Are you joking?
No I am not joking. I am serious.
This thread is so skewered!
Skewered doesnt apply here.
1 entry found for skewered. skew·er
- A long metal or wooden pin used to secure or suspend food during cooking; a spit.
- Any of various picks or rods having a function or shape similar to a skewer.
tr.v. skew·ered, skew·er·ing, skew·ers To hold together or pierce with or as if with a skewer.-------
There's always more than one way (your way) of looking at this.
EXACTLY that is the reason for the thread. Duh!!!
1) How would other NFCE
Teams(or did you mean fans) react ...
Teams and Fans.
2) The "
teams" would react by making adjustments on both sides of the ball, tweaking as needed in the next draft/FA acquisition ...
Blah, Blah, Blah - that would not the question.. a strategy answer??? Duh.
Other perspectives ...
3) What if T.O. came to you and created a 6-10 season ...would you consider that "love?"
We had those without him and you had one (partially)with him.
4) Who do you think softened him up for you?
Who? The Eagles? HE realizes that all other organiztions and always gonna be 2nd to God's Team
5) When T.O. helped the Eagles go to the Superbowl in 2004, we didn't consider the 49ers failures!
Now you know thats not the same thing. Plus(man you cant read) I said NFC EAST teams anyways...
Personal Perspective:
I would be one of the first to congratulate Dallas ...but not for winning the Superbowl with T.O. ...but for winning the Superbowl!
Yes on the outside you would... to mask you undeniable disgust for the team and the fact that we did it with a guy you couldnt do it with... and to add... if Donovan hadnt CHOKED... then TO would have come back from injury and HELPED BIG TIME to win SB. TO did his part. I dont blame him for being pished at Donovan.
What is this a joke thread?