bryan stewart former cowbys def on dfw sportsbeat now...vid post#7

28 Joker

28 Joker
Reaction score
Wes Bunting
April 9, 2009
9:32 am


I am a bit of a one man crew doing this, therefore, it takes me some time to get full evaluations on each guy. So these guys that moved up dramatically haven’t jumped this much necessary, it was more along the lines of me finally getting enough information and tape study to evaluate them more correctly.

Ingram is a miss-match guy at the next level and will do a lot of damage split out. But, after studying tape I think Beckum is just a more natural receiver.

Loadholt was purposely left off the list last time because I had him rated as the number 11 OT. HE has improved his footwork significantly since the Senior Bowl and with his size and length, I think he is a solid RT in the NFL.

I was really high on Delmas at the beginning, but the more I talked to people and more I studied tape, the more I realize I fell into a trap with him. Its a weak safety class and I was looking for someone to make up for it. Johnson is very solid, great instincts and should instantly produced in the NFL, where as Delmas needs to learn to take better angles. A trait that isn’t easily learned at this stage in the game.

I'm not hating on Delmas. I am just not sold, and my thinking is based on comments like this and by looking at where 2nd round safeties start coming off the board in round two.

Evidently, Dallas likes him. However, someone liked Tony Dixon, too. Teams can be wrong.

Bunting's comments can be found in the comments section of his latest top 100.