Bryant Impressing Browns


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Big Catch: Bryant Impressing Browns

By TOM WITHERS, AP Sports Writer 3 minutes ago

Antonio Bryant arrived last season with the reputation of being an underachieving, jersey-throwing bad boy.

Since joining the Cleveland Browns, however, the wide receiver has been a regular Mr. Goody Two Cleats. But being a nice guy, solid teammate and decent player aren't titles the four-year veteran is after.

Bryant's goal is greatness.

"When people leave the stadium, I want them saying, 'That's the best receiver I saw today,'" Bryant said.

He easily has been the Browns' best player during training camp, finally showing signs of tapping into the potential and stardom forecast for him when he came out of Pittsburgh in 2002 after winning the Biletnikoff Award as college football's top wide receiver — as a sophomore.

During workouts, the 24-year-old, who can become a free agent after this season, stands out among the club's cadre of wideouts because of his blazing speed and the crispness of his pass patterns.

"I've never seen a guy run routes like he does," rookie quarterback Charlie Frye said. "He cuts on a dime."

On Saturday, Bryant caught a 51-yard touchdown pass from Trent Dilfer and had three receptions for 78 yards as the Browns improved to 2-0 in the exhibition season with a 21-13 win at Detroit.

Bryant missed a few days of practice last week to attend a family funeral, but returned focused.

"He's had a great camp," Dilfer said. "He's really developing into a fine player. I want to try and give him the ball every chance that I get. He made a very average pass look good — he attacked the football in the air. When you have guys that will do that for you, and I have not had many of those in my career, it makes you willing to make more aggressive decisions in plays.

"I would like to see a lot more of that from him."

Last October, the Browns acquired Bryant in a straight-up deal with the Dallas Cowboys for wideout Quincy Morgan.

Bryant's exit from Big D was greased when he got into an argument with Cowboys coach Bill Parcells during a minicamp. Bryant, upset that he was behind Keyshawn Johnson and Terry Glenn — players Parcells coached in New York — first exchanged words with the coach before tossing his sweaty uniform at him.

Bryant had to be removed by security from the practice and didn't rejoin the team until training camp.

He isn't dwelling on what happened, but Bryant said it has taught him some valuable lessons.

"It's a learning process. Either you're going to get stronger or it's going to weaken you. I think I'm going to get stronger," he said. "I learn from things. It didn't kill me. I'm still breathing."

In seven starts for Cleveland, Bryant had 42 receptions for 546 yards and four TDs. Adding in his numbers in Dallas, Bryant finished with 58 catches for 812 yards, an average of 14 yards per grab.

Bryant's first two seasons in Dallas were solid, but not spectacular. In his mind, he can do so much more and is just beginning to blossom.

"When I first came in the league, I saw a tree," he said. "Now, I can see the apples on the tree. Some guys get it earlier. I'm just starting to understand things a little better. As I catch up, it's moving faster. You mature.

"When I first got in the game, I was doing a lot of things off anxiety. When you learn how to bring your emotions under control, then you can distribute that energy where you need it best."

As for the run-in with Parcells, Browns coach Romeo Crennel spoke with Cleveland offensive coordinator Maurice Carthon, who was with Dallas, to find out more about Bryant's character. "I asked Maurice what happened and he told me. That was it," Crennel said. "I really wasn't worried that Antonio and I would have a confrontation. If he did, well, I'm the head coach."


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Man, good for him if he can get his head straight. There's no question he's a greater talent than Quincy question...wish we still had him.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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I was just ecstatic when we were able to draft Bryant where we did. He had first round talent for sure. He made some great catches for us but dropped some easy ones too. It sounds like he's starting to hit his stride, and if he's got his head straightened out he can go on to stardom.

I also agreed it was time for us to let him go because of the distractions he created.


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We got raped....and Q Morgan was the courtesy reach around :(


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We got rid of him when we had to. He was a negative and a distraction.

I prefer having Patrick Crayton as our third wideout than having Antonio Bryant. The love for former players around here is puzzling.


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Every year it is a new start for AB. AB says the same stuff every year. Someone writes this same story every year.

AB had two nice games for the Browns last year: 15 catches for about 250 yards and 4td. The Browns lost both games yet AB had about 1/4 of his season's catches, nearly 1/3 of his yards, and all his TDs. That's garbage-time production.


Salty *******
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Look, if he is good with another team, then there isn't much we can do about that. But he wasn't good with us, and he was causing too much of a distraction. He just wasn't a good fit.

Would that things had gone differently and he had fit with the team well. It would have been nice. But he just didn't workout here and there were too many things that pointed into his need for a change of scenery (and the Cowboys need to excise him).

Lots of player left teams as problems or busts only to go to other teams to succeed. You win some and you lose some. The only thing we can hope for is that we win more than we lose.


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I'm not sold Bryant yet, I know the guy is talented but he's said the samething a few years ago in training camp. Didn't sportcenter do a segment on him a few years ago? It seemed like Bryant matured, he was talking about studying hard and how it's going to be better that year and stuff and then he throws a jersey in Parcells face.

When the s*** hits the fan in Cleveland I'm curious to see how he's going to react? When Braylon Edwards catches I wonder how Bryant is going to react? Because Braylon Edwards is going to be a beast once he starts to come into his own.

Bryant has the tools to be a pro bowl receiver, but he has problems containing his emotions. If he humbles himself he'll definitely be one of the top 10 receivers in the league, but if not he'll be moving to another team next year talking about how much he learned about himself in Cleveland.

I wish the guy much success and happiness in the Cleveland uniform.


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We didn't cut him because he lacked talent. We cut him because he's an intolerable pain in the ***. He'll wear out his welcome in Cleveland too.
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BP and JJ need a policy of only trading players for picks. I just don't trust players from other teams, especially when we are the ones trying to dump a player. If we had gotten even a 5th or 6th rounder for Bryant, it would have been better than being stuck with Stone hands Morgan. At least with picks you have a chance to get a player who you think may really be able to turn into something, instead of someone elses leftovers.


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devman90 said:
we got raped. period
This is perhaps the shortest, most-straight forward and down-to-earth statement that I have read on the Bryant trade. I can't believe some of the fans on this board are so soft-minded as to believe that the "confrontation" between Parcells and Bryant could not have been worked through. The maturity that we're seeing was forecaste by others before he was traded. This trade was definitely one of Parcell's worst personnel moves ever. And we are already feeling the sting of getting the short end of the stick in this trade. Not only did we give up a first round talent at 2nd round expense in Bryant, but now we have a 7th rounder replacing the first rounder that we got for him. Go figure!!

This kid will be absolutely spectacular before it's over. I really hope he enters free agency and we can take a shot at him again.


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How soon they forget. AB was a problem from the first day at TC his first year. Campo was a clown so no one noticed. AB for some reason thought he could get away with it with BP. Big suprise. AB is to blame for the trade- NO ONE ELSE. BP got what he could for AB- NO ONE OFFERED AS MUCH AS CLEVELAND. THAT gives you an idea of what the LEAGUE thought of AB. Remember- he had problems in college as well.
Cleveland could very well be his last stop- attitude only works for proven Pro Bowlers and AB has NEVER been close. This is his last year- he is a FA next year: WHAT IS HAPPENING IS THAT HE IS PLAYING NICE so that he can get the big check. Someone will probably be stupid enough to give him one (Danny Boy?). THEN he will probably make TO look like a choir boy.
AND: even if he has finally grown up and matured- it probably took BP giving him the heave ho to wake him up. Sure did not seem like anything else got through to him.


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burmafrd said:
How soon they forget. AB was a problem from the first day at TC his first year. Campo was a clown so no one noticed. AB for some reason thought he could get away with it with BP. Big suprise. AB is to blame for the trade- NO ONE ELSE. BP got what he could for AB- NO ONE OFFERED AS MUCH AS CLEVELAND. THAT gives you an idea of what the LEAGUE thought of AB. Remember- he had problems in college as well.
Cleveland could very well be his last stop- attitude only works for proven Pro Bowlers and AB has NEVER been close. This is his last year- he is a FA next year: WHAT IS HAPPENING IS THAT HE IS PLAYING NICE so that he can get the big check. Someone will probably be stupid enough to give him one (Danny Boy?). THEN he will probably make TO look like a choir boy.
AND: even if he has finally grown up and matured- it probably took BP giving him the heave ho to wake him up. Sure did not seem like anything else got through to him.
Revisionist idiocy at its best. :rolleyes: