SteveOS;3209217 said:
I always thought he was a Chargers fan?
He was bought and paid for by Eddie D. and Carmen Policy. There were stories that they flew Berman (and other BSPN staff) on the team plane, bought them expensive gifts, ie Rolexes, etc.
Those guys were a couple of major league criminals. Debartolo, a spoiled rich boy, mob wannabe, near convicted felon; Policy a (Cleveland) mobbed up lawyer.
Its really a shame that how sleazy those guys were gets swept under the rug and so few seem to remember.
Debartolo plea bargained his way out of prison and was forced to give up his ownership of Whiners as a consequence of trying to illegally (bribery) obtain a gambling license. Policy is too slick to ever get caught.
Poster boys for corruption/gaming-the-system and a large part of what is wrong with this country.