wow,..sounds like Scott Linehan ..
Kellen.....he doesn't do any more and something he stays within a bottle scheme
- i really wonder if the reason its' more watered down and simplified as to not further confuse the QB
it's still quick pace, but it sounds like its headed to Linehan dayz as it does not envolve into much variation- less and less bunch formation and
rub routes, .a simmer down pre-snap motion...
- Plus we just don't have WRs that separate vs man .. there is no push vertically, we don't have anything that scare teams WR-wise
.now add that also to the varied zones teams are still gonna throw at the QBs
- we still do not change the dynamics upfront - We are horrible when it comes to designing the RBs in the pass game - opposing teams LBs can rest easy as we
don't present them a hard work danger ...
- OL guys are slow and clumsy to pull out for screens, (see Biadaz) and Moore doesn't develop train with it and if it dare attempts it and fials that's it ... he won't dare try it again ...
and we still have TEs that cannot block in space (see Schultz)
- But watch the NFL highlights and see other teams able to get their Rbs into the pass game ...