abersonc said:
hmm, universities leftist. maybe that is because they full of educated people.
and I think that offering opportunites, often to underpriviledged kids, to get an education b/c they can play sports does help level the playing field in many ways.
also, I've told you before -- use the freaking enter key and write in paragraphs so folks can actually read what the hell you are writing.
I attribute the university leftism to not actually ever leaving the academic ivory towers which is the case for the vast majority of professors. A lot of ideas sound great and make perfect sense, they just don't always work out the way they were supposed to.
I certainly was one of the underpriv'ed kids that made his way through playing sports. What I meant by "leveling the field" what to even out the distribution of athletic program revenues both A) across the NCAA to other schools and B) across the individual school itself instead of pouring all the football revenues back into the the football program, give some to the library or something. (I know most schools do this but it could be better.) And certainly I agree that sports is an important way for many to better their lives, I just don't like all the illegal monies/incentives that change hands in the process, mostly perpetrated and pushed by OVERprivileged boosters.
enter key? what's that? ok, thanks dad.
I didn't think anyone read what I typed anyway.