Blackistone: Coaching hires prove NFL discriminates

HeavyHitta31 said:
It's gotton to the point now where, unless there's actual evidence to supprt a claim of racism, I just blow it off.

Spoken like someone that actually saw the data the Cochran Committe presented to the NFL after it was done with its historical research of the hiring practices of the NFL.

Congrats...didnt know there was someone on this board with access to that information :cool: .

- Mike G.
HeavyHitta31 said:
The NFL doesnt have a lot of black coaches, so they are racist?

Makes perfect sense.... :rolleyes:

It's gotton to the point now where, unless there's actual evidence to supprt a claim of racism, I just blow it off. FYI, they arent hiring you because you're black, they arent hiring you because the other guy is better. :rolleyes:

What is this evidence you speak of that you would support. Not trying to start anything just interested to read an example.
What is this evidence you speak of that you would support. Not trying to start anything just interested to read an example.

Like if a GM told Maurice Carthon "We arent hiring you because you're black"

Something subtle like that :cool:
Just curious ... who here thinks the Hall of Fame voters discriminate against the Dallas Cowboys? Why?
NinePointOh said:
Just curious ... who here thinks the Hall of Fame voters discriminate against the Dallas Cowboys? Why?

Rayfield Wright isnt in the HOF

That's all that needs to be said
bbgun said:
That a lack of minorities in the front office is not de facto proof of discrimination. Just like a lack of straight dancers on Broadway is hardly proof of discrimination against heterosexuals.
:lmao2: quite funny.........

The proof is in the pudding.

The modern NFL is considered 1960 to the present. I'd think that is almost half century since minorities were granted equal rights. Maybe a century since females were given equal rights.

If you can prove that all those other guys aka white males were better qualified than majority of the minorities (Including females) then you'd have a point. The alarming disparity in their hiring practices couldn't go unnoticed forever. The Rooney rule was implemented to destroy or ruffle the feathers of the ol boys club. Pretty simple
NinePointOh said:
Just curious ... who here thinks the Hall of Fame voters discriminate against the Dallas Cowboys? Why?

I think losing to the Steelers in both SB in the 70's did have an effect on many of our guys not getting in. I don't think that is fair but I'm not sure I would go as far as saying they disciminate because a player played in Dallas
Let's see...

Affirmative Action
Black Entertainment Network
Black Family Network
Black Movie Awards
Miss Black America
Miss Black Universe
United Negro College Fund
AOL "Black Voices"
Black History Month
Black Hall of Fame

and that's just off the top of my head. Now, replace Black with White in any of the above "scenarios" and see what happens. Cries of racism, discrimination, etc would pour out like a waterfall. Seems like nowadays people like to throw the words "racist" and "discrimination" around like it's hip or something.

Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of it. I'm white, and I've experienced racism, discrimination, and violence because of the color of my skin. I'm not going to sit here and cry about it though.

None of you are privy to the interviews and perceived qualifications of the coaches hired thus far, so why pretend that you are? Maybe the black candidates didn't interview well, or just weren't as well qualified. I mean, perish the thought of someone getting a job because they were the best candidate, and not because of their ethnicity.

If every HC in the league was black, would you guys be upset? Would we see threads about "Not enough white coaches"? Somehow, I doubt it.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Like if a GM told Maurice Carthon "We arent hiring you because you're black"

Something subtle like that :cool:
Did I say something wrong? I thought this was a forum for discussion I was interested to see what you considered discrimination. :confused:

It is believed the decision came down to Linehan over Cameron, as Rams officials had come to believe in the last few days that a coach with an offensive background would best fit their team. Rivera met last week with the Rams and, while he was said to have been impressive, he was not as detailed as the others in his ideas for staffing.

The consensus around the NFL earlier Wednesday was that Linehan and Cameron were very close in the running as the Rams continued to deliberate the strengths and weaknesses of all the candidates. During an informal brainstorming session among team officials last week, Linehan rated as the most impressive candidate.
Did I say something wrong? I thought this was a forum for discussion I was interested to see what you considered discrimination. :confused:

Discrimination is not hiring a guy soley because of his ethnicity. That is not why there arent an abundence of black coaches.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Rayfield Wright isnt in the HOF

That's all that needs to be said

And yet, just a few posts earlier, you said it would take a GM saying "I'm not hiring you because you're black" for you to believe racial discrimination exists? I know there was hyperbole in it, but why isn't the fact that, say, Ron Rivera and Tim Lewis aren't head coaches "all that needs to be said" about the issue?

Why is it okay to allege discrimination against the Cowboys based on the number of Cowboys in the Hall, but it's NOT okay to allege discrimination against minorities based on the number of minority coaches?
jksmith269 said:
No offense but this is a crock of crap. If I'm an owner of a business I don't think the government or anyone for that matter should be able to tell me who I can hire and can't hire. Nor should they regulate to me how many minorities I should hire or even interview for a job.

Actually that is your right. So long as you don't want any money from the gov't. The second you take money from the gov't then you gotta play by their rules.

And for the record, affirmative action is not exclusively about hiring. only a small proportion of any AA programs influence hiring or interviewing -- that is only for cases where discrimination is demonstrable.
aikemirv said:

It is believed the decision came down to Linehan over Cameron, as Rams officials had come to believe in the last few days that a coach with an offensive background would best fit their team. Rivera met last week with the Rams and, while he was said to have been impressive, he was not as detailed as the others in his ideas for staffing.

The consensus around the NFL earlier Wednesday was that Linehan and Cameron were very close in the running as the Rams continued to deliberate the strengths and weaknesses of all the candidates. During an informal brainstorming session among team officials last week, Linehan rated as the most impressive candidate.

Impossible! He can't be more qualified, can he? (gasp) Because that would go a long way towards discrediting these cries of discrimination. But I'm sure the Rams went in there with their minds made up already. ;)
Discrimination is not hiring a guy soley because of his ethnicity.

That's not what discrimination means, and it's not what anybody is alleging. Turning a candidate down solely becaue of his race is one blatant example of discrimination, but it's not what we're talking about.

Racial discrimination means treating members of one race differently than members of another race.

Blackistone is alleging that racial discrimination exists in the NFL because he sees minority assistant coaches being held to different standards (ie. Romeo Crennel vs. Eric Mangini; Ray Rhodes vs. Norv Turner) and minority coaches being judged collectively rather than individually.

You are free to disagree with his conclusions, but it helps if we're at least speaking the same language.
quite funny.........

If you can prove that all those other guys aka white males were better qualified than majority of the minorities (Including females) then you'd have a point.

Sorry, but you're the one alleging racial discrimination, therefore the burden of proof is on you.

The alarming disparity in their hiring practices couldn't go unnoticed forever. The Rooney rule was implemented to destroy or ruffle the feathers of the ol boys club. Pretty simple.

What's "alarming"? Are you alleging that the men (yes, men) in those jobs are incompetent or are somehow shaming the league? You're surprised that more women don't work in a hypermasculine business like the NFL? I guarantee you that the vast majority of Oprah's staff is comprised of women and gay men. Are you prepared to file some discrimination lawsuits to remedy that imbalance? Or will you sensibly concede that women and gay men understand Oprah's audience like white men know the NFL?
superpunk said:
Impossible! He can't be more qualified, can he? (gasp) Because that would go a long way towards discrediting these cries of discrimination. But I'm sure the Rams went in there with their minds made up already. ;)
Of course you know for a fact they didn't....................
Kilyin said:
Let's see...

Affirmative Action
Black Entertainment Network
Black Family Network
Black Movie Awards
Miss Black America
Miss Black Universe
United Negro College Fund
AOL "Black Voices"
Black History Month
Black Hall of Fame

and that's just off the top of my head. Now, replace Black with White in any of the above "scenarios" and see what happens. Cries of racism, discrimination, etc would pour out like a waterfall. Seems like nowadays people like to throw the words "racist" and "discrimination" around like it's hip or something.

Now that is just ignorant -- considering that just about everything in this country is WHITE oriented. Minority groups need these things to establish their own identities in a country that far too often pays more attention to what the majority group is doing.

When I was in elementary school in the 70's our U.S. history books mentioned two blacks -- MLK and George Washington Carver. If you didn't have the dominant culture refusing to recognize the contributions of other groups then you wouldn't need stuff like black history month to make everyone aware. Every freaking month of the year is White history month.

And affrimative action -- that is not a "black" thing. In fact, many policies focus much more on gender discrimination.
abersonc said:
And affrimative action -- that is not a "black" thing. In fact, many policies focus much more on gender discrimination.

Unfortunately that is what many see as the face of Affirmative Action. Mainly that Blacks are the only ones benefiting and that it was created soley for blacks.

Much like some of the very false assumptions made and thought about Welfare.

Sad really...

- Mike G.

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