Brandin Cooks could be in danger of voiding his $18 million guaranteed salary for 2023


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man this post has so many things wrong lol….first of all cooks sat out last night. Secondly, cooks had already asked for a trade- the Texans didn’t trade him. Exactly how did he win there again? They didn’t eat any of his money to facilitate a deal That’s a win how? Houston absolutely did not get burned…..they decided not to trade him. If they were so concerned about being burned he’d be gone for 50 cents on the dollar.

The mistake your making is using the nba as a baseline for the nfl. They are 2 different sports and in the nba players leverage teams all the time. The nfl isn’t the nba and comparing the 2 is nonsense. Cooks literally just lost a leverage play by demanding a trade and not being moved….
if cooks wants to be waived or released this season he’ll have to give up guaranteed money like obj did. When you give up a ton of money to get your way- you didn’t win the leverage play, it’s a sign that things aren’t going your way.

Lastly, you have no clue what anyone else is going through with their mental health. Ben simmons sister has accused her own brother (bens financial guy ) of molesting her- that right there is enough to make any man potentially have some mental health issues. We don’t have to like him sitting out but talking about mental health with the phrase “little wussy boy” is a something a little boy does…

You are right, I dnt know... but he isnt going though anymore than most people go through each and every day. Its called life.... yet for some strange reason, it is only these young kids that cant deal with stress. Top femal tennis player in the world pulls out of tournaments because too much stress.
Ben Simmons sits an entire seaosn due to mental health.
Tp female gymnast in the world stunk at the Olympics so she pulls out to work on her mental health.... give me a break. Every athlete n the history of athletes has had to deal with stress, but I dont remember Bill Buckner folding up and running to hide in a corner when he made one of the most famous errors at a crucial time n the biggest game of his career. You thin they had to deal with more criticism than Buckner?
Imagine Muhamad Ali hiding in a corner when criticized as being a draft dodger... nope, he dealt with it.

Today? nah, we just say hey, leave me alone my mental health is bad and that is now the magical get out of criticism free card.


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Cutting Cooks would leave $26.6 million in dead cap in 2023 and $8.1 million in 2024, but it would net them around $16 million more in cap space for 2024.

Seeing they arent very good, Mills is under a rookie contract and they have the 5th most cap at around $46 million, releasing doesn’t effect them.

that's right, still removing the guaranteed money, it would be a lot of dead money in 2023 for the texans, so there's a 50/50 chance it could be cut or not, depending on whether they want to absorb that dead money in 2023

I just hope that if he's cut off, the cowboys won't hire him, it's clear that he's a headache for any team, because if he's not comfortable, he's going to want to leave.
he is making a very serious mistake that could harm his career, he is not an elite WR for any team to want to take the risk. and above all, no one is going to pay him 18M for a year again.
I still believe that OBJ is a much better option, better WR and more explosive. and can cost almost the same


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I discredit it because he isnt unique. You think he is the only athlete that has stress or issues going on? We all do. But what we dont do is go hide away and use it as an excuse.
We get up each day, we go to work, we deal with this thing called life and we dont use it as an excuse.

When I had scud missile alarms blaring at 3am in the morning and I had to go running out of our tents to jump int 6ft deep holes in the ground, you think I wasnt stressed. You thin I didnt miss my family and stress about whether or not I was going to make it home?

Sure I did... but I still got up and went to do my job everyday. Then at night I dealt with my mental health issues... much like most Americans do on daily basis.

Yeah and most Americans deal with mental health issues but are afraid to battle it because they don't want to be deemed "weak" or they have no idea how to even handle it.

Its not about what you did or what your parents did or what anyone did. We have to come to grips with our parents and their parents, etc. didn't value mental health. We've come a long way as a society to be mindful that these guys have issues. Sure they are millionaires. Sure they don't have it as bad as the next guy. But that doesn't mean they don't suffer. And if we are being honest a lot of us especially men were too scared to speak up about our mental illness because it would be deemed "weak" or a "excuse". Health is wealth.


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You are right, I dnt know... but he isnt going though anymore than most people go through each and every day. Its called life.... yet for some strange reason, it is only these young kids that cant deal with stress. Top femal tennis player in the world pulls out of tournaments because too much stress.
Ben Simmons sits an entire seaosn due to mental health.
Tp female gymnast in the world stunk at the Olympics so she pulls out to work on her mental health.... give me a break. Every athlete n the history of athletes has had to deal with stress, but I dont remember Bill Buckner folding up and running to hide in a corner when he made one of the most famous errors at a crucial time n the biggest game of his career. You thin they had to deal with more criticism than Buckner?
Imagine Muhamad Ali hiding in a corner when criticized as being a draft dodger... nope, he dealt with it.

Today? nah, we just say hey, leave me alone my mental health is bad and that is now the magical get out of criticism free card.
Guys like Muhammed Ali fought so people like Naomi Asaka, and Simone Biles are able to not be afraid and speak up for mental health. Muhammed Ali stood for that. Not belittling them over it.


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Yeah and most Americans deal with mental health issues but are afraid to battle it because they don't want to be deemed "weak" or they have no idea how to even handle it.

Its not about what you did or what your parents did or what anyone did. We have to come to grips with our parents and their parents, etc. didn't value mental health. We've come a long way as a society to be mindful that these guys have issues. Sure they are millionaires. Sure they don't have it as bad as the next guy. But that doesn't mean they don't suffer. And if we are being honest a lot of us especially men were too scared to speak up about our mental illness because it would be deemed "weak" or a "excuse". Health is wealth.

I dont disagree with you.... but what do you mean when you say "These guys have issues?" Who... just those athletes? They arent the only ones that have issues. Like I said, many of us have issues. Imagine if everyone in ths country that has "Issues," just stopped working to deal with their mental health. The country would come to a halt. But, we still go to work and have to deal with our issues while we still meet our responsibilities.


Captain Catfish
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Cooks purposely giving up 18 guaranteed just to void his contract to be a Cowboy would send shock waves throughout the league.
Commish would probably establish a rule forbidding that type of conduct... :laugh:


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Guys like Muhammed Ali fought so people like Naomi Asaka, and Simone Biles are able to not be afraid and speak up for mental health. Muhammed Ali stood for that. Not belittling them over it.

Can we agree that to be an elite level athlete, in any sport, that you must be mentally tough? Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Baseball, Football, Basketball... all sports require athletes to be so mentally tough because of the mental approach needed to compete at that level.

So yea.... you will have to excuse me for thinking these athletes of today are weak. They use this push for dealing with one's mental health as an excuse to get around any "Failure," they have. I mean, realistically, losing a match against a top player in the world can hardly be viewed as a failure. NEVER, in my life had I ever seen a perfectly healthy athlete bail on their events due to mental health... which is simply stress IMO. Imagine the stress that Jackie Robinson had to deal with. Ali, Kareem, Jordan, Mickey Mantle, Tiger Woods, Jimmy Connors, John McEnroe and on and on and on throughout history. NONE of them ever pulled out of a tournament because of stress.

Could you ever imagine Joe Montana saying... hey guys, I need to skip the game this week due to my menta health issues?

Favre's dad died on one day and he was playing the next(which nobody could would ever have said a word if he didnt play).... but he still played through the stress.

Not today, not with these young athletes. Its a different world for sure.


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They were asking for a first.... no way they cut him right now.
Even if they did, he is subject to waivers now.

No way gets by teams like Green Bay or LA before getting to Dallas. Somebody could pick up the contract and not give up the pick now


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I wonder how that impacts the Texans’ cap? Do they still have the hit or not? They might actually prefer he walks away from that deal.

If he were cut.. I think it would save them something like 2.5 million on the cap and like 25 ish million of dead money.


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How dumb would we have been to make that trade? Really glad we passed. we do the right thing and dont get fleeced and the board goes nuts saying how stupid our FO is.

I personally thnk they figured it would be better to get OBJ for no picks and less money or the same as Cook. I see them going after OBJ and it appears now that the cowboys are the best place to go for obj.