Boy Steve Young nailed it


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superpunk;2333002 said:
I disagree with this notion.

Which part?

Dallas isn't losing because of bad play calls. They are losing because they got their heads up their arses.

Plus I felt the Coverage issues we had by playing off to far has been cut back since the Washington game.

Wade has been pressing a lot more.

Some things need to improve but better playcalling would still have us 4-2.

If we played fired up football than we are 6-0 imo. 5-1 at worst.

This team is going through the motions.


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CATCH17;2333009 said:
Which part?

Dallas isn't losing because of bad play calls. They are losing because they got their heads up their arses.

Plus I felt the Coverage issues we had by playing off to far has been cut back since the Washington game.

Wade has been pressing a lot more.

Some things need to improve but better playcalling would still have us 4-2.

If we played fired up football than we are 6-0 imo. 5-1 at worst.

This team is going through the motions.
I think they're not as talented as we think they are and that our offense is a worse version of the Greatest Show on Turf in that our mad genius will not change what he's doing to suit the situation. On top of that noone seems to be held accountable. If they were, the mental errors would go away, or their ***** would be on the street (Tony Curtis). But they're not.


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What you need is a Jimmy Johnson like coach will will get on these guys when they screw up the way they have been. Today at least one of those two guys on the punt unit would be cut for that awful display in overtime if Jimmy were here. How do you let two guys come in essentially unblocked like that?

Just pathetic.


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superpunk;2333021 said:
I think they're not as talented as we think they are and that our offense is a worse version of the Greatest Show on Turf in that our mad genius will not change what he's doing to suit the situation. On top of that noone seems to be held accountable. If they were, the mental errors would go away, or their ***** would be on the street (Tony Curtis). But they're not.

I disagree.

Jason has made so many 2nd half adjustments after our offense has struggled in the 1st half.

We have been a 2nd half team since he has gotten here and its based on the adjustments he has made throughout games.

If you think this team is not as talented as people think than thats ok. Thats your opinion.

I disagree with that though and I think if you see this group of guys play with enthusiasm they will beat who ever is in front of them.

The last 3 weeks they have looked 100% un-enthused and just going through the motions.

Im tired of seeing Tony Romos face looking like he just walked in on a bunch of naked old men at the local YMCA.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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CATCH17;2332991 said:
It hasn't become an issue until Tony Romo has become complacent.

He is the definition of leading by example.

When hes perky and jumping around this entire team is the same way.

They feed off of Tony Romo's body language whether anyone wants to believe that or not.

I think he becomes too much like "one of the guys". A QB has to be a field general and command respect.

I think a lot of players like him an awful lot and they want to be successful along with him, but I do not feel anyone either fears letting him down.

It does not make all the sense in the world, but that is the best way I can guess how things are. Your QB has to be above everyone else in terms of status and commanding respect. I do not see it.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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CATCH17;2333030 said:
If you think this team is not as talented as people think than thats ok. Thats your opinion.

Not being as talented as everyone else is all relative.

Put it this way, we are more talented than most and good enough to do pretty much anything we want, which includes win a conference championship.

I do believe there is a lack of true team unity. I do not feel that the offense and defense are at each other's throats, I just do not see much synergy.

There just does not seem to be a culture of holding each other accountable and also having each other's backs. It is like each unit does their own thing irrespective of the other and they deal with their own issues separately instead as a team. If they were in synch, you would see the defense stepping up when the offense is not clicking and vice versa. That does not happen consistently and in some cases not at all.


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CATCH17;2333030 said:
I disagree.

Jason has made so many 2nd half adjustments after our offense has struggled in the 1st half.

We have been a 2nd half team since he has gotten here and its based on the adjustments he has made throughout games.

If you think this team is not as talented as people think than thats ok. Thats your opinion.

I disagree with that though and I think if you see this group of guys play with enthusiasm they will beat who ever is in front of them.

The last 3 weeks they have looked 100% un-enthused and just going through the motions.
A ten year old who is familiar with football knows how to combat a front 4-5 who is teeing off on your QB is to run some short stuff or some screens to keep them from pinning their ears back.

Barber didn't have 11 catches because we were running designed screens to make the Cardinals pay for coming after Tony nonstop. He had 11 catches because Red Jesus wanted to keep calling downfield routes and Tony was dumping it off before he got murdered.

In the second half we simply blocked better. We didn't do anything different except break off some routes to TO on the initial drive. It's like letting a teenager drive your ferrari. They know it's an awesome car, and they have no idea what to do with it.

You know who's running innovative offenses, and has their team playing over their heads and enthused these days? Tony Sparano and Dan Henning.


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Alexander;2333039 said:
I think he becomes too much like "one of the guys". A QB has to be a field general and command respect.

I think a lot of players like him an awful lot and they want to be successful along with him, but I do not feel anyone either fears letting him down.

It does not make all the sense in the world, but that is the best way I can guess how things are. Your QB has to be above everyone else in terms of status and commanding respect. I do not see it.

I see it. And when I dont see it I see this team look very much like their QB.

We go as Tony Romo goes. If hes flat, sits and pouts than this team does the same.

If hes bouncing around and looks like he can not wait for the next play than this team is the exact same way.

Jason Garret tells these guys to look at Tony Romos swagger. Well when they are looking at him moping around they notice that as well.

Apollo Creed

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superpunk;2333053 said:
A ten year old who is familiar with football knows how to combat a front 4-5 who is teeing off on your QB is to run some short stuff or some screens to keep them from pinning their ears back.

Barber didn't have 11 catches because we were running designed screens to make the Cardinals pay for coming after Tony nonstop. He had 11 catches because Red Jesus wanted to keep calling downfield routes and Tony was dumping it off before he got murdered.

In the second half we simply blocked better. We didn't do anything different except break off some routes to TO on the initial drive. It's like letting a teenager drive your ferrari. They know it's an awesome car, and they have no idea what to do with it.

You know who's running innovative offenses, and has their team playing over their heads and enthused these days? Tony Sparano and Dan Henning.

You nailed it.

We also only ran maybe 2 screens - both which worked very well against a group that peeled their ears back the entire game.

Out of all the overrated discussion on this board, the red heir apparent sure does get a pass.

big dog cowboy

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CATCH17;2333030 said:
The last 3 weeks they have looked 100% un-enthused and just going through the motions.
I think a lot of people have noticed that too. There is no way I'll ever understand it either. We know we have talent so I point the finger at the coaching staff.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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superpunk;2333053 said:
Barber didn't have 11 catches because we were running designed screens to make the Cardinals pay for coming after Tony nonstop. He had 11 catches because Red Jesus wanted to keep calling downfield routes and Tony was dumping it off before he got murdered.

We were not prepared for Pendergast's schemes and I think Phillips all but confirmed that. Why I do not know. They were doing the same things to the Bills last week.

I do see your point however. Some of the patterns we were calling, especially to Owens, were maddening. The route he was running on the last incompletion looked like one we missed several times in the game and we have missed before.


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Im sorry Superpunk I just dont buy that Garrett is holding us back as much as you think.

Hes a really..REALLY.. good coach and we are fortunate to have him.

He certainly needs to do some things different I agree. But he isn't the reason for the loss yesterday.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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CATCH17;2333058 said:
I see it. And when I dont see it I see this team look very much like their QB.

We go as Tony Romo goes. If hes flat, sits and pouts than this team does the same.

If hes bouncing around and looks like he can not wait for the next play than this team is the exact same way.

Jason Garret tells these guys to look at Tony Romos swagger. Well when they are looking at him moping around they notice that as well.

If he is not consistent in his behavior and I guess the best word to use is "intense", you see things like this. He is either very enthusiastic or moping around and it is hard to find him behaving anywhere in between to establish a baseline.


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CATCH17;2331767 said:
Leadership is so desperately needed on this team.

The talent is there. The offensive and defensive schemes are there.

The leadership is not.

The one guy who might actually be the best leader on this team can't fully be a leader either because the media will hammer him. (TO)

The team looks lackadasical and flat. Much like the attitude of their QB and head Coach.

We will go as far as the Focus, Urgency, and Enthusiam that our Head Coach and QB bring.

If its more deer in the head lights / I just woke up from a nap football than you can expect more games like this.

If we play with enthusiasm we can't be stopped.

If we play uninspired than we become very average.

Games like this is when a Bill Parcells foot up the arse is needed.

on the money!


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CATCH17;2333064 said:
Im sorry Superpunk I just dont buy that Garrett is holding us back as much as you think.

Hes a really..REALLY.. good coach and we are fortunate to have him.

He certainly needs to do some things different I agree. But he isn't the reason for the loss yesterday.
Of course not. We gave the Cards 16 points on special teams yesterday. If you want a reason for the loss there you go.

But this is a bigger than just one game problem, and I've complained about it for more than just one game, even while everyone was fawning over RJ last season.

If we keep trying to run this 90s offense, then Tony will have a similar career spike to Troy Aikman. This is what got Troy killed.


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superpunk;2333076 said:
Of course not. We gave the Cards 16 points on special teams yesterday. If you want a reason for the loss there you go.

But this is a bigger than just one game problem, and I've complained about it for more than just one game, even while everyone was fawning over RJ last season.

If we keep trying to run this 90s offense, then Tony will have a similar career spike to Troy Aikman. This is what got Troy killed.

The thing is we were doing a lot more off of it last year.

Red implemented a lot of other things he has learned from other coaches.

We used to motion TO. Now we dont. We used to throw drags. Now we dont.

They want Owens to run everyone off and let Witten beat everyone underneath.

IMO Miles can give you a lot of the same things Owens can once the ball is in his hands.

I would definetely like to see more drag routes and quick slants. Just get the ball in these guys hands.

Garrett will get things fixed im sure of that.

Im just not sure it will matter if this team plays flat.


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Alexander;2333074 said:
If he is not consistent in his behavior and I guess the best word to use is "intense", you see things like this. He is either very enthusiastic or moping around and it is hard to find him behaving anywhere in between to establish a baseline.

:hammer: Agreed.

Like Bill used to say, "Don't let your highs get to high, and your lows get to low."


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CATCH17;2333009 said:
Which part?

Dallas isn't losing because of bad play calls. They are losing because they got their heads up their arses.

Plus I felt the Coverage issues we had by playing off to far has been cut back since the Washington game.

Wade has been pressing a lot more.

Some things need to improve but better playcalling would still have us 4-2.

If we played fired up football than we are 6-0 imo. 5-1 at worst.

This team is going through the motions.

Did you see the TD pass that Henry gave up ? He played 10 yds away from his man in a goal line situation (10-15 yds). Sorry thats not Henrys fault to give up that TD you can't play that way this near the goal line.

But in all the Defense played ok.
Offense scheme wasn't right at all. And no signs of a change within the game. And we didn't lost because we couldn't handle the preassure. had Romo moved his feet just a little bit he could have had all day to throw.


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Well, for several of us here in the zone, the writing has been on the wall for a while...And lack of leadership may be easy to point to know but it's been brought up before, several times.