It's all noise designed to distract from the fact that individuals at the league office have now been exposed as lying about the Patriots and the ball measurements to try and frame an innocent man and an innocent team.
The truth will come out (in fact it has already started to). Just takes some patience.
You must take cues from Robert Kraft as you said that you would be willing to take whatever the Wells Report concludes.
That's why people take you with a grain of salt and see you as a Patriots troll.
It's one thing to argue how much the deflation of footballs helped the Patriots over the years (although you still owe Warren Sharp an apology), but it's another to try and proclaim that Brady is innocent when the Wells Report shows otherwise. You could have prevented this hypocrisy if you were not so hell bent in acting like you knew what the Wells Report was going to say and then foolishly admonished people like myself that don't take things at face value.
The facts are that the league had the balls in questions and showed that the Patriots footballs were well underinflated while the Colts footballs were not. That they have video of the equipment guy breaking protocol and going into a bathroom by himself with the footballs and having more than enough time to deflate them. And they have texts showing the equipment guys discussing deflating the footballs with one acting as an intermediary who is setting up a payment situation from Brady to the 'deflator.'
Oh, and the Patriots fired both equipment guys after the report came about.
So...we have the evidence that shows the balls were actually underinflated, we have evidence that shows how and when they were underinflated and who underinflated, along with evidence showing the planning and motive for underinflating the footballs. Then we have the Patriots essentially admitting guilt by firing 2 men after the scandal came about. There's nothing innocent about Brady in this.