Bo Scarbrough


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Melon-- i have only one thing to say to that...GORICO
RIGHT-0N!,,,brother man!,,,keep the home hearth of those fires of faith stoked:thumbup:

GoRico,,, I'm surely hopefully #80 enjoys a successful football career here with our tribal totem franchise, yet, my good& favorite friend, should that not be the case, I'm double platinum hopeful you've initiated " anti- ashtray" procedures in the protection of yer' new wide screen T.V. for this seasons exhibition:)



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why is he all of the sudden the fan darling.... last year it was Smith and as far as I know he is still here and he is biger, faster and can catch better. and then the fans loved Darius Jackson two years ago, he was the fan darling..... and now he is back with the team, is he yesterday's news.?

I am not so sure scarbrough makes the team...he doesn't have a lot of wiggle. he can't catch out of the back field, he is not fast, he can run up the middle and get some tough yards....why does everyone think he is so special? I don't see anything special

There is no telling how this will shake out, outside of Zeke.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Ok, paint me with a stupid brush, but I finally get it "GORICO" = GO RICO. Sigh, I just thought you were of Greek descent.

Well,to be honest Colorado, I'd been mentally registering OUR highly esteemed colleague as "GOR-CO" for well over a month
b-4 it finally dawned on me ,when his worthy posts were first perused in the beginning.o_O

* gorco of planet #80, I come in search of sweet victorious flavouro_O



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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Well,to be honest Colorado, I'd been mentally registering OUR highly esteemed colleague as "GOR-CO" for well over a month
b-4 it finally dawned on me ,when his worthy posts were first perused in the beginning.o_O

* gorco of planet #80, I come in search of sweet victorious flavouro_O

Ok, I feel much better :laugh:

America's Cowboy

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He is not afraid of contact I would like to see him play some fullback yes I think fullback needs to be revived when done right it works
Interesting you mentioned fullback. I believe Bo is a better runner both in between and outside the tackles than Rod Smith is, and I believe overall Bo is a better power runner. Rod Smith previously played fullback, so maybe he can go back to fullback if Bo outplays him at RB during training camp and preseason.


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I like Bo but is 405 really that much for NFL caliber athletes that weigh like 230+?

There are guys in 5A high schools that can do that. D1 is filled with them.

What I'm saying is, why is this a video? Hah.

Anyways, hope he runs like a bat out of hell in preseason.
Mehhh I wouldnt put too much stock into that weight. Could be doing pyramid sets!