Gangsta Spanksta;1943822 said:
I asterisked *may* because I wasn't talking about the Jets game, which we know they cheated in. I was talking about the new allegations that the Pats cheated in their Super Bowl against the Rams, which as of yet is unproven. Anyway, the logical link should have been made, considering I was talking about taking the championship away.
Even so, you still are conveying uncertainty about the effects of the taping on the Pats Super Bowl victory over the Rams.
Second, I don't believe in precedence in this case. First off, I believe it should be: You cheat, you lose -- as simple as that.
First, whether you believe it or not, a precedence was set. Even if it were, "you cheat, you lose," then that's the precedent.
Second, you believe it should be "you cheat, you lose." But apparently the Commissioner doesn't. And so here we are.
Second off, this is not a courtroom setting; things like precedence aren't as important.
Uh, setting a precedence isn't merely a legal concept. Any violation that requires a punishment sets a precedence.
So if a player fails the league's drug testing policy and is punished, that becomes a precedence. And that punishment becomes the standard to judge whether subsequent violations are treated in the same manner.
If they are not, and if someone complains, the issue of "fairness" is raised based on the precedent that was set by the initial penalty.
Third off, even if precedence mattered, someone has to set it at sometime.
Yes, and the Commissioner did that with his punishment. And his precedent is this: You get caught violating the league's policy with respect to unauthorized taping, your franchise gets stripped of a draft choice, your coach gets fined, and your owner gets fined.
Finally, I previously stated there is a difference between an organization cheating and an individual on a team cheating. This is different from individual sports: the reason being is group punishment vs. individual punishment. The question here is about the Patriots organization cheating, not some player on the team taking performance enhancing drugs on his own.
I'm sorry, but I don't follow your argument or its conclusion.