Bob Hayes' Sister is a Fraud??? Wow...


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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bbgun;2617374 said:
Eh, she'll just say that she typed while Bob dictated. Con artists always cover their tracks.

I guess you are right.


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Talk about a dysfunctional family!

First: If this woman is not family, how did she ever get so close to Bob Hayes? Where in the world was the rest of the family while this was happening? I mean you are visiting your brother right? You go see him in the hospital right? There is the strange woman there, and no one says a word? There is this strange woman beginning to intrude upon his life and no one tells here to take a hike? Or Bob Hayes himself doesn't say "this is my FRIEND"?

Second: Why can't this story get on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, TONIGHT? I mean isn't this the kind of story that media people LOVE? Let the investigative reporters get on it and we will have the truth pretty quickly.

My gut feel is that she IS an impostor. But that still leaves a very strange question. How in the world does someone become an impostor in your own family, and be able to take it this far? That is just bizarre.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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rcaldw;2617379 said:
Talk about a dysfunctional family!

First: If this woman is not family, how did she ever get so close to Bob Hayes? Where in the world was the rest of the family while this was happening? I mean you are visiting your brother right? You go see him in the hospital right? There is the strange woman there, and no one says a word? There is this strange woman beginning to intrude upon his life and no one tells here to take a hike? Or Bob Hayes himself doesn't say "this is my FRIEND"?

Second: Why can't this story get on NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, TONIGHT? I mean isn't this the kind of story that media people LOVE? Let the investigative reporters get on it and we will have the truth pretty quickly.

My gut feel is that she IS an impostor. But that still leaves a very strange question. How in the world does someone become an impostor in your own family, and be able to take it this far? That is just bizarre.

I'll send it to Greta!


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If she's proven to be a fraud, please spare me platitudes like "Her heart's in the right place" or "It's the thought that counts." Nothing could justify this kind of insensitive grandstanding.


Salary Cap Analyst
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Fisher's article notes than the obituaries in the DMN and the New York Times don't mention Lucille Hester as his sister.

But the obituary written by Hayes' hometown newspaper in Jacksonville does mention herh.

What's really odd is that the DMN and New York Times don't mention another sister listed in the Jacksonville newpaper, Georgette Sanders.

And Bob's ex-wife, Janice, told Fisher that "Bob has a brother and he has sisters."


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bbgun;2617396 said:
If she's proven to be a fraud, please spare me platitudes like "Her heart's in the right place" or "It's the thought that counts." Nothing could justify this kind of insensitive grandstanding.

Yeah, there's nothing honorable or right about it. If true. She's probably lied to JJT about her "stories" as well. Taking kids to Canton, being there for the first SB, etc.

Once again, if true, this lady is true scum.


Kane Ala
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What could the family do but sue her? Perhaps she has broken some law but I don't know enough to say what it would be. And it's not been that important to address this situation which is embarrassing on several levels for all. It costs a lot of money to sue someone and why bother until now. Apparently they've told people she wasn't a sister and no one believed them.

I don't fault the family even though I would have done something before now if possible.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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jobberone;2617424 said:
What could the family do but sue her? Perhaps she has broken some law but I don't know enough to say what it would be. And it's not been that important to address this situation which is embarrassing on several levels for all. It costs a lot of money to sue someone and why bother until now. Apparently they've told people she wasn't a sister and no one believed them.

I don't fault the family even though I would have done something before now if possible.

But how do you get into the HOF area during the announcement if you don't somehow show credentials or something. I mean, you can't just waltz up to the podium with a typed letter and a suspect signature and you are good to go.

I don't understand this at all. And if this is the case, why wasn't Bob's son there? Surely some of the people at the announcement were there supporting Bob would have known who he was. At least I would think.


Cowboy Fan
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I would bet that she is his sister from his real father ...... and thats why the family is saying she is not related to them.

Sad that they are all starting this drama now.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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zrinkill;2617437 said:
I would bet that she is his sister from his real father ...... and thats why the family is saying she is not related to them.

Sad that they are all starting this drama now.

Was Bob Hayes adopted???


Cowboy Fan
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Cajuncowboy;2617440 said:
Was Bob Hayes adopted???

Someone said earlier he was the product of an affair ..... but then again there are so many stories now its hard to separate the crap from the truth.


Kane Ala
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Cajuncowboy;2617431 said:
But how do you get into the HOF area during the announcement if you don't somehow show credentials or something. I mean, you can't just waltz up to the podium with a typed letter and a suspect signature and you are good to go.

I don't understand this at all. And if this is the case, why wasn't Bob's son there? Surely some of the people at the announcement were there supporting Bob would have known who he was. At least I would think.

She got in on the basis of her work so far. No one is going to ask her for proof of kinship. Someone got her that far, along with her own con, assuming it is all a lie.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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zrinkill;2617445 said:
Someone said earlier he was the product of an affair ..... but then again there are so many stories now its hard to separate the crap from the truth.


I said it earlier and I'll say it again...

I hate this for Bob.

He deserved so much better.


Kane Ala
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Cajuncowboy;2617455 said:

I said it earlier and I'll say it again...

I hate this for Bob.

He deserved so much better.

The guy gets in and still there's crap somewhere in his life.

Randy White

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WoodysGirl;2617289 said:
My question is why wait until now. This stuff should've been resolved a long time ago.

Edit: Just read Fisher's article. I fault Bob's people just as much as the Lucille for this nonsense. They knew what she was doing and let it go on silently.


If somebody was trying to insurp my father's name, I don't care how much I hated the spotlight, I would have been all over that person.

Something tells me that there's more to this than what's been reported so far. That part about Bob and Lucille sharing a father raises some interesting questions. It might be a coincidence, but the few times I saw Mr. Hayes' interviews, I saw his smile in Lucille.

Or maybe it was just my mind wanting to see the resemblence.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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Why is that everything crazy related has something to do with the cowboys... anyways this sucks for the Bob Hayes family after such a great weekend after he got chosen to the HOF...


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I wish I never read any of this.

When I saw her doing the speech it was moving and it was great to see that kind of emotion in a moment that isn't from an actor in a movie.

And now we hear it's from a con woman.

At least when I know it's an actor it's ok to be fooled for a minute.

This is just annoying.

And bbgun is right. Womever can save it with the 'her heart is in the right place' BS because she could have made the same speech as his lifelong friend.

Why not just give full disclosure about everything the first time someone questions you on it.

The signatures aren't in the same zip code. The one on the card looks like it's from a man who is ill while the one on the letter looks like it's from a lady who is looking for her 15 minutes.


How big can the fire that is the Dallas Cowboys get?

We should start betting on where the next piece of firewood comes from.