One of the reasons that Romo has better games over at Giants stadium than Eli, is arm strength or lack thereof from Eli. Eli is has at best, just above Average Arm Strength. Second Eli doesn't throw those pretty spirals that Romo normally does. Thats why Eli misses Plaxico that much, since Plaxico didn't need perfect balls to make good catches or great plays.
Why does that matter at Giants Stadium? BEcause Giants stadium is known for the swirling winds. Guess what works in the wind? A good ball with a spiral. Hence Eli is more prone to ints etc. at Giants stadium than Romo or any other strong armed QB or any QB who can throw good spirals on money, in a swirling wind.
I think as in the weather report, winds are blowing a bit, its advantage Cowboys, if Run D is good again. Cowboys can throw the ball effectively as long as Romo doesn't have brain farts, Eli I don't believe can do it consistently.