I cant believe some of you guys actually are buying this "weather caused the drop" bs from hoodie....................air condenses in cold weather, so both the Colt balls and the Pat balls would be affected. Even if the Pats aired their balls up in 100 degree sauna, they were checked 2-3 hours before the game at room temp by referee Walt Anderson with an air gauge and were compliant at that point along with the Colt balls as well. Then all 24 balls were taken to the field where somehow the weather caused the Pat balls to lose 15% of their air and the Colt balls remained at the same pressure they were gauged at for the entire first half.
This is scientifically impossible for weather to cause some footballs to deflate and others not to, the cold would cause and equal condensation of air in all footballs equally when exposed to the elements. Even if the Colt balls were inflated higher than the Pat balls originally, you would still see a drop in their air pressure as well. There is also no known way to scuff a football to prevent it from being affected by air condensation in cold conditions unless you rubbed some sort of insulating agent on the ball which would have been detected by the refs 2-3 hours before the game.
This is just scientifically not possible and if it is, I would love to know how..................then I can go back to the College of Natural Science at University of Texas where I got my degree from and explain to them this new phenomenon...........maybe they will put my picture on the wall for explaining a new phenomenon to them.