Broaddus: No interest in Berry


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My point is that I would listen to him over a hack like Fisher, who just spreads click bait for his pay wall site, any day. Fisher is literally the only person who has linked us to Berry.
Why would you listen to a media guy before you listen to a reporter? Especially in this case where the media guy clearly has no sources and has admitted plenty of time that they are on the outside looking in. Fisher on the other may not be totally trust worthy but at least he can blame is on bad sources.
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Why would you listen to a media guy before you listen to a reporter? Especially in this case where the media guy clearly has no sources and has admitted plenty of time that they are on the outside looking in. Fisher on the other may not be totally trust worthy but at least he can blame is on bad sources.

Fisher has no sources and no credibility. To call him a “reporter” is a joke.


Taco Engineer
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And I get people not thinking he's a fix. Frankly, I am not sure he's worth it either.

But who exactly would Berry (or say any older S) be slowing down? I've never understood this notion of progress stopping that people mention here. Sure, you wouldn't sign a 10-year vet to play CB over Awuzie. That would be progress stopping. But we have Heath at one of the S positions. I am not really concerned with Jeff Heath's progress at this point in his career. He's just not a very good S.
I can rattle off a TON of players that have been brought in for a year as "filler." So can you, I'm sure. I'm not a fan of older players on a short contract. If Heath or Frazier aren't the answer in the eyes of the staff then draft one. Just my 2 sense.


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How would Bryan know? He is just a media guy.

True, he's not, but then, whether Broaddus or Fisher or anyone else, they're all typically passing along information from someone they consider to be a good source of intel from inside the organization.

So, no one "knows," and even if they're right, they could be wrong a half hour after tweeting something, given some new development... and vice-versa.

What would be cool is if there was some site that tracked these things, and all these people could be assigned a grade based on an accuracy score, with a multiplier based on how early they make their reports.


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True, he's not, but then, whether Broaddus or Fisher or anyone else, they're all typically passing along information from someone they consider to be a good source of intel from inside the organization.

So, no one "knows," and even if they're right, they could be wrong a half hour after tweeting something, given some new development... and vice-versa.

What would be cool is if there was some site that tracked these things, and all these people could be assigned a grade based on an accuracy score, with a multiplier based on how early they make their reports.
Yea I see that now.


Wide Right
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So I have lived in two different NFL cities (other than Dallas) during the FA era and I don't ever recall seeing these reports like we see out of Dallas. "Dallas is not interested in player X" Maybe other people can chime in from other NFL cities, but it just seems odd to me that we see alot of these type reports out of Dallas during the FA period. I am guessing that other teams don't broadcast to the NFL world what their FA intentions are as much as Dallas does.


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The fact that he has played so little is the reason I would kick the tires on him (assuming he is indeed currently healthy). He might be super cheap and if it works out then you have an incredible talent at safety. If not, well, you knew that was the risk all along.

Obviously if he is looking for a truckload of money you pass but the ball isn't in his court at this time.


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I'm starting to warm up to the idea of George Iloka on a one year deal. He had some good seasons for the Bengals and fits our scheme. Plus he is from Houston but went to college at.... wait for it.... Boise State.


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Something has to give here. You can probably get this guy dirt cheap. Half what you was going to give Earl. They let all those FA safeties go. Are they planning to draft one in the 2nd round?


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Something has to give here. You can probably get this guy dirt cheap. Half what you was going to give Earl. They let all those FA safeties go. Are they planning to draft one in the 2nd round?
DL will be the 2nd round pick.

they will rely on the development of Heath and Woods at S.


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I’m fine with this. If he was healthy no way the Chiefs move on from him. He was a big time playmaker at one point with also being a team and fan favorite. They moved on for a reason and it certainly wasn’t because he could still play at a high level. He is just a name. They should go after Boston.


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All Jones cares about is being the top grossing NFL team every year. They don't really care about winning. This is just their little toy they like to bring out. Another excuse just to get drunk and ego it up at the moronic structure that is their stadium.

Jokes on us. We have been had, and will continue to be had by this joke of a family owning A great treasure that is THE DALLAS COWBOYS... NEW OWNERS. PLEASE COME SAVE THE COWBOYS.