CFZ Bob Sturm: Jerry Jones is the Stephen A Smith of NFL Executives


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I was listening to Dallas sports radio host and writer for the Athletic Bob Sturm this afternoon and he was openly disgusted with the amount of talking Jerry Jones does weekly that ends up undermining the team.

In fact, Sturm went on to say that Jerry has basically become the Stephen A Smith of NFL executives. Jerry is on TV or radio a minimum of 4-5 times each week and his blustering, provocative and stupid comments are more like a carnival barker than a GM. He doesn’t even know the names of his players. It’s like Stephen A does- just try to be outrageous enough to get people to look and pay attention. It’s glorified click bait.

No other GM or sports owner does this. None of them hold pressers in the locker room after each game. Zero. Nada. He has 2 radio shows each week, has a pre-game interview before each game and a post game press conference after each game. And this morning through in an impromptu presser after his two previous radio shows earlier this week.

Why should anyone care? The only reason I care is all his stupid drivel undermines his head coach, his players and makes this team more like a circus than a real football team. The Dallas Cowboys players and coaches not only have to beat the opposing team, they have to overcome the absurdity of their owner/GM/president/hot dog selector and whatever other titles he holds.

big dog cowboy

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I was listening to Dallas sports radio host and writer for the Athletic Bob Sturm this afternoon and he was openly disgusted with the amount of talking Jerry Jones does weekly that ends up undermining the team.


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Sturm better watch his back.
Why? He’s one of several radio guys around here who take Jerry and Stephen to task daily. Sturm, Craig Miller, Corby Davidson, Ben Rogers, Skin Wade…just off the top of my head…all Dallas broadcasters who don’t buy any of Jerry’s snake oil. The days of journalists worrying about JJ are long gone.


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I'll give Strum credit for the Stephen A Smith analogy, but other than that we've all said the same thing about Jerry, this is nothing new.

So give yourselves a big round of applause zoners :clap:

we called it first. :laugh:

Lord help us:facepalm:
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john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I was listening to Dallas sports radio host and writer for the Athletic Bob Sturm this afternoon and he was openly disgusted with the amount of talking Jerry Jones does weekly that ends up undermining the team.

In fact, Sturm went on to say that Jerry has basically become the Stephen A Smith of NFL executives. Jerry is on TV or radio a minimum of 4-5 times each week and his blustering, provocative and stupid comments are more like a carnival barker than a GM. He doesn’t even know the names of his players. It’s like Stephen A does- just try to be outrageous enough to get people to look and pay attention. It’s glorified click bait.

No other GM or sports owner does this. None of them hold pressers in the locker room after each game. Zero. Nada. He has 2 radio shows each week, has a pre-game interview before each game and a post game press conference after each game. And this morning through in an impromptu presser after his two previous radio shows earlier this week.

Why should anyone care? The only reason I care is all his stupid drivel undermines his head coach, his players and makes this team more like a circus than a real football team. The Dallas Cowboys players and coaches not only have to beat the opposing team, they have to overcome the absurdity of their owner/GM/president/hot dog selector and whatever other titles he holds.
This team is never going to win anything of note with Jerry as the GM

27 years and counting as evidence


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12,941 gotta remember, Jerry is a product of left over remnants from depression period.. haha!.

His dad probably instilled talk yer *** off skills and SELL every time you get the chance.

All that came from when three quarters of America was in crisis and poor.

Only way to survive, was to Sell.

His product, Shiny Dallas Cowboys. Which to him equals to the likes of Ford and Rockefeller.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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No other GM or sports owner does this. None of them hold pressers in the locker room after each game. Zero. Nada.
Why is this a fact?

Why is it every other GM or sports owner's EGO, GREED, or [fill in the blank assumption] does not motivate them to do what Jones does on a weekly and sometimes daily basis?

Good questions. Wonder if an explanation has ever been given that sums up Jones' atypical behavior in a nutshell?



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Why is this a fact?

Why is it every other GM or sports owner's EGO, GREED, or [fill in the blank assumption] does not motivate them to do what Jones does on a weekly and sometimes daily basis?

Good questions. Wonder if an explanation has ever been given that sums up Jones' atypical behavior in a nutshell?

I think it’s simple- Jerry doesn’t want to win bad enough to do what it takes to win a championship. It’s not a big secret. The winning owners of the last 26 SBs all hired a qualified GM and delegated authority to them, then held them accountable for results. Jerry wants play big shot more than he wants to win.


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Jerry is winning by the existence of this very post.

Jerry not knowing the names of players isnt a big deal to me. Hes 80 years old with a rotating roster of players...not including key staff that over looks his portfolio. My mom calls me by my other brothers names sometimes...there are only 3 of us.

But...some of these things are on purpose(CURRENT COOPER VS DAK comment by Jerry). You think saying BLOCKCHAINCOM a million times at a press release instead of BLOCKCHAIN.COM(which you will have to use to get to the actual website) is by accident? Its on purpose to get you to chirp about the ridiculousness of it. And I dont want to argue about if BLOCKCHAINCOM is how its filed with the government. It was to make you say "What?!" "Why?!" "That dont make sense!" and talk about it. Jerry doesnt do anything media related without an oobjective. And please...tell me how stupid and unwinning his teams have been which prove he is not that smart to pull off the BLOCKCHAINCOM stunt.


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Jerry is winning by the existence of this very post.

Jerry not knowing the names of players isnt a big deal to me. Hes 80 years old with a rotating roster of players...not including key staff that over looks his portfolio. My mom calls me by my other brothers names sometimes...there are only 3 of us.

But...some of these things are on purpose(CURRENT COOPER VS DAK comment by Jerry). You think saying BLOCKCHAINCOM a million times at a press release instead of BLOCKCHAIN.COM(which you will have to use to get to the actual website) is by accident? Its on purpose to get you to chirp about the ridiculousness of it. And I dont want to argue about if BLOCKCHAINCOM is how its filed with the government. It was to make you say "What?!" "Why?!" "That dont make sense!" and talk about it. Jerry doesnt do anything media related without an oobjective. And please...tell me how stupid and unwinning his teams have been which prove he is not that smart to pull off the BLOCKCHAINCOM stunt.
Totally disagree. The only reason I make any comment about it is because this is the primary reason we cannot win in the playoffs anymore. We have a dysfunctional organization.

The only reason I still care about this circus at all is because of the qtr of a century they were my favorite team before I ever heard of Jerry Jones.

And he may be “winning” at the cash register but he’s not winning where it matters most. He is certainly a great salesman. But he’s a terrible builder of SB winning teams. He can’t do it the way he runs this thing.


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Totally disagree. The only reason I make any comment about it is because this is the primary reason we cannot win in the playoffs anymore. We have a dysfunctional organization.

The only reason I still care about this circus at all is because of the qtr of a century they were my favorite team before I ever heard of Jerry Jones.

And he may be “winning” at the cash register but he’s not winning where it matter most. He certainly a great salesman. But he’s a terrible builder of SB winning teams. He can’t do it the way he runs this thing.

Thats fine and fair. But I admire Jerry Jones for willing to pay players based on performance...even if small sample size. He wants to pay his players or performers...even taking risks to pay them at the expense of depth. Dumb...maybe. But he wants to do it his way...without scamming or having to underpay or get a performer on a "value" contract...he would prefer to pay them. Just like you would prefer your employer to pay you. I suspect most players and former players love him as opposed to despise him. And he would prefer to win like that instead of players feeling like poker chips..

Hes a more hands on GM than most...the coach is not in complete control. So be it.
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