Broaddus on Radio interview


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Why do people think a HC is going to openly bash a QB when asked directly about him? You think Sean Payton is ever going to start Dak? People look for even the faintest glimmer of hope that they become delusional.

And of course Payton is going to give a lot of credit to Drew Brees, his starting QB.

Where did you get someone was even looking for that angle. Yet something you pulled out your a*** again.


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And this, boys and girls, is why we are awful on 3rd downs. Prescott simply cannot process it at the level that is required and our coaches cannot recognize that.

Lol...what make you think they don't? He's the qb, he's still developing.


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What starting quarterback is going to say, "Nah, I'm just a scrub and as stupid as a bag of rocks. I'm just biding time until Tua shows up." :laugh:

It’s like a Garrett homer bringing up the fact that a player says something positive about him. Since when is a player normally going to bash their coach publicly, while playing for that coach?

Of course now we are entering into new realms of territory with Jerry’s Chosen One , because now Cowboys players are apparently doing that openly.


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Lol...he was not, using Brees and Romo as example isn't a comparison. Your comprehension on what was being discussed is off. He never once said Dak needs to be as good as Romo or Brees manipulating defenses.

So when you bring up one Example A of how someone does a specific job, and then immediately after that, you bring up Example B as a measure of how someone does that exact same job differently... what do you call that?

If only there were some term invented to cover a situation like that... hmm...


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I'm not sure I'd agree that Dak's issue is with being able to change calls at the line. And I don't think comparing him to Brees in that regard is all that helpful. Brees is, what, 40, and setting all-time records.

Seems to me that Dak's probably is that his accuracy goes to pot when he gets pressure off the edge and we're not doing a good enough job protecting him. Couple that with his (really good) natural tendency to take care of the ball and you get a guy who won't pull the trigger in a lot of situations coupled with a lot of situations where he's now throwing with poor mechanics and accuracy because he's under duress.

When we protected him right, he's a great QB for this offense because he takes care of the ball, protects leads, and can move the chains with his legs. He can make some great throws when his feet are right that can win close games. He's a great leader and a great team guy.

When you don't protect him, though, and when you're getting 2.6 yards/rush in your running game, he's not going to take chances, and he's going to kill drives with poor throws under pressure on 3rd downs.

It's a tough situation to be in. They need to protect him better, and they need to let him run the ball a little bit more.

Unfortunately the tapes are refuting some of what you are saying here.

For starters, while he has faced pressure, he's also had clean pockets at times and made bad throws, decisions, etc. This isn't just a random game thing either............. so we can't simply blame this all on pressure. Because he's showing poor fundamentals, mechanics, missing reads, missing WRs when he has clean pockets. There were a few examples in the Texans game alone........... the high pass to Austin was a clean pocket, but he had bad footwork and sailed his throw. He missed Hurns on what likely could have been a TD from a clean pocket - Hurns beat his man right off the line in man coverage, Dak was looking that way and froze, couldn't deliver what would have been a fairly easy pass and tried to dump it off quick.

He's not progressing........... he's either regressing or just flat-lining at this point.

That's not to say it's all his fault. It isn't. But the tough situation you talk about is even more dire when you realize that in the next 12 months, this team probably has to make a financial commitment to this guy. You confident with what you see now that he's worthy of a second contract that would make him the franchise QB for the next 3-5 years?


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I don’t even think Dak is smart honestly. They dumbed down the offense for him in Mississippi State, only requiring him to decipher half the field. Why do you think Linehan runs a bunch of bootlegs for him and play-action roll-outs. And they started lining up WRs farther out in the spread, to try and keep everything in front of him.


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So when you bring up one Example A of how someone does a specific job, and then immediately after that, you bring up Example B as a measure of how someone does that exact same job differently... what do you call that?

If only there were some term invented to cover a situation like that... hmm...

Example doesn't mean


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Romo did this and hid Garett/SL weaknesses, Dak has not..
You did just read that interview right? QB's change the plays according to the defense? That's called in game management. Nothing to do with coaches plays, but real time adjustments a "smart" QB that Dak boasts he is, makes at the line. If the play calling is so crappy, why doesn't the brainiac that Dak is, change the play?


Fattening up
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All QBs get pressure off the edge at some point during a game. Maybe we need a QB whose accuracy does not go to pot when they get the pressure. A QB who will stand tall, make the pass and take the hit when needed.

It’s definitely something he needs to get better at.


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We are entering a scary time for this franchise.

Like the head coach, where he's never bad enough to get fired but like not good enough to ever win anything of note, we may have a QB that will never evolve into a great QB but may be just good enough to convince Jerry and Stephen we can't cut bait with him.


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It took like over a week for Dak and the WRs to find the end-zone in training camp.

I mean it was being reported he was even throwing high back then on 7 on 7s.


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So when you bring up one Example A of how someone does a specific job, and then immediately after that, you bring up Example B as a measure of how someone does that exact same job differently... what do you call that?

If only there were some term invented to cover a situation like that... hmm...
If I'm teaching a player how to skip pull, I may use Martin as an example, doesn't mean I'm comparing him to Martin. Same as if I was teaching a wr how to stack a DB , I would use Jerry rise as an example and it wouldn't be a comparison.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
People forget Romo had 3 years of Bill Parcells in his ear, plus Sean Payton, plus testeverde, Bledsoe before he even saw the field. Dak is on year 3 of no real coaching and has had to play day one. It's not apples to apples


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If I'm teaching a player how to skip pull, I may use Martin as an example, doesn't mean I'm comparing him to Martin. Same as if I was teaching a wr how to stack a DB , I would use Jerry rise as an example and it wouldn't be a comparison.

Now you're creating an imaginary scenario that has no bearing on what we're discussing here.

com·pare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

What Broaddus is doing in your synopsis is comparing Prescott to Brees in terms of how they change plays at the line. And it's not a fair comparison.

I don't even understand how we're debating this or why we keep going in circles about it, but let's end your English lesson here, because it's clearly not going anywhere.


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The Cowboys success on offense under Romo had more to do with Romo switching up plays and making plays his own than it had to do with Garrett. I wonder if Dak could improve or be utilized under a different head coach. I know he works hard in film study and tries his best, but can't switch it up at the line. Doesn't help matters that the Cowboys play calling is the most predictable in the NFL.

Don't know if Dak can improve on reading defenses or not. But, the playcalling and head coach doesn't help matters. And if won't help for the next rookie QB that the Cowboys get if Dak isn't the answer.


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People forget Romo had 3 years of Bill Parcells in his ear, plus Sean Payton, plus testeverde, Bledsoe before he even saw the field. Dak is on year 3 of no real coaching and has had to play day one. It's not apples to apples

Then let's ask a question.

How willing/confident are you in Dak right now to give him a fairly large extension next year that would make him the franchise QB for the next 4-6 years?


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Now you're creating an imaginary scenario that has no bearing on what we're discussing here.

com·pare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

What Broaddus is doing in your synopsis is comparing Prescott to Brees in terms of how they change plays at the line. And it's not a fair comparison.

I don't even understand how we're debating this or why we keep going in circles about it, but let's end your English lesson here, because it's clearly not going anywhere.

Where did broaddus bring up your comprehension is lacking. You introduced comparison, when there was none. You need that lesson on comprehension.


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The Cowboys success on offense under Romo had more to do with Romo switching up plays and making plays his own than it had to do with Garrett. I wonder if Dak could improve or be utilized under a different head coach. I know he works hard in film study and tries his best, but can't switch it up at the line. Doesn't help matters that the Cowboys play calling is the most predictable in the NFL.

Don't know if Dak can improve on reading defenses or not. But, the playcalling and head coach doesn't help matters. And if won't help for the next rookie QB that the Cowboys get if Dak isn't the answer.

Lol...Romo did what every NFL qb does at the


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Now you're creating an imaginary scenario that has no bearing on what we're discussing here.

com·pare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

What Broaddus is doing in your synopsis is comparing Prescott to Brees in terms of how they change plays at the line. And it's not a fair comparison.

I don't even understand how we're debating this or why we keep going in circles about it, but let's end your English lesson here, because it's clearly not going anywhere.

There's no imaginary scenario, it's how Payton was explaining to Broaddus