Juke99 said:
My problem with the "they are the experts" mentality is that it simply doesn't apply and it's not an accurate statement.
I want to meet the person who never second guesses anyone who has more expertise than they do in a given field.
Heck, don't ever get a second opinion at the doctor.
If you bring your car to the mechanic, don't ever second guess what he wants to do.
Fact is, I just got a guitar back from the repair shop. The guy there is an expert. I'm not. I don't like the job he did on my guitar. Am I allowed to state that?
Juke, one thing is to base your second guessing on sound facts and another is to base it on emotion, or "factoids" distributed by message boards and the media. Like I said, the evaluators of talent that observe the players each day have much more information to base their decisions on than we do. I am certainly not accusing you of this but there are many on this board that unless they have followed Henson's career since college really have very limited information to justify their "bandwagon" allegiances. I agree with your point about not second guessing or questioning the so-called experts but most come with very little ammunition and end up coming off quite silly. You used the example of second guessing your doctor, as a doctor myself I can tell you that some patients question my opinion or propose treatments that really make no sense whatsoever without any scientific basis. Other patients on the other hand do their due diligence and bring up very valid points. Very similarly, I'm sure there are issues that some argue with great passion on this board that would seem quite silly to someone with actual knowledge of the situation. Again, I'm not singling you out, I happen to enjoy your posts but there are some who indiscriminately take passionate allegiances with the QC's, Hutch's, Hensons, and Shanles of the world.