Article: Have Smart Phones Destroyed a Generation?

The Fonz

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Not smartphones, social media. There are studies pointing to social media being an actual, contributing issue to mental disorders, and nothing about smartphones that isn't unique to smartphones. Smartphones are just computers that can also be used as phones.
This social media crap is nothing but a big scam if you ask me.Its value has been overrated and it does exist for different agenda.


Regular Joe....
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If Rock n Roll destroyed a generation , If the TV destroyed a generation, if the home gaming consoles destroyed a generation, if the home computer and internet destroyed a generation... I guess the smart phone can destroy a generation.

Wonder what it will be that destroys the next generation.

Well BP, I listen to Classic Rock, on my 70 inch 4K TV, through my XBox, while playing Video games and watching youtube through my phone to figure out how to do stuff in whatever game.

I guess I'm a Renaissance Man, so to speak............



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Stop chasing
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It may be part of the formula, but education standards are also waning along with each gen it seems; on purpose (?) X Files intro starting. My mom knew stuff I was learning in college and she only graduated HS, etc. Chomsky speaks to a lack of critical thinking skills among the young/adult masses bc we don't question authority anymore or encourage outside thinking. I definitely agree with him and social media does enable that so I guess that's where it fits in the formula (?)
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Reverend Conehead

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My smartphone enhances my life, but I don't want to become obsessed with it. I like being able to get an Uber when I need a ride and to be able to find a restaurant, find an address, etc. I use my phone to study my French anywhere. However, I'm not pulling it out during a movie. I'm not going to check texts and Facebook all way long. It can be a colossal waste of time if you let it.


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It may be part of the formula, but education standards are also waning along with each gen it seems; on purpose (?) X Files intro starting. My mom knew stuff I was learning in college and she only graduated HS, etc. Chomsky speaks to a lack of critical thinking skills among the young/adult masses bc we don't question authority anymore or encourage outside thinking. I definitely agree with him and social media does enable that so I guess that's where it fits in the formula (?)

yep this big anti-intellectual movement going on in with a certain demographics is probably way bigger force of destruction than smart phones. Someone like Betsy DeVos should have never been put in charge of Education.


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I know it's cool, hip and edgy to say you don't own a smartphone or have social media but people blow both out of proportion. Like mentioned earlier, every generation has something that is "destroying" it. When I was growing up, it was video games. Everyone wanted to stay inside and play games. Used to be cable/satellite tv. Then the internet. It's always something.

I'd love to see the correlation of social media and mental disorders and what correlation the two have.

I love having a smartphone on me and able to check a needed email whenever I can or someone that may be trying to reach me via social media or whatever medium. I can pull my phone out and catch up on the day's events while waiting somewhere be it the scores or news. Or even watch games at your fingertips. The smartphone is a great device. I can use it to stream music on so many apps with an endless library of music. As well as all the music on my phone on my sd card. Great when exercising. It's up to the individual how they go about using it. I have zero issues putting my phone away when out with friends, family, in the movies or on a date.

No, you are not better people because you don't use a smartphone.


Messenger to the football Gods
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If Rock n Roll destroyed a generation , If the TV destroyed a generation, if the home gaming consoles destroyed a generation, if the home computer and internet destroyed a generation... I guess the smart phone can destroy a generation.

Wonder what it will be that destroys the next generation.


Regular Joe....
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I know it's cool, hip and edgy to say you don't own a smartphone or have social media but people blow both out of proportion. Like mentioned earlier, every generation has something that is "destroying" it. When I was growing up, it was video games. Everyone wanted to stay inside and play games. Used to be cable/satellite tv. Then the internet. It's always something.

I'd love to see the correlation of social media and mental disorders and what correlation the two have.

I love having a smartphone on me and able to check a needed email whenever I can or someone that may be trying to reach me via social media or whatever medium. I can pull my phone out and catch up on the day's events while waiting somewhere be it the scores or news. Or even watch games at your fingertips. The smartphone is a great device. I can use it to stream music on so many apps with an endless library of music. As well as all the music on my phone on my sd card. Great when exercising. It's up to the individual how they go about using it. I have zero issues putting my phone away when out with friends, family, in the movies or on a date.

No, you are not better people because you don't use a smartphone.

Well, there are actually several articles on the effects of Internet and addiction.


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All this really tells me is that technology hasn't really helped us. Looks to me like a lot more people were reading back in the day.

I love you ABQ.... I do... but that is an innaccurate, irresponsible statement to say the least.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

The challenge with this image is that those folks will be reading the newspaper for a short duration... 10 minutes... 15 minutes... Whatever.

For many their smart phone is always with them and whenever there is a break in the action... There they go to it! And sometimes when there isn't a break in the action. After 10 seconds of not doing something a kid will whip out their smart phone and start Facebooking-instagramming-snapchatting. There total attention is with the phone.

Referring back to the image, I don't think I remember a time ever being in a restaurant and seeing a table of more than two people with one of them whipping out a newspaper/magazine and reading it while their partner/friend/relative sits there. But today? I see entire tables of 4, 6, 8 people ALL whipping out their smart phones... Totally ignoring everyone else.

We're isolating ourselves... No wonder loneliness and unhappiness is at such high levels.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well, there are actually several articles on the effects of Internet and addition.

Correct. We had video games as kids and many times those games were played in a living room with at least another person.

Same with TV. We watched TV with our family & friends and commented/laughed right along with them. My next door neighbor was a household of 6 boys. Every day in the summer I can remember going over there at 11AM and several would be there in the living room watching "The Price is Right", commenting on if the price was high, low or what the value of the showcase was.

Then we would go out to shoot BB guns, walk up to the shale pit or have a whiffle ball game.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I love you ABQ.... I do... but that is an innaccurate, irresponsible statement to say the least.

Yeah he was joking but in one way it's true.

Back in the 50's the govt would put out studies on income and how folks in the US stood financially.

And given all the advantages we have today with a mind-boggling amount of information at our finger-tips the distribution of wealth in this country hasn't changed.

Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck with no net worth– meaning their assets are offset by their liabilities and they have no retirement fund.

They use their smart phones to send Internet meme's and to let others know about how lousy their lives are.


Regular Joe....
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Correct. We had video games as kids and many times those games were played in a living room with at least another person.

Same with TV. We watched TV with our family & friends and commented/laughed right along with them. My next door neighbor was a household of 6 boys. Every day in the summer I can remember going over there at 11AM and several would be there in the living room watching "The Price is Right", commenting on if the price was high, low or what the value of the showcase was.

Then we would go out to shoot BB guns, walk up to the shale pit or have a whiffle ball game.

I agree with this. Basically two major issues with modern connectivity. One, you do isolate yourself and that translates into adopting ideas that your opinion is central. You don't get exposed to other ideas. You become closed to other opinions and less tolerant of other's opinions and ideas.

The other issue you see a lot of is that isolationism is just that. It's much easier to cut a person from the herd, so to speak, and take advantage of the situation. You see this with young people in various types of bullying etc.

Bottom line, you do not fully develop your social or mental abilities.