Back from NYC...(A few pics)

Crown Royal said:
I've only been to New York once, with my family, it was a good time but I'd like to go back with some friends and have a good time. I am considering taking a 3-4 day weekend sometime in the next few months and going - we'll see.

Last time I went, I noted that I would love to live there for a while, but the cost of living in Manhatten just vexes me that people actually do it.

I also noticed that I would be late everywhere - because in Texas and everywhere else in the south, you hold the door open for people. I found that in NYC, if I did that, I would be standing for a LONG time.

The average apartment in nyc is over a million bucks.

Suburbs are better....but not by alot.

Funny stuff about holding the door open. :p:
Crown Royal said:
How are your wives?:D:D:D


Well, two of them are mad at me right now! But, I have some more in the batting cage...if you know what I mean! :cool: I now have only 7 wifes...but, I think I can have 10...? (i'll have to check into that)! :eek::
5Stars said:
The thing is...if us from the west, all of us, came to NY? We would tame all of you people! :D

We got open space out here...!

Now, another thing is...Juke99...if you ever came out to the West (if you haven't already) would not want to leave! By the way, that is not how I pictured Hostile...but, yeah...he already looks like a NYer! (and he was acting like one too! i saw his hand on that fine...uh...redhead' I say booty)? ;)

Come out to Utah...I'll fix you a fine 5Star meal...(mexican food also...stright from New Mexico...) for FREE! :starspin

You can ask Hos, everyone he met was as friendly as could be.

I've been west....Jersey. I didn't like it all that much. :D

As far as the hand on the tush thing...I'm gonna have to magnify that pic, ala the Warren Report, to get to the uh, bottom of this.
Juke99 said:
As far as the hand on the tush thing...I'm gonna have to magnify that pic, ala the Warren Report, to get to the uh, bottom of this.

:lmao2: :lmao2: (it's him, bro...look at his hand) !

They don't have horned toads out West for nothing! :lmao:
5Stars said:
I hear you...I like being out here in Utah! Out here in the West...where the Cowboys are from! But NY is a sight to behold! I could not keep my eyes off of anything, and I was there for 4 days!

We walked from the Statue of Liberty, all the way down to where your big monkey climbed up! I swear it took us at least 2, may 3 hours! That is a long friggen walk!

I have never met a grouchy NYer...they were all cool to me. They just have that rep...know what I mean? Not only would you like to grow up among the Mafia?!!! :eek:

New York is way cool! I WILL GO BACK...someday! :star:
My illusions of NYC were destroyed this weekend.

Almost everyone I met and talked to was friendly and enjoyed good jokes and stories. Juke was always laughing at me because I would talk to total strangers.

I assumed everything was concrete in NYC, and in Manhattan, there is some truth to that. There were a lot of trees and you can tell it is very green and lush.

I was struck by the fact that there are very few pickup trucks. Lots of SUV's and cars. Out here, everyone has trucks.I told Juke I'm gonna take a pic of the parking lot at work just so he can see what I'm talking about.

I found out that me and revolving doors have issues. We just don't have them out here in places I frequent.

Macy's Department Store is huge. Juke says he remains the sole person in history who can go in there and they won't have what he's looking for. There was an entire table just for orange colored ties. Amazing.
Crown Royal said:
This whole vegetarian thing has such a serious downside - no messican food or barbecue/steaks. I do so miss chorizo. :(
I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
Juke99 said:
You can ask Hos, everyone he met was as friendly as could be.

I've been west....Jersey. I didn't like it all that much. :D

As far as the hand on the tush thing...I'm gonna have to magnify that pic, ala the Warren Report, to get to the uh, bottom of this.
They are seeing the Radio City Music Hall seats. That's the chair back behind her.
Hostile said:
They are seeing the Radio City Music Hall seats. That's the chair back behind her.


You know 'cross eyes' can change any picture to look like he wants it to look! Besides that...if that was not your hand, then you are really like in some ways! :D

Besides that...the girl justs wants more money, more money...! That's what they do in NY...

Hostile said:
They are seeing the Radio City Music Hall seats. That's the chair back behind her.

Ya just gotta ruin a juicy story, don't ya. :rolleyes: ;)
Hostile said:
I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

Well, this don't make any sense! I mean come on here!

If you cannot remember where the Big Monkey climbed...and now, you tell everyone that "you climbed to the top of the food chain"! :D

OK? Who is wiser? The Monkey? Or, Hostile?

Please vote!

5Stars said:
What's wrong with the girl in you sig picture? Shes much hotter then the redhead! By the way, who is that girl in your sig picture?

She makes me sweat! :)

Aishwarya Rai.
Hostile said:
Juke has some pictures to post. His camera is actually good (more on this later). We got pictures of the 3 guys who showed up in full uniform. I gave them cards and invited them to the site. I hope they drop by. They came back on Day 2 as Marcus Spears, Roy Williams, and T. Holmes. I have no idea who T. Holmes is, but they were cool guys.


I am the triplet who dressed up as Aikman. Regarding day 2, T. Holmes is his name, it's a personalized jersey. I am not sure the other 2 guys will visit but I will let them know about the site. I noticed we were on (video on the right on their homepage titled "The best sounds of the 2006 NFL draft." We are after the Vince Young interview.

We are also mentioned here:

It claims all three members are over 300 pounds, which last time I checked, I am harldly half that. Anyway, in case you guys find any more articles mentioning us, please post the links so I can note them. Thanks a lot and Go Cowboys!
zalik22 said:

I am the triplet who dressed up as Aikman. Regarding day 2, T. Holmes is his name, it's a personalized jersey. I am not sure the other 2 guys will visit but I will let them know about the site. I noticed we were on (video on the right on their homepage titled "The best sounds of the 2006 NFL draft." We are after the Vince Young interview.

We are also mentioned here:

It claims all three members are over 300 pounds, which last time I checked, I am harldly half that. Anyway, in case you guys find any more articles mentioning us, please post the links so I can note them. Thanks a lot and Go Cowboys!

welcome to the's a great place for true cowboys fans as yourself..

zalik22 said:

I am the triplet who dressed up as Aikman. Regarding day 2, T. Holmes is his name, it's a personalized jersey. I am not sure the other 2 guys will visit but I will let them know about the site. I noticed we were on (video on the right on their homepage titled "The best sounds of the 2006 NFL draft." We are after the Vince Young interview.

We are also mentioned here:

It claims all three members are over 300 pounds, which last time I checked, I am harldly half that. Anyway, in case you guys find any more articles mentioning us, please post the links so I can note them. Thanks a lot and Go Cowboys!

It was great seeing you guys on TV representing the Cowboys! I was loving how M Irvin was cracking up seeing you guys going crazy after the picks, you made the draft that much more fun to watch. :bow:
zalik22 said:

I am the triplet who dressed up as Aikman. Regarding day 2, T. Holmes is his name, it's a personalized jersey. I am not sure the other 2 guys will visit but I will let them know about the site. I noticed we were on (video on the right on their homepage titled "The best sounds of the 2006 NFL draft." We are after the Vince Young interview.

We are also mentioned here:

It claims all three members are over 300 pounds, which last time I checked, I am harldly half that. Anyway, in case you guys find any more articles mentioning us, please post the links so I can note them. Thanks a lot and Go Cowboys!

Hey....I'm the guy who had the camera.

Welcome aboard!

You guys made us proud.

So, how was Irvin to talk to?
Hos' and Juke thanks for the pics and the write up, looks like you two had a blast.

Zalik22 welcome to the board, and props to you and your friends for showing your team pride!

One other thing, does anyone know who the two Cowboys fans are that were on the NFL network, before the trips?? One had a visor on, and the other flashed a waving Texas flag on his lt shoulder. Both proudly displaying their team pride!
Great pics. You lucky *******s that went...wish it was me.

I thought Irvin was excellent during the draft. He was calm, quiet, and funny. Not loud at all. I think he finally got the hang of it.
zalik22 said:

I am the triplet who dressed up as Aikman. Regarding day 2, T. Holmes is his name, it's a personalized jersey. I am not sure the other 2 guys will visit but I will let them know about the site. I noticed we were on (video on the right on their homepage titled "The best sounds of the 2006 NFL draft." We are after the Vince Young interview.

We are also mentioned here:

It claims all three members are over 300 pounds, which last time I checked, I am harldly half that. Anyway, in case you guys find any more articles mentioning us, please post the links so I can note them. Thanks a lot and Go Cowboys!
How are you doing?

:welcome: and I hope you'll stick around. I hope your buddies will at least come to your house and check out the site. Thanks for the article link. You guys looked like you had a great time. It was nice meeting all of you.

I don't think any of you hit 3 bills on the scales, no way you could.

You guys were definitely one of the highlights of the whole Draft. That was great.
5Stars said:
What's wrong with the girl in you sig picture? Shes much hotter then the redhead! By the way, who is that girl in your sig picture?

She makes me sweat! :)

Oh, nothing's wrong with wife number one. But a smart man is always prepared to add to the harem, dontchaknow.

Besides, a good redhead-brunette sammich is good for the soul.

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