I've been watching both shows for years... back when Nate and Laura Beke did TC with Mickey. I'm still lovin' TC. The Break is a bit annoying with Taylor Stern on it.
Wow. I'm just not getting all the hate for CB and TC.
Many are the times when I get irritated and quite frustrated in wanting to hear something of pertinent value with respect to matters of the team (rather than whimsical commentary that has no relation at all to team matters.)
Evidently, that frustration isn't something that is particularly exclusive to myself, by the looks of things. I don't think it's really a matter of "hate," however, so much as listeners simply making suggestions that they feel very strongly would improve the program's content. Fans are hungry for team info and not quite so much whimsical chit-chat.
I have to disagree. The majority of both shows (since I've been listening the past couple of months) deal with injury updates, the 46, scouting reports, matchups, previews of upcoming games and recaps. How much more pertinent can they get? And yes, they do stray from topic from time to time, but it's usually still Cowboys/football related and I feel they get back on topic pretty quickly. Some may feel the ladies don't contribute much, but I disagree with this as well. The keep things light and keep the show from becoming a ****ing match between a bunch of dudes.
Taylor stern is beyond annoying. She knows very little about the game and isn't good at hosting. Her Segway crap is beyond annoying. When she's not there the show is much better.
I listen almost everyday. . I get what the person means though.. I respect what BB says as he was a former nfl scout. . Eatman I like. Mickey has got a lot of good inside information. . Helman is annoying and doesn't know a Damn thing about football. . I think of him as just a writer not football analyst. . As far as x and o I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here know more than everyone on the show except BB. . But that's not what they are asked to do so I don't hate on them.. even Helman which can be hard not to lol
Just glad Steve Dennis and his Ohio St loving, golf yammering is no longer on the Break.
Some callers do take too long to get to the point.
Broaddus is nice to Taylor, which I like. Nick seems to hassle her.
Just glad Steve Dennis and his Ohio St loving, golf yammering is no longer on the Break.
I listen almost everyday. . I get what the person means though.. I respect what BB says as he was a former nfl scout. . Eatman I like. Mickey has got a lot of good inside information. . Helman is annoying and doesn't know a Damn thing about football. . I think of him as just a writer not football analyst. . As far as x and o I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here know more than everyone on the show except BB. . But that's not what they are asked to do so I don't hate on them.. even Helman which can be hard not to lol
Why does everything and everyone have to be so serious with this stuff?
Not really talking bout anyone here but chill out
And are people really that serious all the time with their jobs?
Personally I don't care how long someone's been a fan of the team and don't care how the crew is doing and the chit chat leads to some good stuff sometimes.
I think Broaddus has been an excellent addition to the break and am really enjoying it right now. That being said I don't know why they take callers and find every single one horrible. When calls start I hit the skip forward button.
baebllr408– @baebllr408
@BryanBroaddus for all of the "get straight to the question" comments, you sure do spend a lot of time shooting the ****..
1:13 PM - 24 Sep 2015
Reply to @baebllr408
23h23 hours ago
Bryan Broaddus @BryanBroaddus
@baebllr408 Yes buddy - and you keep watching.
23h23 hours ago
baebllr408 @baebllr408
@BryanBroaddus I find it a bit hypocritical, but of course I keep listening...Need my daily Cowboys fix. I live in Bay Area. No Cowboys news
20h20 hours ago
Bryan Broaddus @BryanBroaddus
@baebllr408 I find without the phone chit chat we get to the questions quickly for answers. What we do on our show is our show.
20h20 hours ago
baebllr408 @baebllr408
@BryanBroaddus The show is a show for the fans, no? With ya, just saying sometimes I'm listening and I'd prefer to get to analysis quickly.
20h20 hours ago
baebllr408 @baebllr408
@BryanBroaddus Let's not get it twisted, I love listening to you talk football, but just wanted to point out the whole "skip chit chat" part
20h20 hours ago
Bryan Broaddus @BryanBroaddus
@baebllr408 Listen on Friday. You will hear the same thing as long as I get to host.
20h20 hours ago
baebllr408 @baebllr408
@BryanBroaddus what do we expect the "chit chat" to football ratio to be? I usually listen to the recorded version, as the time difference
15h15 hours ago
Kylan Hanson @KylanHanson
@BryanBroaddus how ya doing Bryan? Lol
9h9 hours ago
Robbie Golding @rgolding73
@BryanBroaddus @baebllr408 stop! Try TC or On Air,talk about meaningless BS sessions.The break is awesome with BB on and TC is horrible
5h5 hours ago
baebllr408 @baebllr408
@rgolding73 I stopped listening to TC a while back, on top the unrelated convos, Nate Newton needs to do go learn basic English
5h5 hours ago
baebllr408 @baebllr408
@rgolding73 Also, I like BB. Just making a point; tells fans to skip chit chat, yet he spends plenty of time shooting the ****.