Budweiser Hot Seat -- Skip Bayless

Who cares about Skip!??! The guy has doesn't have any real background to even the know the basics about football.

No surprise about Skip, I was suprised about Golic though, he is pretty good in my opinion, he said Romo's only job is to get the ball to his playmakers.

I guess he forgot the part about eluding two blitzers while keeping your eyes upfield while being dragged to the ground by another linebacker and finding one of your playmakers for an 18 yard gain on 3rd and 10.

Yes, Romo is a game manager.
tecolote;1686120 said:
No surprise about Skip, I was suprised about Golic though, he is pretty good in my opinion, he said Romo's only job is to get the ball to his playmakers.

I guess he forgot the part about eluding two blitzers while keeping your eyes upfield while being dragged to the ground by another linebacker and finding one of your playmakers for an 18 yard gain on 3rd and 10.

Yes, Romo is a game manager.

He is a manager, he manages to avoid pass rushers, he manages to get the ball down the field to his targets and he manages to put points on the board. :lmao2:
It is funny how two Eagle homers such as Jaws and Golic can admit that Romo and this Dallas team is for real. Yet, Skippy keeps pushing his nonsense in hopes he is right. I have not seen too many journalists that share Skippy's thoughts after 4 weeks of the season.

I think we should email the hell out of him. We should ask this knuckle head to put his job on the line to back his comments. ESPN should fire this tool for even spewing such garbage. We could beat the Pats 40-0 and he still will not see the light.
again Moderators, can we at least have a Skip Bayless Sticky Hate Thread or section??? Ding-a-ling posters seem to continue watching and listening to him.

I can say I forgot how many YEARS its been since I've seen him. Don't even think I've accidently seen or heard him either. Hell it may have been since the mid 90's!
For all of you bashing Golic on this interview, your wrong. He said that Romo only has to be a game manager and that he doesn't have to be a terrific player but he is playing terrific anyways. He pointed out all the touchdowns with a minimum of interceptions. Actually it's the first time I can remember him giving us some love. Skip, on the other hand, is a tool, and not a very useful one at that. :mad:
Skip realizes that there is a HUGE Cowboy following in America. The way you become relevant to a following like that is not to PRAISE the team and its players but to CRITICIZE the team and its players.

Ask yourself this question: What generates more attention, even from this board: commentators who praise the Cowboys or those who criticize the Cowboys.

Skip is a smart man, marketing-wise, because he has made himself one of the most visible sports commentators based on his relationship with the Cowboys, and he keeps it alive by bashing the team.

If Bayless was a "Yes" man and a homer, few would pay him much attention. He's a brazen critic of the Cowboys and look what it gets him, a multi-paged thread criticizing him.

Brilliant. ;)

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