Auburn investigation

abersonc said:
unfortunately that describes a lot of college students who are not athletes -- except the book part. many don't even bother getting the books now.

Heck I was one of those, although I played sports for college, not in US, so there was no pampering. Its just because I managed to get enough grades without putting in a lot of effort. Although it cost me a extra year, on the flip side.

The thing is, in real world, that never hurt me, and actually did much better initially than the book worms. But then I was more into aquiring knowledge than getting good grades. So I never did selective studying like people bent on good grades. Not that trying to get good grades is bad, but I never get the concept of studying solely to get good grades instead of trying to understand what you are studying thoroughly.

So personally I don't see the big deal about althletes getting away easy in school. Since its their loss first of all, if they don't make it big in sports, to make living as normal work force. Good grades may get you to a an interview at best, what you do after that is solely based on the knowledge/experience you have.
RCowboyFan said:
Heck I was one of those, although I played sports for college, not in US, so there was no pampering. Its just because I managed to get enough grades without putting in a lot of effort. Although it cost me a extra year, on the flip side.

extra year - that's funny.

these days you'll see a majority of college students taking 5-8 years to complete a degree -- smart kids -- like you clearly were -- can easily get through college without much effort (obviously that depends on your major).

athletes -- well many don't belong at a university. simple as that -- how can you blame the school for doing them favors? they brought them into a situation where there was no way in hell they could succeed -- they aren't going to finish the degree anyway and their only shot is sports -- but if they flunk classes they can't even play sports. almost makes you think we need some sort of minor league for the NFL as an alternative to college.
abersonc said:
extra year - that's funny.

these days you'll see a majority of college students taking 5-8 years to complete a degree -- smart kids -- like you clearly were -- can easily get through college without much effort (obviously that depends on your major).

athletes -- well many don't belong at a university. simple as that -- how can you blame the school for doing them favors? they brought them into a situation where there was no way in hell they could succeed -- they aren't going to finish the degree anyway and their only shot is sports -- but if they flunk classes they can't even play sports. almost makes you think we need some sort of minor league for the NFL as an alternative to college.

Well where I was from, extra year means, you either weren't smart or you were lazy ( which is the case for me mostly), so I wasn't trying to be funny there actually :) Mine was Computer Science and electronics, but major had nothing do with, but like my father always said, I was lazy one, I had cousin was was like that, a brilliant guy, but never bothered to study, but when he did, he just excelled.

But, thats besides the point, my thing is, or point I want to make is, why do people think that Athletes are getting away with something? I never really get that. I mean Degree is not going to you earn you anything in this world. Heck I got a buddy, certified genious, who barely completed 1st year of his college, but probably earns more than double than any guy with compartive experience and more college degrees than him, just because he so damn good.

Heck, why go there, we got Bill Gates as bigger example. So it really doesn't give the guys who get away with not attending courses or really doing anything to get a grade in those courses. Besides College are earning more money because of these athletes than the athletes themselves.
this happened to me in High school, this past year was my sr. year and i was playin wr and we we're doing good, 4th in state. but any ways i always slept in my math class, statistics, but the ironic thing is the teacher was our Offensive Cordonator. and i ended up with a C. it was cool but now that i sit here im kinda bummbed i didn't actually try in the class
RCowboyFan said:
But, thats besides the point, my thing is, or point I want to make is, why do people think that Athletes are getting away with something? I never really get that. I mean Degree is not going to you earn you anything in this world. Heck I got a buddy, certified genious, who barely completed 1st year of his college, but probably earns more than double than any guy with compartive experience and more college degrees than him, just because he so damn good.

Heck, why go there, we got Bill Gates as bigger example. So it really doesn't give the guys who get away with not attending courses or really doing anything to get a grade in those courses. Besides College are earning more money because of these athletes than the athletes themselves.

Yeah but those are extreme examples -- really smart folks don't need college -- especially since college is getting so damn dumbed down

athletes, are they getting away with something? I doubt it -- they are working hard and many are earning cash for the university -- some might get a break -- but there are also lots of athletes who recognize they are in college for the education and serious bust tail.

also, I'd suspect that the athletes who are doing the least in school are going to drop out and not graduate anyway once their eligibility is up -- certainly most of the star athletes do that. so that limits the damage.
abersonc said:
Yeah but those are extreme examples -- really smart folks don't need college -- especially since college is getting so damn dumbed down

athletes, are they getting away with something? I doubt it -- they are working hard and many are earning cash for the university -- some might get a break -- but there are also lots of athletes who recognize they are in college for the education and serious bust tail.

also, I'd suspect that the athletes who are doing the least in school are going to drop out and not graduate anyway once their eligibility is up -- certainly most of the star athletes do that. so that limits the damage.

I understand what you are saying is, but my point is still, that the damage is to themselves and no one else. Thats all I am saying. You work hard for you degree, you learn something, that comes in use when you want work. If you don't, you learn nothing and you get employed at Mac.

So, the proffessors aren't doing these athletes any favors, IMO.
Yeagermeister said:
The Hambrick Bros say what's wrong with that? :D

Not only the Hambricks...but moNt17 and kartr, and that Answer poster, they all went to a school on one of them Scholorship things! Look how they turned out...? Hey, if you can get by...?

RCowboyFan said:
So, the proffessors aren't doing these athletes any favors, IMO.

You know, you fail a star athlete and you are all of a sudden having to schedule various meetings with their advocates (many campuses have an "advocate" for student-athletes) -- my experience is that the advocates are a pain in the butt and are very persistent since their job is to maintain the kid's eligibility. unfortunately, athletes get placed in a lot of classes taught by graduate students and new faculty - often these folks can be easy to manipulate.

honestly, professors have a lot more important stuff to deal with -- grants, research, writing, etc. sometimes it is easier just to give a C- and be done with it.
GTaylor said:
Oklahoma State, and this was his coach:


And? Is it the coach's responsibility to teach the athletes? Or is that job left up to the actual TEACHERS?
Rack said:
And? Is it the coach's responsibility to teach the athletes? Or is that job left up to the actual TEACHERS?

A. They are called Professors.
B. Garbage in -- Garbage out.
abersonc said:
A. They are called Professors.
B. Garbage in -- Garbage out.

It's a one way street...

The teachers (professors) are under tons of preassure to NOT flunk a big time school athlete...the better that team does, the more money the school gets.

Because of this, a Coach can only do so much, and that is to encourage the kids to get the education "on their own", because it's available for them, if they want it. If not? You better make sure that you can play in the NFL!

It's really noones fault...the Professor or's up to the player make the smart decision...

It's a one way street...the student/athelete must take the right road.

5Stars said:
It's a one way street...

The teachers (professors) are under tons of preassure to NOT flunk a big time school athlete...the better that team does, the more money the school gets.

Because of this, a Coach can only do so much, and that is to encourage the kids to get the education "on their own", because it's available for them, if they want it. If not? You better make sure that you can play in the NFL!

It's really noones fault...the Professor or's up to the player make the smart decision...

It's a one way street...the student/athelete must take the right road.


of course, the professor might have a student once - sometimes in a class of nearly 400 students -- the athlete may have considerable help from a tutor to write papers etc. Let's say you've got a Dexter Manley in your class -- you might not be able to figure that out because you've got so little contact.

On the other hand, the coach spends a hell of a lot more time with the player.

Who is more likely to know that the kid can't read?

I gotta put it on the coach here.
per F.O.:

"A New York Times investigation of the Auburn football program reveals, among other things, that Cadillac Williams took only two classes during the spring semester of his senior year, both one-on-one courses with Professor Thomas Petee. Williams wasn’t the only one; 18 Auburn football players took 97 hours of individual study with Petee, averaging a 3.31 GPA in those classes. The same 18 players had a 2.14 GPA in their other classes. That’s just one story from an interesting look at what academics can look like at a big-time football school."
abersonc said:
A. They are called Professors.
B. Garbage in -- Garbage out.

A. Professors Schmofessors. They're still TEACHERS. Just cuz they're doing it at the collegiate level doesn't mean they aren't teachers anymore.

B. You got my point.

C. I forgot to take out the trash last night.

On the other hand, the coach spends a hell of a lot more time with the player.

And yet it's STILL not the coach's job to TEACH the player. It's his job to COACH the player.

Who is more likely to know that the kid can't read?

I gotta put it on the coach here.

Just cuz the coach is "most likely" to know doesn't mean it's his fault. That line of thinking is completely ignorant. "Well, we gotta blame someone, who is the one most likely to know he couldn't read? The coach? BLAME HIM!"

Yeah that's really freakin' smart. :rolleyes:

If you wanna blame someone blame his moronic parents. The coach's job is to coach, not make sure he can read. You don't expect teachers to instruct a DE on how to use his hands to get by an offensive tackle, do you?
Who was it the other day who was encouraging nathanlt to watch college football instead of the NFL for the innocence and purity of it? What was it? Just a bunch of guys playing for the love of the game?

That was one of the most unintentially hilarious lines on this board in a long time.
Rack said:
And? Is it the coach's responsibility to teach the athletes?

No. Its the coaches job to ensure that the dumb athletes don't have to take classes with real teachers and/or make sure the teachers are fired if they flunk the players.
InmanRoshi said:
No. Its the coaches job to ensure that the dumb athletes don't have to take classes with real teachers and/or make sure the teachers are fired if they flunk the players.

Pretty sure that's not in a coach's job description either.

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