thats not the Point why pay a Kicker 4million to miss Fgs when you can pay one 480k? we didnt cut baily because he was making too much money , he simply started to become less of himself and came back to being an average kicker making 4mil a year.. so the new guy misses a few Fgs not unlike all those FGs and YES wait for it a ton of Extra points..those extra points are what concerned me more then FGs as they should eb automatic and he couldn't even kick those late last year and cost us games..SO again we wont be calling for the FO head for releasing Bialy, isn't it about what have you dont for me lately? I mean that was the reason to Cut Dez right, not for the huge numbers he USED to pout up or the 75td as a record holder, we cut him because he made way to much money for the current production.. they made the decision on how Baily finished 2017 and what he has done I camp etc the fans who hang on every miss FG from here on out and start throwing up new threads on I told you so, arent living in reality..baily was making 4mil and starting to go downhill..sure he might go someplace and be a shell of his former self, might even beat us on a late FG but still they did this on money vs production vs age etc to see another Vaunted beloved Cowboy go like Ware, Romo, Dez, Witten and now baily all in short time but its inevitable..