Bi-polar Disorder or Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Thing is there is new research that claims using Marijuana worsens Bipolar and does not help.

You would be correct in that sir as wouldn't any mind altering substance tbh; even alcohol. Especially if he is type I (wouldn't help the manic episodes), but thinking he is type II due to the lack of off the field troubles like assault, or erratic behaviors, etc. Spellman and Underwood were type I; finding them barefoot walking the street (forget which player did that) or having extremely passionate but absurd fantasies, etc. The Silver Lining's Playbook is actually a great movie to show type I and how it affects an everyday person; not just a professional athlete, etc. Hope Gregory is type II and can get his career together bc that is definitely doable, but it is still on him now and will be in for a bit of a fight (or already has been tbh).
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True. But we know CBT can't match the impact of drug therapy. It might kick butt over other therapies but you are treating secondary issues not the core problem which is physiological

This is actually a false statement. For all psychological disorders, including bipolar disorder, efficacy studies show that therapy is more effective than medication alone and that a comination of BOTH is the most affective. This is not to say that medication is not important. However, many people diminish the importance of psychotherapy when scientific studies continue to show its importance.

It must be noted that each individual diagnosed with bipolar disorder (either bipolar 1 or bipolar 2) is idiographicly different. Some people are difficult to talk to because of racing thoughts and individuals with rapid cycling absolutely need medication before therapy. Others may also experience psychosis while in a manic phase, which is also very difficult to treat unmedicated. Overall, bipolar disorder as well as schizophrenia is a biopsychosocial disorder, whose etiology is multifaceted.
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This is actually a false statement. For all psychological disorders, including bipolar disorder, efficacy studies show that therapy is more effective than medication alone and that a comination of BOTH is the most affective. This is not to say that medication is not important. However, many people diminish the importance of psychotherapy when scientific studies continue to show its importance.

It must be noted that each individual diagnosed with bipolar disorder (either bipolar 1 or bipolar 2) is idiographicly different. Some people are difficult to talk to because of racing thoughts and individuals with rapid cycling absolutely need medication before therapy. Others may also experience psychosis while in a manic phase, which is also very difficult to treat unmedicated. Overall, bipolar disorder as well as schizophrenia is a biopsychosocial disorder, whose etiology is multifaceted.

One flaw here is that efficacy studies rely on studying compliant patients, as by nature being in a research study involves some level of cooperation. Also, as you just pointed out, you pretty much need the meds working before you can get anywhere with the talk therapy. I don't diminish the value of therapy. But when the root of a problem is chemical imbalance it is hard to see conceptually how you are going to get anywhere without addressing the physiology.
One flaw here is that efficacy studies rely on studying compliant patients, as by nature being in a research study involves some level of cooperation. Also, as you just pointed out, you pretty much need the meds working before you can get anywhere with the talk therapy. I don't diminish the value of therapy. But when the root of a problem is chemical imbalance it is hard to see conceptually how you are going to get anywhere without addressing the physiology.

Re-read. I pointed out the two specific types for which medication is needed during an episode and prior to therapy (rapid cycling and when psychotic). Both are the exception and not the rule. Root of problem is multi-faceted and not based purely on physiology, which is why an identical twin (whose sibling was diagnosed with bipolar disorder) only has a 50 percent chance of being diagnosed with the disorder despite identical genes. Look up diathesis stress model.

Also, as far as chemical imbalances (there is no prevailing theory for bipolar disorder and an MRI and fMRI is not pathoneumonic (meaning that two individuals diagnosed with bipolar may be completely different biochemically and can't be diagnosed from either a MRI or fMRI). There have been many false positives and false negatives when people have tried to do this.
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This post doesnt really serve a purpose. First of all, it is speculation on your part and since you are not his treating physician it provides no value. The guys is different, but lets leave a diagnosis to a trained physician. Those are serious conditions and speaking without knowing is walking a line that you probably dont want to walk. Secondly, the guy is not coming back. His performance on the field doesnt warrant the other issues that come with him. Our failure to have a backup plan at DE doesnt warrant speculation whether someone is mentally ill, with the exception of Jerry's mental state for letting it come to this. Move along...nothin

Ok, first thing I want to say is go back and re read my original post. Please tell me where I made an official diagnosis. I said that my bet would be Bi polar or IED. That's my opinion. This is a discussion forum where fans can discuss their opinions. At no time did I guarantee that he would be diagnosed with anything or has anything.

The second thing I want to say is if this post serves no purpose why did you click on it and put up a response? So the post must have meant something to you in order for you to comment on it.

The third thing I want to say is exactly what did you mean that "speaking without knowing is a line that you probably don't want to walk". Was that a threat? What exactly did you mean by that? I don't know how to take that considering if you read my original post I did not say I was in the know, I did not make a diagnosis, I merely stated an opinion/speculation on a discussion forum which many people do. So if you have a problem with fans speculating and giving opinions about things they read and hear concerning the players and team, then why are you even on this site. No post at any time would serve any purpose because all of us are just people who speculate and give opinions.

I don't understand why this thread became so negative considering all I said was I think he may have BP or IED and if he does I'd resign him if he's being properly treated. That's my opinion, I'm not stating fact.
Gregory has a substance abuse disorder, which is in DSM-5 as a mental illness.

I didn't know this. I mean I obviously know that substance abuse is in the DSM-5 but I was unaware that he has an addiction. When did that come out. Source?
I didn't know this. I mean I obviously know that substance abuse is in the DSM-5 but I was unaware that he has an addiction. When did that come out. Source?

Greggory or Hardy? Antyone who fails a drug test on regular basis from which it affects occupation would qualify.
What are you talking about? He has gone on record stating he was part of the problem that night. Show remorse? If he didn't do anything the media exaggerated, why is he going to fill "remorse"? If I was him and if what he said is true, I would have ran that girl's name through the dirt to the point she could hardly find a job outside of stripping and working the corner or leeching off another famous football player.

We have a bunch of internet psychologists and internet lawyers in here today, I see.

For the accountability piece, I'm referring to the interview he did with ESPN a couple weeks ago. He kind of contradicted himself. He said he did not hit her or put his hands on her. Then when the interviewer asked another question he said something to the effect of "I wasn't innocent that night" . He was evasive and vague when discussing it. If he didn't do anything physical to her then during the interview he shouldn't have had any problems being more specific with what happened that night.
Greggory or Hardy? Antyone who fails a drug test on regular basis from which it affects occupation would qualify.

True, so I take back my opinion that Gregory is stupid. He's sick and needs help. I hope they have a drug addiction therapist working with him.
True, so I take back my opinion that Gregory is stupid. He's sick and needs help. I hope they have a drug addiction therapist working with him.

Problem is that people relapse all the time. At some point it comes down to accountability. The best therapist in the world won't help if he doesn't take responsibility for his sobriety.
For the accountability piece, I'm referring to the interview he did with ESPN a couple weeks ago. He kind of contradicted himself. He said he did not hit her or put his hands on her. Then when the interviewer asked another question he said something to the effect of "I wasn't innocent that night" . He was evasive and vague when discussing it. If he didn't do anything physical to her then during the interview he shouldn't have had any problems being more specific with what happened that night.

Again, the "I didn't put my hands on her" was most likely meaning he didn't hit her in a violent way. The photos shown display this, there was no marks on her body that showed any kind of hitting involved. Your last sentence is why I hate people discussing cases such as these: He didn't go into detail, so he's guilty!

No, that's not how it works. You're criticizing him for not being remorseful, this is lynch mob mentality. Hardy and his attorney both stand by that the incident has been exaggerated, the girl's story has also been questionable at best.

Could he have worded the "I didn't put my hands on her" better? Yes, but I understand what he meant.
My last sentence states "If he didn't do anything physical to her then during the interview he shouldn't have had any problems being more specific with what happened that night".

At what point did I say he's guilty? Where are you getting that I said he's guilty? Are we reading the same post? Why are you saying that I said he's guilty? I never said he's guilty.

Why do you go back and read my post again. I pointed out that he contradicted himself in the interview. Also during the interview he was evasive and vague with his answers. So again, if he wasn't the cause for any of her bruises then why would he not be more specific in his answers? That's a fair question. But again, so you don't put words in my mouth. I am not saying he's guilty, I'm saying he was evasive, vague and he contradicted himself. But I am not, nor did I ever, say that he's guilty.

And one more thing, I'm the guy who is advocating that he is on this team if he is getting the help that he needs. I started this thread after reading what his agent put out as far as him receiving counseling and psychiatric help. If Hardy is committed to making himself healthier on an emotional level then I would want him back on the team. My original post stated that I would take him back if he is in treatment. So go do your homework before you come at me with your condescending figure pointing. Usually someone who is in charge of a "lynch mob" doesn't advocate for the person to get another chance and to be on the team.
Problem is that people relapse all the time. At some point it comes down to accountability. The best therapist in the world won't help if he doesn't take responsibility for his sobriety.

I agree, if he's not committed to his sobriety there's no clinic or therapist that can help him. I hope the best for the kid, I hope he can find a cure for his personal pain without using drugs.

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