Blue uniforms at home

Them is the ugliest uniforms in the NFL other than the Bucs and jags! I cant understand how you can screw up blue but they did!

WRONG 100%, I have half a mind to block you for your ignorance.
I just read something on the pants. You are right that there was always a slight green tint, but it was always so subtle that they just appeared to be gray. But when Nike became the brand the NFL used for pants the greenish/turquoise tint became more pronounced and people could see it more.

Interesting about the reason for white at home. I always assumed it was to be different and to portray a good guy image.

I've read a lot of theories/stories of why Dallas wears whites at home. The main is Tex Schramm wanted fans to see different colors. However there's another that Dallas felt it gave them an advantage in the Texas sun and heat as the opposite colored jerseys would overheat. Another is that it was owner Clint Murchison, Jr. who chose white because he was a cheapskate and only had to buy one set of jerseys instead of colors at home and whites on the road.

I'm not sure which to believe, but now its just plain tradition.
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To solve everything just go back to the blue jersey with the dark pants worn in the SB lost to the Colts, then would have the best uniforms hands down and not even close.
I'd much rather see blue at home. This way it's at least an 8-8 split instead of the 14-2 uniform split we get every year. I mean blue with silver pants is the sharpest uni in the league.. Get rid of those stupid all white color rush and the white pants. They over ruled the white helmet, it's time to move on.
The all white color rush unies aren't the same as the blue throwbacks that we would use with the white helmet. Color rush unis are basically a remake of the 1994 unies. I'll take the color rush over all of em. The grey accents and the big grey/blue stripe down the pants pretty much brings the whole thing together to match with the helmet. Cleanest unies in the league.
WRONG 100%, I have half a mind to block you for your ignorance.
Ok lol, 1st dufus it's an opinion, to which I'm entitled too. Dem dur blue uniforms are mighty ugly bordering on atrocious! And omg please please no! Whatever would I do if you blocked me!
Ok lol, 1st dufus it's an opinion, to which I'm entitled too. Dem dur blue uniforms are mighty ugly bordering on atrocious! And omg please please no! Whatever would I do if you blocked me!

Keep your shirt on, I dont care what you do or dont like. You are welcome to your opinions, however foolish they make you look, and we dont call each other names here so take it down a notch. If you get this worked up on a uniform thread Id hate to see you in a game thread, rivers of tears lol. triggered much?
Ok, how about their socks? Should we bring in a stylist as well? Maybe work on some manscaping. I mean the possibilities are endless. How about you bring over the latest issues of Cosmo and we can work on a fashion show...
The all white color rush unies aren't the same as the blue throwbacks that we would use with the white helmet. Color rush unis are basically a remake of the 1994 unies. I'll take the color rush over all of em. The grey accents and the big grey/blue stripe down the pants pretty much brings the whole thing together to match with the helmet. Cleanest unies in the league.
These unis with the silver pants and dark blue socks might just be a combo we should try
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From what I understand the pants were always a shade of green they called seafoam. But only because on television they appeared to be a shiny silver. So the intent was a shiny silver. As a kid in the late 70s early 80s I was taken aback by just how greenish those pants were when I saw them at Giants stadium.

The reason the Cowboys wore white at home was so that the fans at the stadium could see different colors every week. I wish I could remember what documentary about the Cowboys it was that gave me those two facts.

Tex Schramm supposedly wanted the fans to see the visitors in their home colors. The other reason I have heard was that, in early season games especially, it could be a billion degrees down on the field and the whites helped keep the Cowboys a few degrees cooler. Whatever the reason, the Cowboys in their white jerseys are simply iconic. I have never liked any version of the blues and I get uneasy when they don them. Too many years of watching them lose big games back in the ‘70s and ‘80s while in blue (including their first Super Bowl). The Dallas Cowboys belong in white, always, but most especially at home.
Keep your shirt on, I dont care what you do or dont like. You are welcome to your opinions, however foolish they make you look, and we dont call each other names here so take it down a notch. If you get this worked up on a uniform thread Id hate to see you in a game thread, rivers of tears lol. triggered much?
Hmmm??? you called me ignorant for stating my opinion that the blue uniforms are ugly, which they are. Not seeing where you felt I was worked up as I was laughing at your assertion that I would care if you blocked me. That should have been apparent early in my thread by typing "uh lol!
The all white color rush unies aren't the same as the blue throwbacks that we would use with the white helmet. Color rush unis are basically a remake of the 1994 unies. I'll take the color rush over all of em. The grey accents and the big grey/blue stripe down the pants pretty much brings the whole thing together to match with the helmet. Cleanest unies in the league.

Love this jersey though! Wish they’d wear them more.
Just get rid of the green tint on the pants, and the whites are fine. The whites are a Cowboy tradition.
It’s sad when Jerry can’t even see can’t even see our own freakin pants don’t match. He took the best uniform in football and made it average at best. Green pants? Seriously?
I wish they'd always wear the blues, and the white pants. It looks so much better than the whites with the monstrosity that is the green pants.
Just get rid of the green tint on the pants, and the whites are fine. The whites are a Cowboy tradition.
Since We're The Cowboys, I'd like to see Pants with a chap effect style.
It’s sad when Jerry can’t even see can’t even see our own freakin pants don’t match. He took the best uniform in football and made it average at best. Green pants? Seriously?

I posted this earlier in this thread, and this is something I didn't know myself, but apparently the pants have always had a greenish/turquoise tint to them. It was actually Tex Schramm that decided that. But for years it was faint enough that it was hard to notice, and most people just saw them as gray. When Nike became the supplier, apparently their attempt to duplicate the color resulted in a more pronounced greenish tint, and that's what we have now.
Whatever, just figure out how to match the blues on the helmet, jersey and pants as well as the silver on the helmet and pants. It's silly.
Whatever, just figure out how to match the blues on the helmet, jersey and pants as well as the silver on the helmet and pants. It's silly.

Apparently they've been transitioning to a darker navy blue because it sells better at retail

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