Bruno Mars expected to headline halftime Superbowl show

I'd rather have Led Zeppelin - he wrote better songs.
Oh no. we have to have SAFE MUSIC!!! Pathetic.

It may be pathetic but that's just the way it is.

If you're hosting a super bowl and you want to make an impression, do you hire Passion Pit because you think people will like it? Or do you go with someone like Justin Timberlake because it's a safe bet that the only people up in arms about it will be in the minority? They're not shooting in the dark here with headliners because it's too much of a gamble for the biggest viewing audience of the year.

They're trying to create a surefire success, not be eye-opening or groundbreaking.
lol. Rock n Roll. Doesn't matter what era they were from or their age. So you telling me if Morrison was alive today, then the Doors too would be considered pop?

Seeing how he's been dead longer than he was alive it's hard to say what he or the Doors would be like nowadays.

But a 70 yr old Jim Morrison? Yeah, probably...

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