Blessing in disguise?


Last Man Standing
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Not only will this serve as a wake-up call to this team, but this team puts the Cowboys into the playoffs as the like #5 seed instead of the #3 seed. So again I pose the question, would you rather play the Giants at home then the Saints on the road, or the woeful Seahawks on the road and the Bears on the road?

(just a hint to my answer, the Seahawks are 8-7 and have lost three straight games)


Mr. Wright
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I think we said this after the Saints game?

I also believe the Colts said that after we beat them?

Look how we both followed those up.

So no to the wake-up call.


Fire Garrett
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How come someone always asks this question after we get our arses handed to us?

No. It isn't a blessing. I want the division. I want a bye. I want a home game.

We might not even win next week if we continue to go in with the horrible gameplans our coaches are cramming on our players every Saturday night.


Well-Known Member
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We're just not playing well. And it's been this way for several weeks now.

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see us winning any games in the playoffs this season.

In any case, before the season started, I would be happy with 10-6 and a playoff berth. Anything else is gravy.


Mr. Buckeye
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If the Saints game didn't wake us up...This game won't either.


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Anyone that would rather play an extra game, on the road nonetheless, is an idiot. I wanted to win the division and hope for the Panthers to beat the Saints next week. I also wanted at least one home playoff game if we didn't get the second seed. Now we're stuck playing every playoff game (though it will only be one) on the road. Not exactly what I had asked Santa to deliver.


New Member
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I'll take my chances at Seattle and At Chicago................

At Chicago, mid winter......that is really the type of conditons our defense is structured to play against................

but the way we got run on, just dont know....

these Run and dump West coast teams chew and spit us out with the spreading the field, forcing all the LB'rs we got....what are they? Undersized DLine ???


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SmashFactorGolf;1259222 said:
I'll take my chances at Seattle and At Chicago................

At Chicago, mid winter......that is really the type of conditons our defense is structured to play against................

but the way we got run on, just dont know....

these Run and dump West coast teams chew and spit us out with the spreading the field, forcing all the LB'rs we got....what are they? Undersized DLine ???

Well, I'd definitely rather play Seattle and Chicago than NO or the Giants.

That said, the way we're playing, I don't see a favorable outcome. Holmgren (sp?) is a very good, experienced coach. I think he can gameplan our defense apart.


Last Man Standing
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Star4Ever;1259221 said:
Anyone that would rather play an extra game, on the road nonetheless, is an idiot. I wanted to win the division and hope for the Panthers to beat the Saints next week.
Let's be realistic, the #2 seed was out of reach. The Saints aren't going to lose to the Panthers next week (though now, with nothing to play for, they might).

This poll is between the #3 seed and the #5 seed. I maintain the #5 seed is better, an out of division game (albeit, on the road) against a team that is stumbling worse than us, then a Bears team who I think we match up very well against.

Take the emotion out of today's game and think about it.


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I don't need to think about it. I'd rather be at home in a playoff game anytime than on the road.


Well-Known Member
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Wake-up call, shake-up call.

This defense is not that good.

The only hope for this team is if the tendency for teams to play more conservative in the playoffs holds true to form.

The Cowboys are a great team when they play conservative teams.

When they play teams that are reckless, they lose.

I don't care who we play really. If we don't play remarkably better on defense and if other teams aren't playing conservatively, we're done.


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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TheSkaven;1259245 said:
Let's be realistic, the #2 seed was out of reach. The Saints aren't going to lose to the Panthers next week (though now, with nothing to play for, they might).

This poll is between the #3 seed and the #5 seed. I maintain the #5 seed is better, an out of division game (albeit, on the road) against a team that is stumbling worse than us, then a Bears team who I think we match up very well against.

Take the emotion out of today's game and think about it.

I sort of agree. I think going into Seatle or Chic. as an underdog might be enough to get this team up.

We certainly don't play well at home and also as favorites.

So yea, I think in this case 5 may be better than 3.


Well-Known Member
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This is foolish. It is never a "blessing" to be beaten in the game basically for the division championship and the right to play at home in the playoffs for at least a round.

True, this year it might work out that way but that says NOTHING about the Cowboys, and everything to do with the NFC's parity and poor play.

We just need to win. I'm tired of well now we go here or there and whatever whothefrig cares. Yes, it's nice to be in the playoffs... but when you are not going to be competitive why bother.

Parcells should be ashamed of himself, his staff and his team after this debacle in front of a national audience. Maybe that will help somewhat... something tells me this team has a character flaw where it can only beat patsy teams, - the Colts... who themselves are somewhat a "bully" team that can't seem to raise its play either.

I'm tired of pounding inferior teams and then when playing a team with = or greater talent, folding like a tent or barely staving off complete collapse (NYG, ATL).

We just aren't very good folks.


Well-Known Member
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#5 Seed is better in my opinion. Better chance vs Seahawks than Gints (even at home) and Chicago is beatable. Now all goes out the window if we continue to play so conservatively on offense. Parcells needs to open it up once we hit the's the only way we have a chance as we have no run game and our defense needs to stay off the field.


New Member
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TheSkaven;1259245 said:
Let's be realistic, the #2 seed was out of reach. The Saints aren't going to lose to the Panthers next week (though now, with nothing to play for, they might).

This poll is between the #3 seed and the #5 seed. I maintain the #5 seed is better, an out of division game (albeit, on the road) against a team that is stumbling worse than us, then a Bears team who I think we match up very well against.

Take the emotion out of today's game and think about it.

I said that even before the game, so yeah. About the only we thing we stood to gain with a win was pride of winning the division. After the Saints beat the Giants I figured the bye week was gone.

And obviously homefield doesnt mean jack as we've just witnessed in our last 2 home games... other than if one was planning on going to a game in Dallas.

So sure the Seattle/Chicago deal is more favorable. Even if we'd have won the first game at home as the 3 seed, we've have had to go to the Saints for thier first playoff game.

These are teams we match up better against and with any luck the 3 seed knocks off the Saints anyway and we wouldnt have to play them.