Twitter: Bobby Belt Questions Whether Tyler Guyton is NFL Ready


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This is from Bobby Belt........a bit premature IMO. Let's see where the kid is after preseason.



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Bobby Belt has discussed this before. It’s very possible Guyton won’t be ready to start by week 1. Not a knock on Guyton. He is just on the raw side and may need time to be ready. No reason to believe he won’t be a good player once he develops.

The cowboys do have options if he isn’t ready by week 1.

If Hoffman is a good center as the OL coach believes he can be a starter, then you could start Beebe at LG and move Tyler to LT.

There’s also the development of Asim Richards. Maybe he is ready to start some games until Guyton is ready.

There’s also Bass who can play LG if you wanna move Tyler smith outside until Guytonnis ready.

So we shall see. obviously training camp and preseason games will give us a lot more info to go off.

The drafting of Guyton and Beebe has certainly added depth and youth though. Which is good for long term prospects of the OL


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Bobby Belt has discussed this before. It’s very possible Guyton won’t be ready to start by week 1. Not a knock on Guyton. He is just on the raw side and may need time to be ready. No reason to believe he won’t be a good player once he develops.

The cowboys do have options if he isn’t ready by week 1.

If Hoffman is a good center as the OL coach believes he can be a starter, then you could start Beebe at LG and move Tyler to LT.

There’s also the development of Asim Richards. Maybe he is ready to start some games until Guyton is ready.

So we shall see. obviously training camp and preseason games will give us a lot more info to go off
I hate the idea of moving an All Pro guard to tackle because the FO decided that drafting another project in the first round was a good idea.


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I hate the idea of moving an All Pro guard to tackle because the FO decided that drafting another project in the first round was a good idea.
I agree 1000% .......moving Tyler is not an option I would consider. Hell, I'd rather sign a vet free agent off the streets first

Best Remaining Offensive Tackle Free Agents, 2024:​

  • Donovan Smith
  • David Bakhtiari
  • D.J. Humphries
  • Jason Peters
  • Charles Leno
  • Billy Turner
  • Cameron Ervin
  • Duane Brown
  • Riley Reiff
  • Conor McDermott


Cowboys Diehard
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This is from Bobby Belt........a bit premature IMO. Let's see where the kid is after preseason.

There has already been talk about the possibility of Guyton needing additional time to adjust to playing LT at a professional level. Anyone who is considered less of a problematical risk might be a necessary option.


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If this is true then not signing Tyron for one more year looks extra stupid, especially considering what the Jets paid, and how bad Steele was last year. They absolutely need to go sign veteran depth at tackle. Don't move Tyler Smith.


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It's surprising how often the experts are wrong about player capabilities but as an OU fan I've watched Guyton and he does look like he'll need some coaching up. I like the idea of him being a 3rd/swing tackle for a while.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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This is from Bobby Belt........a bit premature IMO. Let's see where the kid is after preseason.

I don't see why he can't be as good as Tyler Smith was as a rookie, when he was forced to play LT because of Tyron's injury issues. There were plenty of doubts about Tyler playing LT because of his struggles with technique, and thus penalties, in college. I know there's the extra concern because Guyton played RT in college, but it seems to me that he could at least be as good at the switch as a rookie as Tyler was when he had to kick out to tackle after initially being in line to start at LG. Of course, every player is different, so we will be concerned until we see it.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Read this .......

Asim Richard offers way more than Edoga

This kid is an injury waiting to happen
I’d like to see Richards get a real shot and wanted that to happen last year. Edoga is awful.

In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if Guyton ends up better at RT and Asim can handle LT.

One caveat is that Steele has 17m already guaranteed for NEXT year. Makes him both uncuttable and untradeable. Nice work Stephen.


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there are several points in time that Guyton being "ready" has significance.

Right Now: fair if a rook is not ready, or if they want to start training camp with Chuma at LT. Totally fair. Not a story if this occurs.
Training camp moves to the Star: he should be getting first team reps by then. It is a story if he is not. Still, Chuma may be taking the first few reps, and that's fair.
End of training camp: ok, a bit concerning if he's not the first guy taking first team reps by now. But still time.
Preseason games: get him in there for some reps! Really doesn't have much significance either way, as "starters" usually do not take many reps.
Game 1: If its Chuma in here, then yeah, he wasn't good enough and its a story, but still not huge, if Beebe is center and they simply don't want two rooks starting.
Game 6: He should have won the job by now. Significant story if he hasn't.
Game 17: Bigger story. Concerning. See Mazi.