to do with anything?

Whether I add it here or in another post, the net effect is the same. I'm building upon my argument.

You are less and less credible with every post.
Just because you disagree with someones argument doesnt make yours right.... no matter how much you spin it.

Wow. You came upon that logic on your own? :rolleyes:

It seems to me you're the one bothered by my statement that the NFL doesn't encourage betting.

I could care less whether you find my argument credible or not.

And, to be quite honest, the fact you can't understand my point is more a statement about your deficiencies than mine.
5Stars;1936951 said:
Oh, that's smart!

Hey, anyone want to come over to my house and fight me and my three brothers? You must know, first, that two of my brothers don't have arms or legs...

How much you wanna bet me and my brothers win?


Wow. Simply wow.

I guess other teams have no reason to be interested in injury reports. :rolleyes:

But keep grasping. ;)
This Clown is so out of line here. Glad to see his priorities in line. a Senile rogue Senator demanding what again? :lol:

He will be voted out - book it.

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