That ironic all the people that continue to talk about the Cowboys but say they don't care they spend extra time in their daily lives to make sure they get their opinion in on every Facebook group page with the Cowboys name on it all the Twitter pages and here and yet they say they don't care but isn't that furthering the cowboys brand?
on trees and you should have a regular easy into the championship games and the Super bowls which isn't the case for most teams...
I mean I do get the criticism I do I mean some of what Jerry does or doesn't do should be criticized but to go to this extent calling him the worst owner in GM in the history of sports is just stupid he's not even the worst GM or owner in the NFL if you don't wanna put him in the top ten that's fine but he's right around the next guess somehow he found a way to win a lot of regular season games to keep getting on prime time probably have a record amount of these content creator groups with the Cowboys name on it they have nothing to do with but they should talk a lot of Cowboys.... I mean the Cowboys are relative enough that the league keeps putting him up there people keep watching ratings are still up so yes I get the frustration that it's overdue time for us to win again big but the whole fallacy that Jerry's the worst he doesn't know what he's doing he doesn't have a clue he's had a football guy well he has a lot of football people around him so I'm pretty sure a lot of the mistakes he's making other teams have made as well regular GM's have problems regular owners have problems and yes he has a big mouth he talks too much I don't like that part of Jerry but this gets out of control with the I don't care but they sure spend a lot of their daily lives talking Cowboys..
so jerry says thank you for furthering his