Bucs interested in Carter

I wasn't happy when we drafted him. I was blown away when he got handed the starting job as a rookie.

Every week that he took the ball I rooted for him just like I do every player in that uniform. I am pretty outspoken and critical of poor performances and it literally knocked me for a loop when I criticized him and suddenly got labeled everything under the sun. To this day I have no idea where that came from.

I doubt I will ever again that kind of loyalty for a mediocre at best player. Last year I had one Vinny fanatic (The Major) get bent out of shape at my criticism, but it was nothing at all in comparison.

Even with all of that negative feedback, some of it very personal in nature, I never disliked the guy as a person and I still don't. As I said, I rooted for him to succeed. When he was released and their were rumors of drugs behind it I kept him in my thoughts and prayers. I never want anyone to fall or fail.

His is a chapter that I am very glad has closed, and once again not because of anything personal against him. If he goes on to have success with the Bucs or any other team, good for him. Sitting here right now I will tell you the same thing I said the day we drafted him. I just don't think he's very good. My opinion on that has never wavered and I doubt it ever will.

For all the accusations hurled at me in the heated debates about him while he was here, I have never once posted about his intelligence, tongue, drug use, or anything that was a personal attack on him. I did my best to keep it about football.

It was time to move on. I honestly think we'll be re-hashing the same old tired arguments for a long time. Lots of people took those things very personally and still do in my opinion. That's their business. If they prefer to talk about the past instead of the future and the present they can have at it. I never understood it and will never understand it.
K19 said:
A winning record since winning the superbowl for one

Gotta give you that one, but that doesn't necessarily make him a bad head coach. It's not his fault they spent all that money and draft picks to get him. Now they are paying for hiring the coach that got them and won the SB.

I think the jury is out on him.

Does Parcells have a winning record here?
I think very few if any of us truly hated Carter. Some of us became defensive and formed these pseudo political parties where you took up for Carter or attacked him. At that time, very few fans aside from maybe Dale could truly remain objective about him. At times, all of us showed a side of ourselves tht we would rather forget in this petty little game. In the end, I think even his harshest critics like myself could admit he provided value as a backup QB. Deep down, I think all of us could appreciate the improvement he made as a player in 2003 and helped lead us to the playoffs even if his role in that was overstated.

I never truly "hated" Carter but I was labeled that because I was critical of him. However, I never wanted anything bad to happen to him. And I think he could have provided value to this team last year as a backup to Testaverde. I still stand by that idea. To this day I remain disgusted that we had no one to turn to as a backup to Testaverde. It was frustrating to see us force Testaverde to play with a sore shoulder because we didn't trust his backups. It was truly an error on Jone's and Parcells' behalf to not find another veteran QB upon releasing Quincy Carter. And by veteran backup, I'm not suggest Kerry Collins but simply had some starting experience in the NFL like a Jeff Blake. I don't know why that idea was not receptive with fans here. I think many fans knew it was wrong to enter the season without a veteran backup but some hated Carter so much that they would rather jeopardize wins than harbor the idea of that "villain" still being on the team; pretty sad if you ask me.

Nonetheless, I see no harm in discussing Carter at times. He was a big part of this forum for 2 years. Whether we like it or not, he is always going to be a part of this forum because of the energy and passion we spent in discussing him. We are past him. He only appears in a thread maybe once a month as opposed to every day. But Quincy is always going to be a part of this forum.
Hostile said:
I wasn't happy when we drafted him. I was blown away when he got handed the starting job as a rookie.

Every week that he took the ball I rooted for him just like I do every player in that uniform. I am pretty outspoken and critical of poor performances and it literally knocked me for a loop when I criticized him and suddenly got labeled everything under the sun. To this day I have no idea where that came from.

I doubt I will ever again that kind of loyalty for a mediocre at best player. Last year I had one Vinny fanatic (The Major) get bent out of shape at my criticism, but it was nothing at all in comparison.

Even with all of that negative feedback, some of it very personal in nature, I never disliked the guy as a person and I still don't. As I said, I rooted for him to succeed. When he was released and their were rumors of drugs behind it I kept him in my thoughts and prayers. I never want anyone to fall or fail.

His is a chapter that I am very glad has closed, and once again not because of anything personal against him. If he goes on to have success with the Bucs or any other team, good for him. Sitting here right now I will tell you the same thing I said the day we drafted him. I just don't think he's very good. My opinion on that has never wavered and I doubt it ever will.

For all the accusations hurled at me in the heated debates about him while he was here, I have never once posted about his intelligence, tongue, drug use, or anything that was a personal attack on him. I did my best to keep it about football.

It was time to move on. I honestly think we'll be re-hashing the same old tired arguments for a long time. Lots of people took those things very personally and still do in my opinion. That's their business. If they prefer to talk about the past instead of the future and the present they can have at it. I never understood it and will never understand it.

Good Post. I do think his own off the field problems brought the usage into the QC discussion for the media and fans.

I wish him the best...but realize he is always going to be a sub par backup caliber QB, always thought he was a gross reach in the second round, and realize his drug problem is much worse than I initially realized.

QC, as we now All know was in therapy when the Jets needed him in the playoffs not at his Mothers side. He is still in therapy and has had several relapses indicating a big problem.

Some teams are willing to take that chance on the risk reward but notice no one is still willing to take the risk with Carter as a starter or second string backup. Tampa is looking for him as a fourth option and I hope for QC sake it works out for him and he is getting the help he needs.

QC clearly has a problem with drugs and needs help to be functional in life and sports. I just hope he does not go on another binge because if so..this may be his last chance in the NFL.
Quincy was apparently diagnosed as bi-polar. That's a problem that many people cannot overcome. Alonzo Spellman (Cowboys), Barret Robbins(Raiders), and some other DL that played for the Cowboys had it and it ruined em. Start taking drugs and it aggrivates the problem. Quincy will probably end up on Realsports in 2015 all cracked out and destitute. He'll be like Joe (he was the QB for the steelers before Bradshaw) what-his-face. I personally think he's already ruined. Get cut from the Boys and somebody else gives him a shot and he screws it up, he is sick. I only hope he doesn't end up strung out in some crack house after he gets booted out of the league.
RodBro said:
He'll be like Joe (he was the QB for the steelers before Bradshaw) what-his-face.
that would be "jefferson street joe" gilliam. he died from a heart attack in 2000. he played DURING bradshaw's career with the steelers. i still remember steeler QB terry hanratty smoking cigarettes in the bench area during games. never saw him quaff a cold one on TV - but who knows?
I may get a chance to meet Quincy in the next couple of days. I'll let him know that Cowboys fans wish him well.
HipHop said:
I hope the Bucs do sign him. That'll certainly weaken their team and in a round about way improve our playoff chances.

They sign Carter, our playoff chances go up..??:whatever:
I always thought Carter showed flashes of great potential and other times showed really poor skills. Its like the guy is an mystery, you cant really ever pinn him down to what his talent really was. One week he'd look like Warren Moon , and the next he looked like Ray lucas. I think the reason some people got so heated about the guy, was some saw great potential and flashes of brillance and they rode that, and the others focused on his negative plays and went with that. Thats were the divide happened. Also I think Carter got treated unfairly by some fans because he was known as Jerry's Pick, and alot of Cowboys fans dont want to think of Jerry as a good personal guy, nor does the sports media. Carter has had so much pressure put on him in dallas, by the team, the fans and the media it was kinda unreal at times.

I mean I know this is sports and not war , but maybe PARTIALLY Carters bi polar disease is a result of the constant pressure he felt being the starting qb of the Dallas Cowboys. I mean lets face it Parcells is one demanding coach, and the Cowboys fans and media are all about Cowboys football. And we know the kind of qbs we had here. Just a thought , I could be totally wrong.

In anycase Quincy Carter was rooted for also because he was the underdog, he had tons of doubters who casted doubts about his skills, were he was drafted and his potential . I think alot of fans related to that in there own life and so became Quincy Carter fans.

I wish Carter well, He did pretty well last year when called upon by the jets , hopefully his disease doesnt over take him and he can excel playing for the Tampa Bucs or any other team.
I believe that fans and media overlook the mental toughness required to compete at this level. We only focus on athletic talent without looking at the mental makeup of a player.

Joe Montana, Tom Brady, Roger Staubach and Joe Namath are good examples. These guys were not the most physically gifted....but they are all examples of guys with tough mental makeup (IMO).

To you Texas fans I would throw out the recent example of Chris Simms verses Major Applewhite. Simms had the physical tools that Applewhite did not have. But Applewhite commanded respect on the field that Simms could not. Applewhite came through in the clutch time and time again whereas Simms failed time and time again.

I would have to put Carter in the same group as Simms. He has all the natural athletic talent in the world....but he does not have the mental toughness required to succeed in one of the highest pressure positions in professional sports.

IMO one of the things that made Aikman great (in addition to his work ethic, arm strength and accuracy) was his mental toughness.
tothewhipbill said:
that would be "jefferson street joe" gilliam. he died from a heart attack in 2000. he played DURING bradshaw's career with the steelers. i still remember steeler QB terry hanratty smoking cigarettes in the bench area during games. never saw him quaff a cold one on TV - but who knows?

I just remember Terry stating that if it wasn't for Joe's drug problem he probably would have never been the starter. He said in an interview that Joe was a better QB than he was, but Joe had obvious issues. May have been lip service. Terry's interview was on real sports because Joe had finally turned his life around, unfortunately Joe died a few months after it aired.
Aikmaniac said:
I may get a chance to meet Quincy in the next couple of days. I'll let him know that Cowboys fans wish him well.

Please speak for yourself and not for the entire Cowboys fan community. Remember at least half of us (if not more) never ever loved, liked, or even tolerated the draft pick or person.

So after you smile in his face and shake his hand, please place your hand in an "L" position on your forehead and kick in in the gonads for me.

Please speak for yourself and not for the entire Cowboys fan community. Remember at least half of us (if not more) never ever loved, liked, or even tolerated the draft pick or person.

Yeah screw Quincy. I've always hated players who work their a$s off to be the best player they can be for the team, those butt-kissing "first to arrive, last to leave" types.

Give me the Hambricks any day over Quincy the workaholic! :rolleyes:
jobberone said:
I'm sorry I started it. Please close it.
No, it's a good thread. Some posters expressed some very good thoughts here.

Some folks just still want to get personal where it pertains to this particular player.
People, WE GET IT!!! Quincy was a crazy, pot smoking, no effort idiot. CAN WE PLEASE LET THIS OBSESSION WITH HIM GO!!! :banghead:

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