Bad week to be a Henson critic...


...Abbey someone
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Cbz40 said:
:lmao2: Well actually...nevermind.

Evening juke ol'e buddy.

Hey Santiago...I'm gonna hand HH31 over to ya...I'm going to bed.

I wish I could give you a better gift. :eek: :D


The Grand Poobah
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Juke99 said:
Hey Santiago...I'm gonna hand HH31 over to ya...I'm going to bed.

I wish I could give you a better gift. :eek: :D

Thanks ....... me and my big mouth. :rolleyes:

OK HH where in the heck are you????


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Juke99 said:
So, water skiing is not an athletic endeavor?

You've determined on your own what is an athletic event and what isn't.

My dad was a great athlete...he could do anything...hand him a ping pong paddle and he'd kick your butt at ping pong...hand him a basketball, and he shoot the tar out of it...put him on skis and he'd be an ace in no time...he was a natural athlete.

Running and jumping require ZERO coordination.

Im not impressed.

Hand-eye coordination: Athletic ability

I was simply reffering to the abilties of Aikman vs Cunningham on the football field. They wont bem skiing on the turf in Texas stadium.

And Ping-Pong is not sport :laugh2:


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Juke99 said:
Progress is what we are looking for...week one, he was as rusty as you'd expect...I believe this was only the 11th game that he's started since High School...

So was he better in week two than he was in week one?

You bet.

well if hes gonna plan on winning the Super Bowl for us, Id hope he could atleast have a 200 yard game in NFLE, and maybe more TD's than Alex Smith. i mean come on....does this guy look like a Super Bowl QB?

Bob Sacamano

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cowboy4life said:
Absolutely Hostile. QB is the most difficult position on the field to learn and excel at. If it were up to me, I'd have four quarterbacks on the roster. Look at what teams like Green Bay have done. Favre has been around for years, but look at how many quarterbacks that have passed through Green Bay and gone on to have solid careers in their own right. Matt Hasselback and Aaron Brooks both were drafted by Green Bay and gone on via trade to become solid players.

Jerry Jones has had the wrong approach on this for years. Parcells like veterans but there is no reason why you can't draft a fourth or fifth round prospect every year to prepare for the future.

GB drafted QBs in the lower rounds with the plan of developing them and shipping them off for higher draft picks, I don't see how GB is exactly a model for us


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What I mean by my last comment is that they did not wait for Favre to be on the way out the door before trying to find his replacement. Quarterbacks can be found everywhere in the draft. Just look at the last several Super Bowls.


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HeavyHitta31 said:
30 yard slant: Admitted brain fart

Cunningham over Aikman: Yes, Randall Cunningham was the better athlete and the better overall player. Troy Aikman had a better arm.

Jim Brown: Nope, nobody from his era can be placed in the top 10 all-time because comparing players from that era to todays steroid induced, freakish athlete isnt accurate nor fair to today's athletes.
Jim Brown ran a 4.5 at 240 pounds.

He didn't need steroids to be a freak of nature. If you watch even 5 mins of him on ESPN Classic there really isn't even a close 2nd best player of all time.

He was dragging 3 or 4 guys every play and would break free then outrun the secondary. They didnt pass much at all so every play he faced 9 in the box. It was like watching an adult play throw up tackle with a milk cartoon against a bunch of elementary school kids.

His stiff arms alone were worth the price of admission.

I thought Emmitt was the best ever in the mid 90s til I watched Brown on Classic.


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HeavyHitta31 said:
Cunningham over Aikman: Yes, Randall Cunningham was the better athlete and the better overall player. Troy Aikman had a better arm.




Zippy Speedster

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silverbear said:
Bad week to be a Henson critic...

In 2 1/2 years I haven't known one of those days. Still don't. It's always a good day to be a Henson critic. No real downside. Fooey what he did last week, it's high school football, who cares. He'll never be starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys so I don't.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
HeavyHitta31 said:
A better athlete is who has better athletic ability. Running a 4.4 40 is an athletic ability. Jumping 40 inches is athletic ability. Throwing a ball 70 yards is not an athletic ability. Being smarter on the field is not an athletic ability.

There is no doubt that Henson is more athletic than Bledsoe, so does that make Henson a better QB ?


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jterrell said:
Jim Brown ran a 4.5 at 240 pounds.

He didn't need steroids to be a freak of nature. If you watch even 5 mins of him on ESPN Classic there really isn't even a close 2nd best player of all time.
He was dragging 3 or 4 guys every play and would break free then outrun the secondary. They didnt pass much at all so every play he faced 9 in the box. It was like watching an adult play throw up tackle with a milk cartoon against a bunch of elementary school kids. .

Dragging 3 or 4 190 pound LBs back than is alot different than running over today's LBs. Olinemen were barely 250 pounds when he played. He was a freak of his time but today every team in the league has LBs that weigh 250 pounds and run 4.5 or 4.6.

Besides Brown gave up his ability to be called the greatest ever when he quit the game early. I admire him for being able to walk away and pursue other interests but with it he walked away from being the best ever. He was a great running back, but not the greatest. Just my opinion!


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HeavyHitta31 said:
A better athlete is who has better athletic ability. Running a 4.4 40 is an athletic ability. Jumping 40 inches is athletic ability. Throwing a ball 70 yards is not an athletic ability. Being smarter on the field is not an athletic ability.

throwing IS an ability, so you're already doggin the wrong trail on this one. in the end, this "aikman vs cunningham - who's the better athlete" reminds me of a cheers episode where they all sat around and wanted to know what movie had the most sweat.

who the hell cares. aikman succeeded in his chosen career very well. cunningham was ok.


...Abbey someone
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DallasDW00ds0n said:
well if hes gonna plan on winning the Super Bowl for us, Id hope he could atleast have a 200 yard game in NFLE, and maybe more TD's than Alex Smith. i mean come on....does this guy look like a Super Bowl QB?

Can ya give the kid more than 2 games?


I understand, by this type of thinking, this photograph...



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silverbear said:
Bad week to be a Henson critic...
:lmao2: You're joking right............

I view Henson's past weekend accomplishments as a positive note to put in his near barren NFL resume. I think most Cowboy fans would, but in reality an outsider would view this performance no more significant than Hutchinson's performance as a rookie against Jacksonville.

When this past weekends game is put in it's right context..Henson critics shouldn't have anything to feel bad about.........If you don't believe me try posting this thread and title on any other teams website or general football forum.

Henson hasn't followed the normal progression expected from a player of his "pedigree" or physical attributes (whatever that means.........just ask Flutie or Sonny). But guys like Brad Johnson and Delhomme have proven NFLE can be a successful route, but after their 1st good showing in NFLE I doubt anyone thought their critics had a bad week.

I'd prefer if he were at Valley Ranch working with the new QB coach Chris Palmer, assimilating the new tweaks in the offense (because of the departure of Sean Payton) and building chemistry with the team during the Off-season work-out program.

Henson went to NFLE because he couldn't do enough on a regular NFL team to earn playing and development time. The 3 1/2 year lay-off excuse was put to bed :horse: by Parcells. Last year going into training camp Parcells clearly stated that Henson has had 2 solid off-season programs with the Cowboys in the same system, but he was unable to earn playing time or the back-up job.

That is why he's in NFLE. If the Cowboys are to draft a QB like Charlie Whitehurst..... Henson would be going into his 3rd year competing for a roster spot against an undrafted free agent in Romo and a QB selected in 3rd or 4th RD.

silverbear said:
Sure is nice to see him playing this well, after that stinker last week... the difference, I think, lies in 3 key factors:

1) His coach is calling a more versatile and less predictable game... last week, it seemed like they ran the ball on EVERY first down...

2) The field last week was a mess, it not only hindered his receivers, but it probably hurt Drew's footwork too...

3) Drew just might have been nervous and uptight last week... if so, it does appear he's over it...

As I type this, Henson is 16 of 21 for 167 yards, just threw a NICE TD pass... his throws this week are on the money for the most part, a nice change from all those wild passes he threw last week... his QBR is 114.6... if his play the rest of the season can approach his play today, he might wind up changing the Cowboys' collective mind about his NFL potential...

The Fire is leading 19-0, and just recovered a fumble on the kickoff following Drew's TD pass...

Henson deserves major props for his performance. As I mentioned it something positive for his resume.

He won and earned the starting job and appears to be performing well enough to hold down the gig so far.

He has shown progress from week one of training camp. In the 1st scrimmage he didn't get rave reviews when he went against the World Bowl defending stated by Pastaquerelli, but bounced back with a great week of practice that made a well known NFLE beat writer proclaim him the best NFLE QB prospect. After 2 weeks he appears to be holding up the NFLE beat writers opinion. His performed well against 2nd best team in NFLE.

Progress is progress regardless of the talent, but NFLE talent cannot similate that found in the worst NFL team. He'll be facing Newman and Henry in camp on a consistent basis, already having a leg down from missing the off-season program.

Henson's progress in NFLE has benn good so far, but when put in context it doesn't register a blimp on the Henson critics radar.


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Charles said:
:lmao2: You're joking right............

I view Henson's past weekend accomplishments as a positive note to put in his near barren NFL resume. I think most Cowboy fans would, but in reality an outsider would view this performance no more significant than Hutchinson's performance as a rookie against Jacksonville.

When this past weekends game is put in it's rightful context..Henson critics shouldn't have anything to feel bad about.........If you don't believe me try posting this thread and title on any other teams website or general football forum.

Henson hasn't followed the normal progression expected from a player of his "pedigree" or physical attributes (whatever that means.........just ask Flutie or Sonny). But guys like Brad Johnson and Delhomme have proven NFLE can be a successful route, but after their 1st good showing in NFLE I doubt anyone thought their critics had a bad week.

I'd prefer if he were at Valley Ranch working with the new QB coach Chris Palmer, assimilating the new tweaks in the offense (because of the new departure of Sean Payton) and building chemistry with the team during the Off-season work-out program.

Henson went to NFLE because he couldn't do enough on a regular NFL team to earn playing and development time. The 3 1/2 year lay-off excuse was put to bed :horse: by Parcells. Last year going into training camp Parcells clearly stated that Henson has had 2 solid off-season programs with the Cowboys in the same system, but he was unable to earn playing time or the back-up job.

That is why he's in NFLE. If the Cowboys are to draft a QB like Charlie Whitehurst..... Henson would be going into his 3rd year competing for a roster spot against an undrafted free agent in Romo and a QB selected in 3rd or 4th RD.

Henson deserves major props for his performance. As I mentioned it something positive for his resume.

He won and earned the starting job and appears to be performing well enough to hold down the gig so far.

He has shown progress from week one of training camp. In the 1st scrimmage he didn't get rave reviews when he went against the World Bowl defending stated by Pastaquerelli, but bounced back with a great week of practice that made a well known NFLE beat writer proclaim him the best NFLE QB prospect. After 2 weeks he appears to be holding up the NFLE beat writers opinion. His performed well against 2nd best team in NFLE.

Progress is progress regardless of the talent, but NFLE talent cannot similate that found in the worst NFL team. He'll be facing Newman and Henry in camp on a consistent basis, already having a leg down from missing the off-season program.

Henson's progress in NFLE has benn good so far, but when put in context it doesn't register a blimp on the Henson critics radar.

I agree it is not the same level as the NFL however it is higher than the college level where many of the players in NFLE were very good college players. Main thing is this is giving Henson live action and the fact that the blocking is not always great in NFLE it forces the QB to make quick decisions just as quick as what he would see in the NFL where is protection should be better.


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bbgun said:
Where do you get that from? Noting his lack of progress is tantamount to wanting him to fail? Did we want Jacob Rogers to fail too, or was he simply a turd? Stop putting words and bad motives in our mouths. I'm archiving these pollyannish posts for when he's cut in August. And no, it will give me no satisfaction to see a third round pick wasted.

Speaking of turds......