Better To Bite The Bullet Than Extend Dak

I suspect Dak may have a career that runs short of his championship goals - but extremely lucrative. Maybe consider some version of ‘the Brady Model (insert Giselle reference here)’. Take less and allow yourself to be surrounded with enough talent to win a championship or two. Oh well, it’s not easy to fault a man for getting all the money he can out of the system he toils in. But life can be about more than just money.
how much less did brady really take that impacted the team? and everyone keeps talking about salary issues, yet we had 20M on the cap last year, 25M on the cap this year at season start. we have signed Schultz last year and Pollard to franchise tags (top 5 money for the positions), extended Diggs, Martin, Smith, Steele, Lawrence, Gallup, Cooper (traded) during the past 4 years to top 5 type contracts. negotiating with CD this past summer that got postponed until after the season. do we expect to have 15 top 5 contracts on the team? which team does? the fact is this GM is incapable of building a team properly. extends the names that sell jerseys and goes cheap in other areas and makes the wrong player decisions.

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