ARTICLE: Six Reasons Why the Patriots are Hated

mickgreen58;1833067 said:
Of course.

Anyone who thinks that people only hated the Cowboys (especially the 90s version) because we won Super Bowls is extremely naive.

I respect their coach and alot of their players, but Respect doesn't equal Like.

Like Steve Young said when discussing the Pats, "Nobody likes a bully".

And I also agree that Spygate didn't help them, even though it didn't hurt them either.

Jerry Jones even said that people would tell him all the time during NFL meetings that they had our plays and knew where Emmitt was going to run. Obviously, that foreknowledge didn't help in the slightest :) .

Then we really are not far apart on this. I respect what they are doing but like most I was pulling for the Ravens and the Steelers to beat them and would get a kick out of the Jets or better the Dolphins tripping them up. There is another part of me though that wants to face a perfect Pats team and be the one who takes them down.
Doomsday101;1833073 said:
Then we really are not far apart on this. I respect what they are doing but like most I was pulling for the Ravens and the Steelers to beat them and would get a kick out of the Jets or better the Dolphins tripping them up. There is another part of me though that wants to face a perfect Pats team and be the one who takes them down.

Noooo, they do not get off so easy.

They must go undefeated in the Regular Season so they can lose (preferably to us) in the Super Bowl.

If that scenario happened, can you imagine how bitter Bill Belichick would be?
Chocolate Lab;1833062 said:
So if a team wins, it makes no difference at all how they do it?

Maybe those Jimmy Cowboys teams weren't likeable to the rest of the country. In fact, I can see why they wouldn't be.

But some of us prefer people that win and lose with class to those who win and lose without it.

But maybe that's just me.

I respect their ability as a team I respect the way they execute like a machine at times. As WoodysGirl and Mick have pointed out respect and like are 2 different things. I'm no fan of the Pats and pull against them but I can't help but respect what I see when watching them execute and produce the way they have. Another example would be Pitt of the 70's I hated them but I also had a deep respect for what that organization did because again to produce on a consistent bases in the NFL is damn hard to do.
mickgreen58;1833077 said:
Noooo, they do not get off so easy.

They must go undefeated in the Regular Season so they can lose (preferably to us) in the Super Bowl.

If that scenario happened, can you imagine how bitter Bill Belichick would be?

Frankly I would not want to be in a position of going undefeated heading into the playoffs like they are because it would be devastating to go perfect throughout the year and then fall short. I hope we are the ones who steal their dream.
TheHerd;1833042 said:
I think people hate sore winners even more than sore losers, and has anyone seen a group of more sore winners than the Pats?

Ahh, I'm having flashbacks....

"I understand a celebration after a touchdown, but does Michael Irvin have to do a dance after every friggin first down?"

Anyway, I respect the heck of out the Patriots. I respect their system and I respect their franchise. I was reading an article the other day where after a huge win Belichick came into a Monday Morning team meeting with the morning paper. He read off a quote by Brandon Merriweather where he called Wes Welker the greatest slot WR in the game, crumpled up the papers and screamed "Who the #%## is Brandon Merriweather and what the @#$@ does he know?"

See, Brandon Merriweather is having a hard time fitting in New England and is a bit in the Belichick doghouse. It's understandable, because he's from the antithesis of Patriot football .. the University of Miami. Where you talk smack all week, get your name in the headlines, talk about how great you are, expect the entire offensive or defensive scheme to showcase you and your self perceived greatness. It's okay to freelance, because it's all about you baby !! At New England, you don't say anything during the week. You let the other team run their mouths to the media, keep quiet, come out and kick the dog crap out of them for 60 minutes on the football field and then move on to the next opponent while those same motor mouths then run to the media and talk about how you guys are a bunch of big ole meanies because they played you too hard for too long.

And the system isn't about showcasing you and what's best for you ... it's about winning football games. New England is by far and away the best team in the league this regular season, but I don't even think they're really all that more physically talented than the other teams. They got all those WR's this offseason for practically nothing because they weren't highly valued by the rest of the league. It's just that it's understood that players have to sacrifice themselves to the system for the good of the team, and the whole becomes greater than the sum of the individual parts. No one is bigger than the good of the team, and Brady exemplifies that by not appearing in any commercials unless his offensive linemen can make an appearance. I think there is honor is self sacrifice for the good of the whole, and I think it's admirable. It's not surprising that Belichick, who's father was a 30 year career coach at Navy, instills that in his team.
I respect the Patriots. I also believe there is a world of difference between Tony Dungy and Bill Belichick. Tony Dungy is a class act. Bill Belichick is not. It's reason enough to root against them.
InmanRoshi;1832993 said:
If it weren't for Reason #4, nobody would give a crap about the other 5 reasons.

I have to disagree. I started hating the Cheaters when they went on it on 4th down, while already having a solid lead. That's not what football is about.
The Cheatriots will always be tainted because of their cheating. If the Cheats ever win another Superbowl (and they won't because we will) they will still be seen as cheaters and their victory will mean nothing.
dargarin;1833154 said:
The Cheatriots will always be tainted because of their cheating. If the Cheats ever win another Superbowl (and they won't because we will) they will still be seen as cheaters and their victory will mean nothing.

In the eyes of some you are right. However what kind of cheating have they actually done this season? Are you telling me that by taping the Jets signals that it allowed them to trash almost every team they have played this season? Damn Jets must be better than what I thought if the Pats gained this much advantage over other teams by taping the Jets. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;1833160 said:
In the eyes of some you are right. However what kind of cheating have they actually done this season? Are you telling me that by taping the Jets signals that it allowed them to trash almost every team they have played this season? Damn Jets must be better than what I thought if the Pats gained this much advantage over other teams by taping the Jets. :laugh2:

Who's to say they haven't been cheating. Once a cheater, always a cheater. They were just caught once. How many times weren't they caught?
dargarin;1833166 said:
Who's to say they haven't been cheating. Once a cheater, always a cheater. They were just caught once. How many times weren't they caught?

Oh please. Sorry not buying into the 3rd grade BS of once a cheater always a cheater. What they did to being with according to many coaches including Jimmy Johnson did not think it did much of anything. They deserved the punishment and in my eye's it should have been more but to sit here and claim that somehow they are cheating and that is why they are winning is just plain foolish.
Doomsday101;1833172 said:
Oh please. Sorry not buying into the 3rd grade BS of once a cheater always a cheater. What they did to being with according to many coaches including Jimmy Johnson did not think it did much of anything. They deserved the punishment and in my eye's it should have been more but to sit here and claim that somehow they are cheating and that is why they are winning is just plain foolish.

Have fun rooting for them on Superbowl Sunday when we win.
The arrogance and cockiness of bellicheat and patsie players are total turn off, I have nothing but disdain for them.
dargarin;1833174 said:
Have fun rooting for them on Superbowl Sunday when we win.

I don't root for them now and as far as We I have been a Cowboy fan before you were born my loyalty is and has always been with the Dallas Cowboys 1965 until today. However me being a fan of the Cowboys and being objective as well when watching other NFL teams are 2 different things. Pats have played damn good that is why they win games and to beat them the team they are facing better be ready to bring their A game and nothing less. My hope is the Cowboys do just that.
Part of this... I think people tend to lump the Patriots team of 2007 with their other championship teams. This is a dominant team. The other teams were good teams. Their kicker became a legend because they weren't dominant. So there is a perception among football fans that if they were cheating then, and it helped them just a bit, it might have been just enough to beat, say Carolina.

I'm not sure that's an entirely fair assessment, but I do think it's out there. The Patriots won close games to reach and win Super Bowls, and some folks feel those close games might have been tipped by an unfair advantage.

This year's Patriots team wouldn't gain anything from such an advantage. Did past Patriots teams? Maybe not. But some people feel that way.
Doomsday101;1833179 said:
I don't root for them now and as far as We I have been a Cowboy fan before you were born my loyalty is and has always been with the Dallas Cowboys 1965 until today. However me being a fan of the Cowboys and being objective as well when watching other NFL teams are 2 different things. Pats have played damn good that is why they win games and to beat them the team they are facing better be ready to bring their A game and nothing less. My hope is the Cowboys do just that.

Then why do you call them the Pats. That's a fans nickname for them. Maybe you should change your name to CryBradyandBellaChick#1. They are the Cheats or the Paisty's or Patsies or Idi-ots. Do they call us The Boys or America's Team on the Cheatriots fan zone?
I'd add that Brady's unflinching support for Bush just makes him that much more despicable, even with the UofM pedigree
dargarin;1833194 said:
Then why do you call them the Pats. That's a fans nickname for them. Maybe you should change your name to CryBradyandBellaChick#1. They are the Cheats or the Paisty's or Patsies or Idi-ots. Do they call us The Boys or America's Team on the Cheatriots fan zone?

Do you call the Vikings the ViQueens?

Cuz that's comedy gold, baby !!!!
WoodysGirl;1832944 said:
Even the most cynical of football fans will readily acknowledge that Bill Belichick is a brilliant coach whose mastery of defensive strategy, character evaluation and building a team-oriented atmosphere is unrivaled.


If he's such a great character evaluator, does that mean he purposely avoids players of high character?

Is that the reason for bringing in the dirtiest player in the NFL (Harrison) a few years ago?

Is that the reason the drafted the current second dirtiest player in the NFL (Wilfork)?

Is that the reason the traded for one of the sorriest individuals in the NFL (Moss)?

Is that the reason he's held on to Bruschi, one of the worst sportsman in the game today?

Is that why he likes Tom Brady, another poor sportsman?

sorry, not going to use being an emotional girl as an excuse (cuz i've seen other females who do respect the NEPpees) but I don't respect nor like them. I may hate Philthy more but I respect them more than NEPpees (and did root for Philthy when they played NEPpees). But hey, the media doesn't care as long as people will watch them because they love or hate them (like us).

I'm probably in the minority (in this thread) of not wanting to face an undefeated NEPpees in the SB because that means they do have a shot at going undefeated (no matter how much I love my 'boys to win, there may be other factors that come into play), so I would rather the Colts put them down in embarrassing fashion (but I doubt that).

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