tnbk;1833400 said:How many times do I have to ask this when everyone starts spouting off about their "great" coach bellicheat?
What was his record with the Browns......?
Nors;1833442 said:How many NFL Coaches have 5 Super Bowl Rings?
It's soon Lombardi and Bellichick as best ever NFL Coaches - EVER
Because he is a closet patsie fan. In every thread that has anything to do with patsies, he'll defend them, hell of lot more than the Cowboys, not sure why he even post here.tnbk;1833473 said:Why are you defending this guy?
tnbk;1833473 said:Except when he coached the Browns...right?
Why are you defending this guy?
Nors;1833557 said:Why do you feel the need to try and say a Coach with 5 Super Bowl Rings sucks for a few bad years in Cleveland?
Heck even the great Tom Landry had a few bad years -
2 as an assistant coach under Parcells with the Gayants.tnbk;1833756 said:Did I miss something? 5 Super Bowl Rings?
I am not going to argue about something that has not even happened. Futhermore, Mr. Landry will never have an asterisk associated with his name.
Aikbach;1833902 said:I guess by a Patriot fan's standard Dan Reeves should be considered the greatest coach EVER since he was a part of nine Super Bowl teams in his career.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit it appears, I said he was a part of nine Super Bowl teams, he has participated in nine Super Bowls as either a player-coach (something Landry employed) a full time assistant coach and as a head coach.Nors;1833988 said:He has 9 Super Bowl Rings as a coach? I did not know that. What year and teams - thats a great trivia question if true.