Call of Duty: Black Ops Countdown Thread

And I certainly understand the frustration on having issues getting into a match with a large party.

My friends and I have found that if your party is 3 or less people it's pretty simple to get in. The magic number, for it to be difficult, seems to be when you hit 4. Any part of 4 or more seems to be an issue.

I was on the forums earlier tonight, and went to the BO forums, and a guy on there said they have gotten around that problem by doing this method. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, so I dont know if it works, but here it is none the less.

#1: Invite your friends to a chat first.

#2: Then invite friends to a party

#3: Then invite friends to a game

The guy said when they do it like this, in three seperate steps, that it's completely cleared up any issues they've had getting into games together. Even with a group of 5 or 6.

Maybe that will work for you folks as well. I'll try it tonight to find out for myself. I dont get off till midnight though so I wont be on till after that.
Dude, I've been noticing we are on at the same time alot, I'm only in Team Deathmatch, but haven't ventured into the other gametypes. Anyways, I'm always down for teaming up in deathmatch or whatever. Depending on the map worst case scenario I brake even ratiowise. Then I have games where I get 20 kills and 6 deaths mixed in. I definitely don't miss the infinite grenade launchers/claymores and ranger akimbos!
joshjwc9;3694046 said:
Dude, I've been noticing we are on at the same time alot, I'm only in Team Deathmatch, but haven't ventured into the other gametypes. Anyways, I'm always down for teaming up in deathmatch or whatever. Depending on the map worst case scenario I brake even ratiowise. Then I have games where I get 20 kills and 6 deaths mixed in. I definitely don't miss the infinite grenade launchers/claymores and ranger akimbos!

Yeah I've seen you on. I just havent invited cause I always hate to be the first to do that and bother folks. I'll add you in the next time we're both on though. We pretty much only play TDM as well.
Been playing the hell out of this game.

Pretty good time.

Can't wait until next weekend to get some more time in on it.
Motorbreath;3693856 said:
Great review!

Whoa, whoa! I agree it's a pretty good game, but best of all time? Not even close. Q3 Arena, Unreal Tournament '99, TeamFortress...they all whip any iteration of COD, including BlackOps. Don't get me wrong: I like the game. They've polished the multiplayer up pretty nicely from MW2 and the maps are a ball, but it still feels like the same game we've been playing for years.

You're pretty young though, so I can excuse you for thinking this is the king shooter. Even so, I'd still let the game mature a bit (beyond the 5 days it's been out) before I'd call it the best.

I guess I'm just old(er) school and a PC snob who still hates console shooters (but plays them anyway), so my opinion probably sucks.
They released Black Ops knowing there were a lot off issues that had to be fixed. I'm telling you, game makers these days have no ethics. They had huge patches already lined up when the game was released.

That said, my son loves it. He is really good too. He almost always has a 3 or 4-1 kill ratio or better. It just doesn't work for me, the whole console fps sucks horribly because it's way to slow to aim.
nyc;3698924 said:
They released Black Ops knowing there were a lot off issues that had to be fixed. I'm telling you, game makers these days have no ethics. They had huge patches already lined up when the game was released.

That said, my son loves it. He is really good too. He almost always has a 3 or 4-1 kill ratio or better. It just doesn't work for me, the whole console fps sucks horribly because it's way to slow to aim.

Or maybe you're just not quick enough on the reflexes to aim quickly enough? ;)

Just kidding.

I often find that it seems like other people are aiming a heck of a lot quicker than I am but I have a blast with the game. I've enjoyed every single minute of time I've played it this week that it's been out and i've already put a TON of hours into the online play.

I have yet to even load up the campaign part of the game. lol
BraveHeartFan;3699749 said:
Or maybe you're just not quick enough on the reflexes to aim quickly enough? ;)

Just kidding.

I often find that it seems like other people are aiming a heck of a lot quicker than I am but I have a blast with the game. I've enjoyed every single minute of time I've played it this week that it's been out and i've already put a TON of hours into the online play.

I have yet to even load up the campaign part of the game. lol
Actually, reflex requirements are less on the console compared to the PC. The PC aiming with a mouse is so much faster than the console. I admit, I don't give the console enough time to get any good at it since I despise it so much and only play FPS on the PC.

As for my reflex speed. It isn't what it used to be. Back in my mid 20s, I used to dominate when playing Quake2, Quake3, etc. Today, not so much. The younger guys are a few milliseconds faster than I am today when I'm playing BFBC2, etc. I still win a few matches, but I don't dominate like I used too. My 10 year old son, almost always has the best kill death ratio of the match on CoD when he plays. (MW2/BlackOps) Even his older bothers who are 20 and 21 who play as much as he does get their tails kicked by him.
nyc;3699818 said:
Actually, reflex requirements are less on the console compared to the PC. The PC aiming with a mouse is so much faster than the console. I admit, I don't give the console enough time to get any good at it since I despise it so much and only play FPS on the PC.

As for my reflex speed. It isn't what it used to be. Back in my mid 20s, I used to dominate when playing Quake2, Quake3, etc. Today, not so much. The younger guys are a few milliseconds faster than I am today when I'm playing BFBC2, etc. I still win a few matches, but I don't dominate like I used too. My 10 year old son, almost always has the best kill death ratio of the match on CoD when he plays. (MW2/BlackOps) Even his older bothers who are 20 and 21 who play as much as he does get their tails kicked by him.


I know the feeling. I rarely have the best match. Now and again. But I'm generally positive, which is what matters to me as far as my personal stats go, and that I didn't hurt my team in their chances to win. As long as I don't go negative then I generally feel good that I didn't hurt my team, even if they lose.

My reflexes are certainly slower than some of the younger folks who play. I've never played an FPS on a PC so I really don't have any way to compare the two. I can honestly say I can't imagine I'd like the PC version as much though because I'd hate to have to use the mouse for that sort of stuff.
63echo;3698873 said:
Whoa, whoa! I agree it's a pretty good game, but best of all time? Not even close. Q3 Arena, Unreal Tournament '99, TeamFortress...they all whip any iteration of COD, including BlackOps. Don't get me wrong: I like the game. They've polished the multiplayer up pretty nicely from MW2 and the maps are a ball, but it still feels like the same game we've been playing for years.

You're pretty young though, so I can excuse you for thinking this is the king shooter. Even so, I'd still let the game mature a bit (beyond the 5 days it's been out) before I'd call it the best.

I guess I'm just old(er) school and a PC snob who still hates console shooters (but plays them anyway), so my opinion probably sucks.
lol I was just going to say that you have to excuse me for being young. I have to say that this is the best shooter I have ever played in my life.
Motorbreath;3700539 said:
lol I was just going to say that you have to excuse me for being young. I have to say that this is the best shooter I have ever played in my life.

Heh. Just giving you a hard time because that's what I'm expected to do as a old and crusty PC snob ;) .

But after giving it a solid 6 hours today, I am definitely seeing your point of view. Great game!
63echo;3700595 said:
Heh. Just giving you a hard time because that's what I'm expected to do as a old and crusty PC snob ;) .

But after giving it a solid 6 hours today, I am definitely seeing your point of view. Great game!

Counter-Strike, Rouge Spear, and UT2k4 are the best shooters to ever hit the PC ;)
I finally played Black Ops on PS3 tonight. First game I was 2-4 second game I was 3-17. Had to shut it off after that. That was embarrassing! Of course my son plays next and finishes 23-3. :bang2:
nyc;3701236 said:
I finally played Black Ops on PS3 tonight. First game I was 2-4 second game I was 3-17. Had to shut it off after that. That was embarrassing! Of course my son plays next and finishes 23-3. :bang2:

It's always like that for me with online shooters....even if I've played recently. It only takes like four or five days for me to completely loose the feel you need.

Takes an hour or two to get back.....I get really good after that....until I've played well into the wee hours of the morning and I've lost grip of reality, my eyes are crossed, and I refuse to go out on a bad game..... that point I've usually waken the kids with a f-bomb or two, and my fiance' is mad as hell.

I don't get to play much anymore. :eek::
Hey fellas, quick question and thanks in advance: Do you have to regsiter somewhere before you can play MW2 and/or Black Ops on line or can you just connect your PS3/XBOX to the internet and start playing (without a profile)?

I bought both MW2 and Black Ops but never played them on-line before, mainly because the Spec Ops missions on MW2 were pretty fun; a little dissappointed they don't have something similar for Black Ops.
******iann;3701137 said:
Counter-Strike, Rouge Spear, and UT2k4 are the best shooters to ever hit the PC ;)

Oh man, UT2K4 is by far my favorite shooter ever (though 2K3 instagib was tons of fun, too)! I put many, many, MANY hours into Onslaught and would STILL play it if there were any servers around for it.

What a great game...

Dodger12;3703065 said:
Hey fellas, quick question and thanks in advance: Do you have to regsiter somewhere before you can play MW2 and/or Black Ops on line or can you just connect your PS3/XBOX to the internet and start playing (without a profile)?

I bought both MW2 and Black Ops but never played them on-line before, mainly because the Spec Ops missions on MW2 were pretty fun; a little dissappointed they don't have something similar for Black Ops.

You have to have a gamertag.

PS3 you can just register for free.

XBOX Live costs a few bucks.
Dodger12;3703065 said:
Hey fellas, quick question and thanks in advance: Do you have to regsiter somewhere before you can play MW2 and/or Black Ops on line or can you just connect your PS3/XBOX to the internet and start playing (without a profile)?

I bought both MW2 and Black Ops but never played them on-line before, mainly because the Spec Ops missions on MW2 were pretty fun; a little dissappointed they don't have something similar for Black Ops.

You'll sign up for a free gamertag but that's it.
i have been playing black ops for 21 hours (nerd, I know, lol) and am only level 45. i see people at 2nd prestige with 1 day 20 hours done. what the heck am I doing wrong that is leveling up so slow??

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