Big O PLAT guarantee we beat the saints

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OK GORIKO . . . I just dropped 2 hunnert on our 'Boys and gave 7.

BTW, did we get a Platinum last year for the GB playoff game . . . I'm trying to remember.
mr Point---yes we did and it went in toilet...and i swore off any more PLATS and almost swore off fanhood of Cowboys after Green Bay...we were so unprepared....but after getting Zimmer and Hendricks and those older 1 tech..(trash can of sand)...and i like Lawson too off the edge....Zimmer will mix and match so no offense will know who is rushing and who aint
so not worried about our "rushman" this aint the archaic Marinelli defense...and Big Mike second year with Dak on offense will be better i just hope we stay healthy
ok i’m going to write a web scraper to pull every plat guarantee. and match it to the record and get your winning percentage. it’s got to be terrible
mr calico----i think the losses are so painful that is all we remember....but my overall record better than 65%....i dont encourage gambling even though it is legal now.....but you would

have made money....maybe not a ton.....but i just do it cause i get fired up with our Cowboys and believe we can win every game....i dont gamble.....but its to encourage all us Zoners
dear sir DallasdW00ds0n---only lost 2 PLATS last year and one was Green Bay....i just do it for me some Cowboys....How Bout Dem Cowboys?
Mr Gorico, appreciate the response, I am anticipating a perfect plats guarantee record this year.

How about dem boys

Honestly? I feel better now.
Dear fellow Zoners----yes last year i was crushed as bad as anyone after loss to Green Bay.....and i was so hurt i promised the PLATS were no more

but after getting a DC like "Zimmer" ( still upset we dont have better RB)....i am so excited about our Cowboys even though last year i said i wont

ever be a big fan the PLATS are back and i just ask leadership to show mercy on me....we only lost 2 PLATS last year including Green Bay

and I dont encourage any gambling even though its legal now....but i just like the new atmosphere having Zimmer...and another year with Big Mike

and Dak offense will be better...the only thing that can get us is health or injuries...and yes our pass rush took big hit losing Sam Williams...i believe Zimmer

will mix and match and offenses wont ever be able to nail down who is rushing....overshown and Kendricks are straight up "DOGS" and we have enough meat

at 1-tech we wont get run over anymore this sit back grab your nachos and beer and be cool with the "shots"...i dont drink but i know many of you do

so Lets Go Cowboys and How bout Dem Cowboys????
Shoot your shot player! :thumbup:
tooo soooooon nooooooooo:facepalm: :mad:
mr blue-----that thought did cross my mind....its too soon...but i especially hate to lose to the Saints....and i had to do a PLAT guarantee...remember 2014 and saints were undefeated

and Romo and Demarco Murray who got first in NFL and set Cowboy season record with over 1,800 yards?....and we came in and crushed the Saints in their house...i just looked up

and last 10 years we have played saints 5 times and have won mr blue i think we are good we playing AT&T
It’s never a good sign when he starts up with the Plats.
mr KJJ my respected fellow zoner---- if we can stay healthy it may start off close but we will pull away...i think we are good
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