Hoofbite;3683953 said:
I think they do.
They had a poll about the quick scoping topic a few weeks ago and basically said they wanted opinions on it.
I've seen people involved in the game ask for opinions on their message board on a couple of occasions.
To be honest, MW2 was my first COD game and IW really left a bad taste in my mouth with some of the garbage they let fly. I bet you could still go to their leader boards and find thousands upon thousands of blatant cheaters.
Here's to hoping Black Ops is better.
It's better than MW2 (My first CoD or multiplayer FPS as well - and my favorite game until now), if you ask me.
There are a few things I don't like, which will happen with every game, but the fact that they seemingly have taken out all the really stupid things from MW2 is awesome.
No more people running around with one man army, or scavenger, and noob-tubing people the whole game as their primary weapon.
No more lightweight, marathon, comando pro morons running around, running through loads of bullets and claymores, to knife folks.
No more stupid quick scoping for the idiots who want to run and gun, but suck at if they can't use a one shot one kill weapon.
No more danger close making those explosions from grenades and tubes ridiculous.
Absolutely, completely, and totally a better experience, online, than MW2 has ever been, IMO.
And I still love MW2. I just don't miss all those stupid little game styles that people used cause they couldn't really play worth a crap.
I personally like the maps much more on Black Ops as well, for the most part. Now there are still some MW2 maps that I just loved way more than anything on Black Ops, but over all I like the selection on Ops better. There are no maps, thus far anyway, on Ops that I just absolutely loath the way I do Derail and Wasteland on MW2.
The only one I currently can't stand, and it has nothing to do with the map itself, is Nuke Town.
The only reasons I don't like it are because the respawn, till they patch this problem, is awful on that map. Nothing sucks more than having the ENTIRE enemy team suddenly spawn 2 feet BEHIND you. That's just awful.
That and the fact that cause it's such a small map, and games are so quick and intense, I've found that we often get stuck playing this map 4-8 times, in a row, once it comes up.
I don't like playing any map, on any game, that many consecutive times.
Beyond that...where were all my Cowboyszone brethern last night? I was on from 9pm last night till nearly 4 this morning, waiting to play with anyone and everyone, and no one showed up that I saw.
The only person I've played Black Ops with, from here, so far is Chet Bigguns and we played MW2 all the time too.
We've got to start getting folks together and having some fun. I guess that will be easier once their first patch comes out and they fix the problem of it being nearly impossible to get into a game when you're part gets to 4-6 people. A party with 3 or less is pretty easy to get into games but once you get that 4th person it is hard as heck to get into a darn game.