Let's see...
Affirmative Action
Black Entertainment Network
Black Family Network
Black Movie Awards
Miss Black America
Miss Black Universe
United Negro College Fund
AOL "Black Voices"
Black History Month
Black Hall of Fame
and that's just off the top of my head. Now, replace Black with White in any of the above "scenarios" and see what happens. Cries of racism, discrimination, etc would pour out like a waterfall. Seems like nowadays people like to throw the words "racist" and "discrimination" around like it's hip or something.
Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of it. I'm white, and I've experienced racism, discrimination, and violence because of the color of my skin. I'm not going to sit here and cry about it though.
None of you are privy to the interviews and perceived qualifications of the coaches hired thus far, so why pretend that you are? Maybe the black candidates didn't interview well, or just weren't as well qualified. I mean, perish the thought of someone getting a job because they were the best candidate, and not because of their ethnicity.
If every HC in the league was black, would you guys be upset? Would we see threads about "Not enough white coaches"? Somehow, I doubt it.