Making money for his family? Yes, at the beginning.
Making money... period was his priority at the end. Not his soul priority though. He also had a problem with his creation (blue sky) being "copied".
That's why its such great writing.
They took this character and started him out one way as a guy who really was just doing what he could to provide for his family and generally was only interested in that and wasn't a bad guy at all.
By the end of the series he was a completely different guy and character and it wasn't really about the money for his family anymore. It was about his own personal legacy and desire to be known as the best at what he was doing. He began to buy into himself in this new role and thought of himself more as Heisenberg then as Walter White the family man.
As you noted he admitted at the end it wasn't about the family he was doing it because he liked it and he was good at it.
And there are so many times in the series where he could have easily just walked away, with plenty of money for his family, only to be angry because Jesse or whoever was copying his stuff and he didn't like it. Hell even the thing with Hank could have been avoided if he'd just let Hank think that the other chemist was the one who did it. Instead his pride, and some drinking, got in the way and he just couldn't let someone else have credit.
Absolutely crazy. I loved that show. I'm going to have to buy the series on DVD and watch it all again.