ART on Draft Day = Classic.

Crown Royal;1481764 said:
As with any entity owned by Mr. Snyder, I doubt any insubordination or questioning of his authority would be tolerated.

If Art was skinny we could call him...Smithers.:p:
Crown Royal;1481780 said:
BTW - that thread has reached 26 pages. Wowserz.

I was busy during the draft so I did not get to post much.

But I think someone posted a thread that Art (and I guess other mods on the site) had banned around 19 or more users during the first day of the draft.

I think for both days we only banned ONE and that was in chat.

Says to me that the mods there are a little too gung-ho or they have too many trolls as fans. Probably a combo of both but I just can not fathom them banning that many people in one day because of the draft.
BrAinPaiNt;1481798 said:
I was busy during the draft so I did not get to post much.

But I think someone posted a thread that Art (and I guess other mods on the site) had banned around 19 or more users during the first day of the draft.

I think for both days we only banned ONE and that was in chat.

Says to me that the mods there are a little too gung-ho or they have too many trolls as fans. Probably a combo of both but I just can not fathom them banning that many people in one day because of the draft.

Honestly, I think it's a matter of over ban-happy mods. The impression I get from Art in his banning, dictator mentality, and the laughable story that he 'scared' a cowboys fan away from Fed Ex explains a lot.

Over the course of moderating a board, a certain 'board mentality' is developed by the people who are allowed to stay, the types of arguments people latch on to, the actions of a team, etc. Unfortunately, the mentality at that remains after bans and some of the more historic arguments is that of utter trust in the front office and that idea that fans know nothing.
SkinsHokieFan;1480850 said:
The obsession is hilarious. I am curious what did Art ever do to you guys to have you talking about him all the time?

Cracked us up with his rare blend of ignorance and arrogance...

Seriously, it's hard to believe he hasn't run off a ton of your members, acting like a junior grade **** all the time...

Then there's his testosterone and alcohol driven rants, like the one where he bragged about supposedly running a Cowboys fan out of FedEx field a coupla years back... that candy couldn't intimidate a six year old...
Yeagermeister;1481707 said:
Isn't that board owned by the Commanders? If so that might explain why he doesn't critize the front office. :D

It was like that before the Skins bought it, which is, of course, precisely why Danny Boy shelled out for it... he HATES criticism, of all kinds, and extremeskins never, ever allows a discouraging word for very long...
BrAinPaiNt;1481798 said:
I was busy during the draft so I did not get to post much.

But I think someone posted a thread that Art (and I guess other mods on the site) had banned around 19 or more users during the first day of the draft.

I think for both days we only banned ONE and that was in chat.

Says to me that the mods there are a little too gung-ho or they have too many trolls as fans. Probably a combo of both but I just can not fathom them banning that many people in one day because of the draft.

They're up over 30 now.

Basically, Art and the Gang set up some ground rules as far as what you could or couldn't say regarding criticizing the picks and the organization. And when someone violated the rules, they were run.
I love this one.

Originally Posted by dfbovey
This poll is pretty ignorant. I'm pretty sure that the coaching staff knows more about things than any fan. Doesn't mean they are right and that we should agree with every single decision they make. Then we'd all be lemmings like Art.

After all, they thought Archuleta was a good idea, that Pierce was expendible and so on and so forth. So yeah, lets all just blindly follow and not form our own opinions.

Originally Posted by Art
And, here's what you're wee brain can't process. Archuleta was a GREAT idea. Not the player, but the concept of how they envisioned using him. As we've said, now repeatedly in this thread and seen you ignore, the actual players chosen to accomplish the need may not always work out, but, they are ALWAYS right as to the need. Landry can blow chunks and not be a bad idea. Archuleta did and wasn't. But, you'd have to be willing to understand how these two statements are both true and I fear you can't.

The concept of Archuleta was made the highest paid Safety in the league.
skinsn24 said:
Art, im pretty confused here.

Wasnt the idea "that Clark was not good enough and we needed an upgrade"

Wasnt the idea "that Archuleta was the upgrade" (ok this could be the player)

But the IDEA that we needed to upgrade from Clark seems to be very very very very false.
They've come a long way since Art was once unquestioned as the smartest poster on Extremeskins. :cool:
I saw that too, about Archuleta being a 'great' idea and stuff.

Having the position of QB on my team is a GREAT idea. Doesn't mean I should get kudos even if I hire Quincy Carter to play there.
Anyone remember the old Sporting News Cowboy message board?, I remember Art being a regular poster there, he was always stirring things up.

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