They couldn't have lost that much pressure, it's a simple formula. You also have 0 explanation why the visiting team's footballs stayed firm.
For starters, I'm not defending NE and I have no reason to answer various theories. Why do I need to explain unknown things here? I've been just stating what I know and then clearly stating what possible scenarios may be....with no skin the game whatsoever.
Just an fyi, they did not say the visiting team's balls did not go down in psi, they said they were still within the legal limits. They also didn't say what the temp was in the two separate rooms when the balls were originally inflated to each teams' preferred specs by each team.
I honestly don't care one way or the other.
All I'm saying is that balls do , in fact, lose air pressure in a fairly short amount of time due to temperature drop. Then they equilibrate and quit dropping.
If a ball was re-inflated at or near game temperature, well, they would no longer deflate.
That is just stating fact and not taking a stand one way or the other.
The explanation for all the rest is up those doing the investigation, or those just speculating until they know what happened.
What will be even more crazy is what if after all this, the ref who claims to have checked the air (and no, I'm not doubting him) is actually going to have to prove that he took his good old time with those primitive little air pressure gauges and was sure everything was within the guidelines to begin with and at halftime. We saw what replay refs did to the Cowboys. Let's just say they are certainly not perfect and sometimes not even honest.
I'd still give them the nod over
Then things could get even sillier.....