Buy into us in 2024, will you?

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I feel like I still need a true 'shake it up' type of move to really buy into 2024. This team with another year of drafting, adding a couple bargain bin FAs to replace guys lost really wont do it for me. Don't get me wrong, Ill still watch and post and experience the ups and downs, but I'm not nearly as invested as I once was nor will those ups and downs be as high/low as they once were. That's pretty similar to how I felt going into this season....excited because I love the game and the Cowboys, but the wins don't get me as high as they used to and I've become more numb to the losses.
For me, I can tell before the game that the Cowboys will win or lose. I hate that.


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I have never been more confident that a season will end in disappointment than where we sit headed into 2024

Roster/talent issues
Chemistry/culture issues
Systemic dysfunction
Lame duck HC
Cap issues

And on top of all that:

Playing a1st place schedule

All of that to say, I am 99.9% sure this year ends really, really poorly. Which probably means they go deep in the playoffs lol

Disappointment means that I'd be expecting something good. I'd be surprised if we win 5 games with the schedule next year and the holes we have.


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What am I being sold that I'm supposed to buy? That with the QB and the coach we have we could win 12 games and win the division? I'd buy that, because I've seen it happen.

But are you trying to sell me that they're contenders and will make it to at least the NFC Championship or Super Bowl? No I will not buy that.


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Words that came from our head coach last week, are you going to buy in as the coach said, or will buy in when you see better results?? Better results=consistent play/deeper playoff run.......Please give your thoughts!
What does buy in even mean? It's a useless platitude


Well-Known Member
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Words that came from our head coach last week, are you going to buy in as the coach said, or will buy in when you see better results?? Better results=consistent play/deeper playoff run.......Please give your thoughts!
I have to see what moves they make


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By the time training camp and the regular season rolls around the chest pounders will be back in full force making their usual bold “we’re going to destroy them” predictions. It happens every season and it will never stop no matter how many times the fans get burned. The wounds from the playoff debacle are still fresh but every new season brings hope for some. A few wins and fans will start getting pulled back in, once again believing this could be the year. I stopped buying into the team after the 2007 playoff loss to the Giants. I haven’t trusted the team since and won’t until they prove themselves in the playoffs. I don’t care if we win 15 regular season games I’m not getting sucked in.
:laugh: :muttley::lmao: