Brady Quinn Says He Can Turn a Franchise Around

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Quinn believes he should be No. 1

Notre Dame QB says he can turn around NFL franchise
Posted: Wednesday April 11, 2007 3:26PM; Updated: Thursday April 12, 2007 4:59PM

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) -- Brady Quinn already has taken a down-and-out football team and turned it around. He figures he can do it again.
That's why the Notre Dame quarterback believes he is highly qualified to immediately help a troubled NFL franchise -- and why he should be the first Fighting Irish player taken with the opening pick in the NFL draft in 35 years.

"I've been through the adversity. I've gone through losing seasons. I know what it feels like to lose, but I know what it feels like to win," he said. "I know what it's like to go through that transition."

Quinn didn't say it, but he also knows what it's like to try to win when not all the pieces are in place. Quinn played on an Irish team that didn't have overpowering offensive lines and its defense was average at best. Critics say Quinn couldn't win big games, but it's hard to beat Michigan, Southern Cal or LSU when the three scored an average of 44 points against the Irish last season.

"When Peyton Manning came out, people said he couldn't win the big one, he couldn't beat Florida," said Gil Brandt, an analyst for, who was vice president of player personnel for the Dallas Cowboys from 1960-89. "People say the same thing about Brady Quinn. I disagree with all that. I think if it wasn't for Brady and his production, Notre Dame never would have been there playing LSU and they wouldn't have been playing in a game as big as the USC game was."

So the question facing NFL teams looking to use an early first-round draft pick on a quarterback is: Do you prefer Quinn or LSU's JaMarcus Russell?
Quinn was a four-year starter who passed for 11,762 yards and led his team to a 29-18 record, including 19-6 over his final two seasons. Russell was a two-year starter who threw for 6,525 yards and led his team to a 25-4 record.

Many drafts observers believe Quinn is more polished, but Russell might have more potential. Quinn states flatly that he is the better choice.
"JaMarcus obviously is a big kid with a strong arm. But I'm a big kid with a strong arm and much more," he said. "I'm not as big as him. I'm a little leaner. But I've played four years, started the past four years and been through a lot."

The stakes are high. NFL draft history is littered with failed college quarterbacks, such as Ryan Leaf, Heath Shuler, Todd Marinovich, Rick Mirer, Joey Harrington and others. But Brandt believes Quinn will succeed.
"I think the guy is a polished, mature individual that knows where he's going and knows how he's going to get there," he said.

Irish coach Charlie Weis, who concedes he is biased, said if he were an NFL head coach he would want Quinn on his team, saying he has that special "it" leaders have. "I think that everything about him points to him being a successful quarterback in the NFL. The way he carries himself on and off the field, his athletic ability, his moxie, his leadership. That 'it' that certain people have, well he has it," he said. "I'm a big Brady Quinn fan."

Notre Dame hasn't produced a standout NFL quarterback since Joe Montana was taken by San Francisco in the third round of the 1979 draft. Steve Beuerlein, taken by the Raiders in the fourth round in 1987, had one Pro Bowl season with Carolina 12 years later. Mirer was the second pick overall in 1993 by Seattle and had a good rookie year, but he eventually became a journeyman.

Brandt said part of the problem is Notre Dame's quarterbacks tend to have inflated value because of the media spotlight on the school. "Beano Cook created Ron Powlus because when he played there as a freshman he was going to be the Heisman Trophy winner for two years and so forth," he said. "I think that probably some of the quarterbacks they've had there were probably overrated. They probably weren't as good as people thought." Another problem, he said, is that for years the Irish ran an option-oriented offense that didn't prepare players as well for the NFL. Powlus, who is now the Irish quarterbacks coach after two years as director of personnel development, agrees, crediting the pro-style offense Weis brought to Notre Dame from New England.

"Every guy on our football team is more prepared for the NFL than a lot of other places because of coach Weis," he said. Quinn, who also ran the West Coast offense for two years under Tyrone Willingham, says playing for Weis was an "internship" that taught him how to prepare for a game, how to deal with a head coach and what an NFL coach will expect from him.

"Every step of the way, Notre Dame has prepared me better than I think I would have been prepared at any other university," he said.
Quinn, who got a degree in December in finance and political science, has expressed frustration about reports of his draft status moving up or down. But more frustrating is not knowing where he will end up. "I'll sit down and think, 'I don't have a clue where I'm going to live.' I'm one of those guys who like to plan ahead, so it's kind of hard," he said. Weis doesn't know either, but he's confident Quinn will go early in the draft because he's ready to play early. "I think that's significant. This is the day of free agency. You no longer have the luxury of taking someone that high in the draft and sitting there for a few years while you're waiting for them to get ready to play," he said. "You'd better be able to put them in there and play them."

Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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tomson75;1455660 said:
How is this "crying a river"???????

He's been crying because of a lot of talk has been about Russell being the better Pro Prospect therefore probally getting selected number 1 overall..

Typical Notre crying..


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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carphalen5150;1455663 said:
I guess someone hates ND because this was far from crying.

Your right, it was not crying. It more typical Quinn "HEY LOOK AT ME"
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carphalen5150;1455663 said:
I guess someone hates ND because this was far from crying.

I do have a particular dislike for them because their players are severly overrated...


Rising Star
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Quinn is better off not going #1 overall, the Raiders are going to suck as long as Davis is pulling the strings.


Brain Dead Shill
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ThreeSportStar80;1455667 said:
I do have a particular dislike for them because their players are severly overrated...

So basically, you're admitting that you're just making a thread to express your contempt for anything Notre Dame. Sweet. Great contribution.


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He is pretty full of himself. For some reason I have missed the articles with Russell telling everyone how great he is.
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tomson75;1455685 said:
So basically, you're admitting that you're just making a thread to express your contempt for anything Notre Dame. Sweet. Great contribution.

Dude you have to be blind not to see the overhype of their football team!


Brain Dead Shill
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That's it boys....let your hatred shine. Might as well be skins fans seething over the cowboys.

This isn't whining...its selling himself. If he's not doing so, then he's a moron.
Everyone does it...its just that he's in the limelight.

Eli Manning not wanting to go to the Chargers is whining.
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JustSayNotoTO;1455686 said:
He is pretty full of himself. For some reason I have missed the articles with Russell telling everyone how great he is.

You sir are correct, Russell hasn't been on national TV saying a word about why he should be number one. Game film does enough talking.


Well-Known Member
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in my opinion quinn is the best QB prospect in this draft. Until Russell had a monstrous game vs a piss poor ND defense in the bowl game he wasnt the top QB prospect. Then people began to drool over his size and arm strength but if youve seen RUssell play prior to this youd see a qb who struggles to read defenses and that makes poor decisions. Now by no means am I saying he is this terrible qb...what I am saying is that I believe quinn will be the better pro qb. Just my 2cents tho...which arent even worth 2cent...
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glorydaysrback;1455692 said:
in my opinion quinn is the best QB prospect in this draft. Until Russell had a monstrous game vs a piss poor ND defense in the bowl game he wasnt the top QB prospect. Then people began to drool over his size and arm strength but if youve seen RUssell play prior to this youd see a qb who struggles to read defenses and that makes poor decisions. Now by no means am I saying he is this terrible qb...what I am saying is that I believe quinn will be the better pro qb. Just my 2cents tho...which arent even worth 2cent...

You're joking right? Russell has been a high pro prospect since he became the starting QB at LSU. He probably wasn't as high as Quinn back in 06' but he was a 1st round talent nontheless...


Brain Dead Shill
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ThreeSportStar80;1455688 said:
Dude you have to be blind not to see the overhype of their football team!

Oh, I know they're overhyped...and overrated...and I'm a fan.

...but to gripe about everything they say and do is just boring. This is what it is...a guy trying to get paid.


Brain Dead Shill
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JustSayNotoTO;1455686 said:
He is pretty full of himself. For some reason I have missed the articles with Russell telling everyone how great he is.

He's the one being projected as the overall #1...why would he have to annoint himself when others are already doing it for him?


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tomson75;1455699 said:
He's the one being projected as the overall #1...why would he have to annoint himself when others are already doing it for him?
For some reason I doubt you'd be seeing this type of thing from Russell if he wasn't rated #1 overall.


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theogt;1455739 said:
For some reason I doubt you'd be seeing this type of thing from Russell if he wasn't rated #1 overall.

Im not going to pile on Quinn more than I allready do, but you dont see other potential top 5 picks talking themselves up to the media.