News: BR: Ezekiel Elliott Parties on Boat on Cowboys' off Day Amid Suspension Appeal

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This is beyond ridiculous. The kid can't do anything without being made to look like he's doing something he shouldn't.

"Partying" on a boat??? You mean, he went fishing?

What's next? Drove past a drug store? Walked passed the casino? Went to a "strip" mall?
They're just going to pick on him now for every little thing he does. Why I don't watch the media anymore. They don't report news, they try to be a part of it.

this is going to be sensationalized at every turn like romo and his golfing or vacations and how it showed he wasn't committed to winning. sad really but people will eat it up for no reason.
I hate TMZ. I have no idea why they have become such a big name in media. There is nothing professional or journalism about them.
Sensationalizm sells and TMZ is nothing but "gotcha" sensationalism. This is Zeke's life now - he is young, charming, attention-seeking, flamboyant and a bad boy - and the TMZs of the world will follow him until he is not those things. If it was me, I would love for TMZ to catch me on a "party" boat with a fishing pole and a bottle
of water. :)
I have two different schools of thought.

If hes getting trashed and hanging out with a bunch of strangers when he is already in a vulnerable position then he is an idiot.

If hes out on the water with some buddies and a few ladies then who cares.

I realize there is a suddle difference here but Zeke needs to exercise some self restraint. His career is in jeopardy and there are plenty of people who would love to make a quick dollar.
He did nothing wrong but it doesn't help his image. Unfortunately, when you make the mistakes he has, you give up certain freedoms here in terms of trying to do damage control to your image.

That's just the reality of anyone who wants to be a celebrity or a professional athlete.

True, he clearly doesnt get the benifit of the doubt.
How low of a profile does he have to keep? He's partying on a boat where TMZ had to go out of their way to get photos of him. Maybe he should hide in the trunk of his car wearing a wig with fake teeth.

The only thing that will satisfy some is for him to have NO PROFILE. I completely understand that he has to be mindful of where he is seen and what he is doing, but to expect him to become a recluse is going a bit far, IMO.
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