Bucs not interested in Q

Mike 1967 said:
Just think......it was not too long ago that the largest and longest standing debate on this board was how good QC was.........and how you were a racist if you were White and did not think he was a good quarterback. Especially if you were white and from the south.

I'm so glad those days are behind us and History has proven what the majority of us already knew.

"I'm so glad those days are behind us"...

Well, except for all you haters who keep flocking back to threads like this, spewing your venom... the guy's been gone for a year now, and some of you just can't let it go...

I gotta tell you the truth, that strikes me as pretty sick... then again, much of the Quincy hatred always struck me as pretty sick...

Incidentally, NOTHING was proven that you haters thought you knew... Quincy actually played really, really well last year... what happened was something none of you haters accurately forecast, what happened was he turned out to be a druggie...

So you're claiming vindication where none exists... none of you were "proven right", unless you can point me to your posts discussing his marijuana problem, and analyzing how that would impact his NFL career...

And yeah, I'd say you qualify as a "hater", if you're still rippin' the guy a new anal orifice a year after he left Dallas... that sounds like downright irrational hatred to me... and that goes for most every one of his critics flocking in here to rail at the evil that is Quincy...

Give it a rest, for God's sake... seek out a mental health professional, and together see if you can beat your obsession...

Personally, it would suit me just fine if I never had to read the words "Quincy Carter" on any Cowboys message board ever again, but you haters aren't about to let that happen, are you??
Everlastingxxx said:
Gruden prolly saw some white residue in Quincy's nose.

How exactly does one get white residue in one's nose from smoking marijuana??

Or do you have evidence that Quincy's drug problems involved more than those that were publicly reported??

Sounds like EverlastingBS to me...
silverbear said:
Personally, it would suit me just fine if I never had to read the words "Quincy Carter" on any Cowboys message board ever again, but you haters aren't about to let that happen, are you??

Or the so called "Apologists". Its a two way street and there are people driving on both sides.
silverbear said:
Personally, it would suit me just fine if I never had to read the words "Quincy Carter" on any Cowboys message board ever again

That's about how I feel. For some reason he sparks strong feelings in fans, for and against. I supported him while he was here, but now that he's gone, I just hope he get his life back right and can catch on somewhere ELSE in the league.

I don't have any strong feelings about him at all now. I feel like that for all the ex-cowboys that don't make it here. Fun while it lasted, but it's time to move on. I only worry about the cats still on the roster.
i think q's nfl days are up.

End of discussion!

How exactly does one get white residue in one's nose from smoking marijuana??

Or do you have evidence that Quincy's drug problems involved more than those that were publicly reported??

Sounds like EverlastingBS to me...

He did do coke too, everyone knows that, it seems you still have feelings for him....

Originally Posted by Aikmaniac
Quincy has a lot more skeletons in the closet than drugs and being "bipolar".

I'd say you do, too...

I d say your the one who wont let go.......does someone have any klennex?
junk said:
Or the so called "Apologists". Its a two way street and there are people driving on both sides.

Junk, that just ain't reality... reality is that a thread about Quincy not going to the Bucs has wound up on all three message boards I frequent, and in each and every case it has resulted in Quincy haters coming in to talk trash... this was the ONLY board to have even a few guys jump back in the face of the haters (well, your friendly local Bear MIGHT have laid down some return fire on those other boards, LOL)...

Nope, from where I sit it's real clear that it's the Quincy haters who won't give it a rest... I was as big a Quincy apologist as there was, and the day he left the team I felt no further need to pursue the subject (well, OK, a few days after he left the team)... he's gone, move on, nothing to see here...

Unless, of course, you're one sick, obsessed puppy... I'm gonna continue to wish the guy well, but if he can't get past his need to catch a buzz, I won't waste a tear of regret for him... the flophouses are full of guys who had their big chance, and screwed it up...

I just get a little tired of hearing the "Quincy is the AntiChrist BS" that the haters feel like spewing from time to time... it gets real old, real quick... and as far as I'm concerned, anybody who plays that stupid freaking game is a card-carrying MORON...

No names will be named, but if you're offended by that, then I'm probably talking about you... get a life, seriously...
LA=Pancakemaker said:
He did do coke too, everyone knows that, it seems you still have feelings for him....

Then you CAN produce some evidence of cocaine use?? Absent that, you have nothing of substance to offer to the debate... "everyone knows that" seems to translate to "all the Quincy haters really, really believe it"...

I d say your the one who wont let go.......does someone have any klennex?

Please tell me that English is your second language... and the next time, bring an interpreter, OK??

Take my advice, and stay well away from the "Quincy talks funny" jokes, because you don't WRITE so good... LOL...
silverbear said:
I'd say you do, too...

Bear, ever since the Hutch vs. Quincy debates, you've been a devout QC supporter. I thought they both sucked. Talk about letting go...sheesh!
I just read a report ON kffl , that gruden said he is interested in Carter . So I don't know what going on with Qc and the bucs.

I think with paul hackett there, the jets old offensive cord, Former teamates Wr Joey Galloway and anthony becht , as well as child hood hero doug williams being there , carter would be a nice fit in tampa.

Right now there starting qb is brian griese, and we all know about the problems he had in denver and miami in regards to drinking, and he seemed to have a nice year last season. I think Carter would make a good backup for the bucs.
I just read a report ON kffl , that gruden said he is interested in Carter . So I don't know what going on with Qc and the bucs.

I think with paul hackett there, the jets old offensive cord, Former teamates Wr Joey Galloway and anthony becht , as well as child hood hero doug williams being there , carter would be a nice fit in tampa.

Right now there starting qb is brian griese, and we all know about the problems he had in denver and miami in regards to drinking, and he seemed to have a nice year last season. I think Carter would make a good backup for the bucs.
An alchoholic and a dopehead at QB, yeah, that's a good start.
Hmmmm...hey, look what I found... Posting Guidelines....

2) Users are not allowed to attack or flame other users in forums unless it is specifically stated that it is allowed. This includes but is not limited to name calling and other obscene suggestions and insults

Maybe we want to consider taking some of the personal digs out of these responses?


I Really dont see anywhere in this article were gruden is directly qouted in not wanting Carter. Also I think the biggest reason Carter probably hasnt found a job is due to his Bi polar and failed drug test issues , not his performance.

In fact he posted a 98.1 rating last year which is pretty damn good , giving the fact he was in a entire new system and team.

I got to think he will get one last chance with a team somewhere as a backup , and if his issues come up again then he'll probably be done.
Let me say that I'm not a Q hater--I don't have strong feelings on him either way. I feel sorry for him; he obviously has some problems that are difficult demons to shake. You're correct, in a way. Teams can give his off-the-field issues as reasons for not wanting him. Reality, however, is that if he were a stronger performer on the field, he'd have an easier time finding a home. Hey, Moss can walk out on his team while a game is still going on--& he not only ends up with a new team but that team (a REALLY crappy one) gets the OPENING game on national tv against the Pats! Anyone think for a minute that the Raiders would be going against the Pats in the opener if Moss WEREN'T on the team? Likewise, Ricky Williams has serious drug issues, but if he wants back in the NFL you know some team will be more than happy to take him & hope (wrongly) that his issues won't reoccur. Why? In both cases, because they're superb players. Doesn't matter if they're black, white, green, blue, or purple. When they play (emphasis on "when"), they're among the best around. Q just isn't at that level. He could definitely be a good backup. Sadly, however, in his case he doesn't have enough proven ability on the field to make a team want to overlook his issues. Easier to pick up a Frerotte or a Warner or even an Akili Smith (who the Bucs do have). That being said, I hope nothing but the best for Q in his personal life. He seemed devoted to his child & his family, & I hope for all of their sakes that he gets help & has a happy life. And I can definitely empathize with Q & his family because I have a family member whose sis-in-law is battling her own emotional demons & sadly losing the battle.
2) Users are not allowed to attack or flame other users in forums unless it is specifically stated that it is allowed. This includes but is not limited to name calling and other obscene suggestions and insults

Maybe we want to consider taking some of the personal digs out of these responses?

I didn't start it, but I will finish it! Relax man - you sound like the dude who invented the horse collar tackle rule?
silverbear said:
"I'm so glad those days are behind us"...

Well, except for all you haters who keep flocking back to threads like this, spewing your venom... the guy's been gone for a year now, and some of you just can't let it go...

I gotta tell you the truth, that strikes me as pretty sick... then again, much of the Quincy hatred always struck me as pretty sick...

Incidentally, NOTHING was proven that you haters thought you knew... Quincy actually played really, really well last year... what happened was something none of you haters accurately forecast, what happened was he turned out to be a druggie...

So you're claiming vindication where none exists... none of you were "proven right", unless you can point me to your posts discussing his marijuana problem, and analyzing how that would impact his NFL career...

And yeah, I'd say you qualify as a "hater", if you're still rippin' the guy a new anal orifice a year after he left Dallas... that sounds like downright irrational hatred to me... and that goes for most every one of his critics flocking in here to rail at the evil that is Quincy...

Give it a rest, for God's sake... seek out a mental health professional, and together see if you can beat your obsession...

Personally, it would suit me just fine if I never had to read the words "Quincy Carter" on any Cowboys message board ever again, but you haters aren't about to let that happen, are you??

Best post today
LA=Pancakemaker said:
I didn't start it, but I will finish it! Relax man - you sound like the dude who invented the horse collar tackle rule?

Uh, I'm not the one who is coming across as not being relaxed here....but thank you for your concern over my state of mind.


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