Bland but handsome mateys, this coming game is the most anticipated game of the season so far, yes?


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Next saturday. Then bambi time. Hand loaded some .257 ackley improved shells for the occasion.
Bambi peppered jerkey be good stuff!!! To what address shall I mail a check for said delicacy? :laugh:


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"Why so?" the clueless and heartless might ask.

The season is in the tank. Our defence stinks more than a WNBA locker room. (Nice arm tackling, you moron Mike Nolan). Our GM and his fat slow son are running this franchise for the next 40 years and on and on.

Yet, I have been anticipating this game more than @cern looking forward to getting Bambi in his gunsight.

DiNucci represents a new chapter in our season.

,Not that we will beat Wench and his thuggish team and fans, but hope springs eternal for this handsome lad from the Midlands of Dear old England.

Me lips are ovulating for this game! I cannot sleep or eat, thinking about the DiNucchi debut!

Every dog has his day. Wouldn't it be nice, you lovable louts if DiNucchi throws lights out? If DiNucci keeps the Egirls offence off the field? Wouldn't it be nice if our QB silences the Satan's Helpers in the stands?

Oh, me pipe dreams ...

But miracles happen, don't they?

What do you bland fellows, contractors, con men and speculators think?
If the brain-dead-trust that runs this forsaken franchise has ANY SMARTS WHATSOEVER, they do NOT try to win any more games. I don’t care who they play - result needs to be an L.
BRING ON lTHIS GAME!!!! :dance: