Why? He’s one of several radio guys around here who take Jerry and Stephen to task daily. Sturm, Craig Miller, Corby Davidson, Ben Rogers, Skin Wade…just off the top of my head…all Dallas broadcasters who don’t buy any of Jerry’s snake oil. The days of journalists worrying about JJ are long gone.
Ever since the Cowboys and the Ticket parted ways of them as the flagship radio station.
They all have been haters regardless of how good or poor the team plays.
I am not saying they are wrong on any criticism, as it is warranted and needed. But the hate was still there for a while. I am not so sure now as I don't tune in as much.
I think I will to see how they are now.
Now they claim it was a mutual parting. But when Clear Channel or whatever it was bought out the Ticket. I think they decided they did not want to renew the contract with Jerry.
Something happened and some bad blood started. Though The Musers in the morning said, it was mutual, and they thought it was for the better. Though they did not say it, I do believe Jerry tried to control certain content about the team. As they could not truly speak their minds. As the station could and could not do certain things, and when they parted ways, they could get sponsors and ads they could not get with Jerry. If I remember all of that correctly.
When the Fan took over as the flagship station, they were horrible as to where the Ticket actually did a decent job at the time. The Fan had 2 guys as I think one moved to the area for the job. One was a Jets fan, the other A Washington fan. I still listened to the Ticket more than the Fan. Norm was great unless he went on a rant. I don't listen to the Fan as much either.
I used to listen most of the day at work, but since I am retired, I do other things in the mornings now. Though when Sturm and McDowel came on I tuned in for Cowboys talk, but I called them the time wasters. Every time they were to talk about the Cowboys, Dan McDowel, would say, well before we get to that,....and talk about something stupid, they got in 1 minutes of game talk. So I stopped listening to them.